The content of the telegram sent by Zhang Xiaosong was more detailed. Su Lu suddenly crossed the boundary with a total of 20,000 cavalry, not attacking the city, but specifically hunting beasts.

I want to attack small villages, villages of thousands of herders while it is snowing.

As a result, the village turned into a small town, and Su Lu was found far away, so he quickly lit the wolf smoke and sent a telegram.

Dashicheng and other places immediately dispatched troops, and Su Lu stared at the disguised scout over there and found that the situation was not good, so he hurried back to report the letter first.

As a result, Su Lu ran away, he should be wondering, can he see the snowy Sirius smoke?

No matter what, the scout guarding the next place where the wolf smoke can be released came back and reported that there was no wolf smoke there.

The 20,000 cavalrymen did not hit a single person, and all their prey was thrown away, otherwise they were afraid that they would not be able to chase the soldiers.

As a result, on the way back, accompanied by rumblings and shouts of killing, they left more than 3,000 talents to escape.

He walked back and met Zhang Xiaosong, who had come back from Tubo and wanted to visit him.

Zhang Xiaosong's team also took a look at the game and contacted Dashicheng and other teams after receiving the telegram.

After knowing that Sulu was running here, the explosive bag buried in advance caught Sulu by surprise.

Turning his head, he sent a telegram to the court, asking if he could fight, and if he did, he could organize the manpower.

Bi Gou, Su Ting and others are analyzing Su Lu's purpose. It is snowing and the road is not easy. What benefits can they get?

"Xu's life is not easy, so I went to Datang to find food." Su Ting couldn't think of other reasons.

"He has nothing to do with no beasts, why bother to stay close and farther? Want to come is a temptation to see if the forces in Datang are empty."

Song Jing analyzed that sometimes the initiative to attack may be because of fear.

"Isn't it better to use scouts, why 20,000 cavalry?" Zhang Jiuling shook his head.

"What about Xiao Yi?" Bi Gou saw that others had said everything he could say, and he had no other ideas, so he asked where the key person was.

"Here." Li Yi pushed the little robot in. Judging from his face, he was not very happy.

"We won the battle, we were killed more than 400, captured more than 2,700, and scared horses."

Bi Gou can only think about the good side, and Su Lu came here and suffered a lot.

More than 3,000 people are not a small number. The relationship between Baiyi Dashi and Sulu is a mutual use. Once Sulu's strength becomes weaker, Baiyi Dashi will fight as soon as possible.

"It's normal to win, but it's not normal for Sulu to come here. What does he want to do? Tubo is stable and won't benefit him anymore.

Datang used to pay him only salaries and also stopped, as well as military resources.

The part of Tuqishi he led should be...Huh? Could it be that something went wrong inside them, he wanted a victory to consolidate his own dominance? "

Li Yi thought of a possibility, there is no undercover, so he can only rely on guessing.

"Brother Yi, Zhang Xiaosong is asking for a fight." Li Longji considered the current problem, can he fight?

"Going back to rest, the soldiers have done meritorious service, and some have not returned home for a long time, and the relatives at home miss them."

Li Yi waved his hand and didn't fight. It was cold and tired to go there in the winter.

He touched the head of the little robot: "Tell Zhang Xiaosong, if you don't do it this year, you will send two steam generators to see if it is easy to use.

After the Yellow River freezes, walk from the ice, keep going north and then west from there.

The local cotton will continue to be planted, and next year we will see if we can send them oily sunflowers.

In addition, a large number of beets are grown. We extract granulated sugar, which can also be made into rock sugar, which takes a little effort.

In the future, Datang's demand for edible oil and sugar will greatly increase, including preserved fruits and edible watermelon seeds. "

As Li Yi said, the little robot sent out reports in a rhythm, not fast, and the receivers were too busy.


"The telegraph machine is so powerful, how did Li Yi come up with it?"

Zhang Xiaosong, who won the battle on the other side, carefully touched the telegraph, baby!

With this thing, you can run when you say you run, and you can fight an ambush when you say an ambush.

Hundreds of thousands of miles apart, they can be contacted in an instant.

Yu Lin Feiqi was receiving the signal, writing down the number, and the person next to him translated it.

The soldiers led by Zhang Xiaosong are bandaging, stitching, and disinfecting the wounded by Tuqi.

Those who are dead are buried in pits, and those who are alive belong to the labor force.

The snow in the sky was falling, and the people in the "village" came out to help.

All the weapons and clothes on the body of the dead Tuqishi.

Winter boots, leather jackets, and hats are all good things.

After cleaning, add some nitrate. In fact, the pH balance is broken, and then salt is precipitated.

If the quantity is small, there is no good way. If the quantity is large, deal with it together, and it will be the same as the new one.

As for the unlucky things about dead people, there is no such saying here at the moment, just use it!

There are dead horses, horse meat can be eaten, horses are even more good things.

This score is given to the soldiers, and the local people help clean up.

At first saw a large number of cavalry gradually appear in the wind and snow, they were frightened, afraid that they could not keep it.

Ignite the wolf smoke as a psychological comfort, in fact, everyone knows that I can't see it elsewhere.

Feiqi, who came over, said a telegram, ticking.

The main forces in various places began to gather and rush here.

They are all ready with water, and the frozen ones are melted and not boiled.

If Sulu led someone to attack the city, he would water it down, mix it with snow, and walk strenuously.

Persevere until the snow stops, then it freezes, come on, siege the city!

We were not going to go out, so we stayed in the city and waited for the large troops to arrive before trying to de-icing.

Then Yu Lin Feiqi said that Zhang Xiaosong was not far away and could support him at any time, and Su Lu might run when other large troops came.

Sure enough, Sulu's army ran away and was ambushed by God of War on the way.

"Dongzhu Li couldn't justify fighting, so he quickly took the soldiers home.

Sulu should not dare to come again, seeing you, he is not convinced, his people are afraid.

Dongzhu Li also said that he would send two steam engines to make it look good or not, mainly for drilling wells.

It's very costly, and we don't need farmland. Our horses can be used for farming if we put them on them. "

Jia Guichang, the person in charge of Yulin Feiqi, translated the content of the telegram to Zhang Xiaosong and told him not to call.

Go home and rest, see where water is needed, and drill a well if there is no river next to it.

It is also good to borrow soil, easy to use, digging hurdles, and having a steam engine can save a lot of effort.

"I want to learn about telegraph. Give me some telegraph machines. I will hold them for great use."

Zhang Xiaosong didn't oppose Li Yi's arrangement, so he won't fight if he doesn't fight.

Sending troops now can make Sulu lose even more, chasing and fighting.

But the own person is also in danger. In case of a sudden heavy snowfall, the own team runs to someone else’s place and gets trapped, maybe...

"I will contact Li Dongzhu." Jia Guitang nodded, he is not good at making a decision, he must ask, even if Zhang Xiaosong's official position is high.

Some of the other people who packed their things came up and stood there listening, listening to the movement of the telegram, which was pleasing to the ear.

This thing represents stability, and with it, the news is spread quickly.

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