Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2004 Internal discord deep calculation (first more)

"Yellow? Black? Are there conflicts between each other because of the failure of the war against Datang?"

Li Yi returned to his own place, eating small skewers and drinking beer.

If there is no city, nor the local cold winter, 20,000 cavalry can indeed cause harm to the nomadic tribes there.

Generally, they will kill some defenders, and others will be taken as slaves by looting.

In the case of a city, the cavalry does not carry a siege tool, how can one climb up in a snowy day?

Li Yi tried hard to think of himself as Sulu, what troubles and thoughts would there be in Sulu's position.

Li Yi couldn't figure it out. In history, Sulu joined forces with Baiyi Dashi and Tubo to attack Datang and was beaten back.

Then there is no problem! Sulu's position remains firm.

Later, she married the princesses of Tubo, Da Shi, and Datang, just like Li Longji.

However, the Datang princess that Sulu married was Ashina's surname, who was the one who beat Sulu as Ashinaxian, but not his daughter.

Theoretically, Sulu should continue to live a good life. What's the scare of the big winter? Crazy and fierce, what if you get lost and can't go home?

In history, you are not in a hurry to lose. Are you troubled now?

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan accompany Li Yi, listening to Li Yi muttering there.

There are also a group of women's special operations team and burly bodyguards around.

Princess Yongmu is responsible for grilling the skewers. She grills a large number of small skewers.

Bake a large handful, and Xiao Lan will share it with the guards.

Without Princess Yongmu here, Xiaolan would greet the guards to come and eat.

She owns a high status, so she doesn't need to send it in person.

With Princess Yongmu here, her status is low, and she said that she was rewarded by Princess Yongmu as a gift.

"Li Lang, when will pepper be promoted? The more you plant, the more you are stuck with the price."

Princess Yongmu grabbed the chili noodles and sprinkled them on the skewers on the grill, which used to be dipped in them.

At first, Li Yi had exchanged it, and it was uncomfortable and delicious.

Now Princess Yongmu started to waste and sprinkled directly on top.

She knows how many peppers there are, and there are several kinds of them.

"You can't die if you don't eat chili peppers, and the medicinal chili peppers are very cheap, basically for nothing, three dollars a pound of chili noodles, very spicy, a pound of medicine is enough for a long time.

In terms of business, once you lower the price, the people who bought it before will not only be unhappy, but will feel at a loss instead.

Like Wen Tianlan Xiangge, what people buy is just things? It's you and me. "

Li Yi still didn't let go of the pepper seeds, but let go of the carrots, because carrots are good for people's health.

People of any age group can eat carrots as long as they don't have special diseases and derive the nutrients they need from the seeds.

Especially children, babies, just teething.

Babies need to grind their teeth and try to bite things, including small hands grasping things, such as scratching the face of an adult, which hurts.

Then bite one's finger, need to grasp and bite again and again to adapt to own power and perception.

At this time, cut a carrot stick and let the baby grab it, which is the most suitable.

Bite it, it won't cause any problems, it's really crushed, then eat it, it's not poisonous.

So after making a profit, Li Yi released the carrots to people who were willing to grow them.

Including Henan Province, where you can plant seeds.

Unlike scallions, scallions are kept for two years in the north, so they are not afraid of the cold.

Carrots can't survive the snowy winter, green onions and wheat live stubbornly, and carrots are frozen to death!

The chilli noodles are reserved for medicinal purposes, and the others are still expensive.

Pharmacies and medical clinics don't dare to sell chili noodles casually, they buy cheaply from Lijiazhuang.

Just like arsenic, just sell it at a drug store? Try it and you will know if it works.

"Li Lang, it's just that some people are used to some situations, and they don't adapt to sudden changes, right?"

Princess Yongmu grilled a large amount of skewers and put them on the plate to be served to the guard.

"Give it to me, give it to me, put it on my head, I opened the top of the round head and it became flat."

The little robot has been motionless and silent just now, like a decoration, but as soon as Princess Yongmu moved, it reacted.

Princess Yongmu put the things up, took a bunch of them and bit down a bit and chewed slowly.

"Li Lang, when I was in the palace, I always heard that someone's treatment had been cancelled, including the one I was in.

When there is treatment, it will be better. The treatment will be cancelled. I'm afraid!

It's not just me that is scared, but other people are also scared. Xiaolan is scared herself, but she always tells me not to be scared. "

Princess Yongmu said to look at Xiao Lan, where Xiao Lan was chatting with people.

She has to control a lot of people, when she should play tricks.

Li Yi looked at Princess Yongmu. He picked up the wine glass and took a big sip from the big draft beer.

"Oh~~! Sulu lacks the things provided by the Tang Dynasty. It is difficult in winter, and Tubo can't give it. What will the big food give?"

Li Yi sighed that Princess Yongmu was so powerful that she actually thought of this aspect.

Su Lu was appointed by Da Shi, Tubo, and Datang. If he had an official position, he had not only his own salary, but also the military salary of the corresponding ranks.

He suddenly understood that Sulu was actually not as simple as losing a war in history.

Sulu lost in history, and went back to continue to enjoy the benefits given in three aspects.

Now that Datang won’t give it to you, I’m not afraid that you will make trouble. Why should I do it for you?

Tubo won’t give it to me anymore. I’m like this. I’ll give you benefits. Why am I? If you have the ability to hit me, my source of the Yellow River is lost. If you hit me, you are hitting Datang.

So how does Sulu live in winter if something is missing? The key point is that he was beaten again by Zhang Xiaosong and suffered heavy losses.

There may not be many dead people, so why are the grains burned?

There are so many people to raise, and if one is not careful, the surnames of Huang and He may be different and fight each other.

Like in history, Su Lu was finally killed by someone with the surname Huang.

So in the case of possible internal problems, Sulu led troops out to fight, and wanted to use a small victory to stabilize the military's mind, and there was nothing wrong with it.


"Send a report and ask Zhang Xiaosong, which surname is Tuqishi's surname for the hundreds of people who fell four and the more than 2,000 who were captured?"

Li Yi thought, and found the problem, he thought of Yang Guang playing Goguryeo. At that time, many people were sent out, and those people actually belonged to major families.

That death, the big family wanted to pit Yang Guang, and Yang Guang sent their people to death.

Then the big family cleaned up Yang Guang, including Li Yuan, he was, but he was not the largest family back then.

Where is the biggest family? Hit Goguryeo...

So now Su Lu is using troops against Datang. Was it his black tribe who was killed and captured, or was it someone else's Huang tribe? The doorway inside is deep.

The little robot quickly sent the telegram over and said to Li Yi: "Fighting in the same room, why bother!"

"Yes! Southern Anhui!" Li Yi followed, he knew that the little robot was not talking about the seven-step poem, but the one written by Lao Zhou.

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