Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2012 Re-survival where the resources are (third more)

"Fan Fan, send a report to the proprietor. There are more than 4,000 slaves, plus other people who are willing to go with us. I estimate that there will be more than 10,000 people when I return. How to arrange the beach?"

Li Enbei took a bunch of sugar Calabash to find Fan Fan, and he distributed it along the way.

He gives it to some children about one year old. The children are small, and it is not bad for a sugar Calabash. Children can't eat them, but their mothers can eat them.

Children just lick, human instinct, children naturally like to eat sweets.

The absorption of food is mostly done by the conversion of sugar.

Eating other things turns into sugar, does sugar itself come quickly?

Without sugar, the fastest protein intake is milk.

As a result, during the Li Yi period, some people touted milk, goat's milk, camel milk, and even human milk.

This refers to the early stage. Lions and tigers also drink milk at first, mammals, but do they still drink afterwards?

Fan Fan is making soup for the children, boar bones and pheasant soup.

The skewers are small fish and shrimp, plus bean curd.

Before making tofu, Fan Fan unkindly picked the tofu skin once while cooking the milk.

He was really not embarrassed to make the soy milk thicker and pick out the yuba, but there was a thousand sheets of dried tofu made with soy milk and gauze when making tofu.

I didn’t want dried tofu. The ingredients are used for tofu.

The process of processing beans is like this, just like dough.

Pick yuba, tofu skin, bean curd, pressed tofu, dried tofu, and then pressed tofu.

There are also bean dregs and small tofu in this process.

The soaking, grinding and boiling of soy beans is called soy milk, and the soaking, grinding and fermentation of mung beans is called soy juice.

If the mung beans are not fermented and have a higher concentration, they are deliberately used to spread the pancake fruit of mung bean noodles.

If the concentration continues to increase, let's steam mung bean cake and eat it!

Chinese cuisine is just like that. Looking at the cuisine from an inch by one inch, you can see the rareness in the slightest.

The children gathered around, just smelling the soup and it smelled good.

With the arrival of the Datang Trading Team, the entire Bohai City has become different.

This is a grand trade time, everyone can participate.

When Brayluo found Fan Fan to rest, he brought a small basket of tussah cocoons to the front: "Eat this and drink?"

"Do you like to eat?" Fan Fan asked, looking at the yellow silkworm cocoons.

"It used to be inconvenient to eat. It was too watery to eat when cooked, and it was too dry to eat when roasted.

Later, it was written in the newspaper that it is best to stir dry, or use a little less oil in the wine, and fry slowly in a pan.

When we first saw the newspaper, there were few pots and iron deficiency.

Now there is not much iron, and it is said that Dongzhu Li knows the mineral deposits in the world, and everyone still complains that we are not written here in the newspaper. "

Brailo took out a knife to cut the cocoon, there was a pupa in it, and the colder the sky, the pupa was unwilling to move.

When the spring of the following year arrives, the cocoons will break and moths with wings will appear inside.

What this moth can eat, the most conventional way to eat it is to put the moth on the fire and roast it, and then plug it into the mouth. You can't open your mouth, otherwise the moth's juice will spurt out.

When Li Yi was a child, one of ten people could eat this way. The tussah moth from the northeast grabbed something and roasted by himself, with the moth moving in the palm of his hand.

When I waited for Li Yida, one in a hundred people was awesome.

Li Yigan, he has been wild since he was a child. As long as he tells him that this food can be eaten, it is like knowing the monkey! What are you afraid of?

What everyone is afraid of is that the species is not easy to distinguish. Silkworm moths are okay, bean hawk moths are okay, and frost hawk moths can't.

Fan Fan squeezed it up, "You changed it? No need. The proprietor actually doesn't care about such appetite."

"I picked it up and hung on the tree. The color is similar to snow. It keeps warm, and some of the bugs inside can survive."

Brailo is wronged, what am I doing in exchange for it? I don't need anything, I only need to bring the tribe to arrive in Datang alive.

"This is the importance of resource utilization, sales channels and logistics.

Seeing that some of the things around me are worthless, but they can sell high prices elsewhere.

Whoever masters this channel will be able to curb both sales and purchases. "

Fan Fan nodded the silkworm chrysalis with his finger. The silkworm chrysalis was in a dormant state before, but now it was awakened. The head, or tail, turned back and forth.

Brailo had no interest in silkworm chrysalis. He asked Fan Fan, "Does Dongzhu Li like to eat?"

"The proprietor can eat anything. The proprietor doesn't like to eat things in the Northeast, the proprietor likes the land in the Northeast." Fan Fan told Blailo bluntly.

"The proprietor is eating now?" Brairo understood, and wanted to inquire about the life details there.

"God knows! It's like you asked me if there will be heavy snow tomorrow." Fan Fan thought about it and wanted to give such an answer.


"Will it snow tomorrow?" Su Ting asked Li Yi at noon in Luoyang.

"From the current situation, it shouldn't be. Humidity and temperature are not enough, but if a sudden warm and humid air arrives, it will be different."

Li Yi replied that he was actually very embarrassed. He did not have a satellite cloud image, so he could only analyze it through another system.

Generally speaking, when the humidity increases and the air pressure is low, precipitation will occur in such weather.

This is the data analysis on the ground, and the satellite has its own infrared and the circulation of clouds and wind direction.

Put it this way, no one can predict the future absolutely, even at that time.

All the weather was normal, and then the geomagnetic reaction changed.

Clouds begin to converge. Computers analyze data based on data. If you don’t enter key data models, it will not be able to give the answer alone.

According to data feedback, many earthquakes occur in the middle of the night or early morning, and then earthquake clouds appear.

Why must the probability of an earthquake occur at night or in the early morning? This is a scientific problem.

"I mean, if there is hail, what can you do?" Su Ting asked directly.

"Just let it go. It's fine if you don't get hit. I have a way to stop the hail, but the price is too bad and it's not worth it."

Li Yi is more relaxed about this kind of problem. There are several types of rockets for hail prevention, including rainfall.

But it's not worth it, and the life-spent life cannot be compensated by the income from that little field.

"Xiao Yi, the hunter meeting will be held tomorrow, won't you participate?" Song Jing asked suddenly at this time.

"Participate! Not only me, but also your majesty. This hunter meeting is actually a fusion of official and civil.

Systematization, organization, scale, and institutionalization include a lot of things.

Once the government comes forward, it will indicate whether the supplies of the surrounding hunter’s huts and the court’s policies support the issue of reaching there. "

Li Yi knew the situation, and he was definitely not only facing the school children of Luoyang Palace.

When it comes to the people's livelihood at the bottom level, Orion is going up the mountain. There is no snow in Luoyang. Orion is already preparing in advance.

The local hunters think differently from ordinary people, they are survival.

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