Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2033 Rich Mineral Farming (First)

Zhao Chenlu didn't return to the prefecture, but stayed here, working a stone's throw away.

Yamen's yamen are responsible for protection and prevent others from approaching.

The young boy of Fang Ao's family stared at him with a sword in his hand.

They are afraid that if the gods make a negligence and are attacked and injured by someone, they don't have to wait for others to be admitted to Jinshi. It is said that there are many people competing for that position.

"No way, tired." Li Yi called to stop, and the children were sweating.

Playing with sandbags, the children laughed and hid.

They are sweating and should rest and replenish water.

The children were well-behaved, took out a silk handkerchief to wipe their sweat, and lined up to get water from Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan.

It is snowing in the north, and Yuzhou is still hot. The wealthy households brought saltpeter and made it into slush and used it in the sour plum soup.

The amount of saltpeter used to make ice is ten times different from that of slush, and it takes a lot of heat to change from a mixture of ice and water to ice.

Never use saltpeter to make ice in places that do not freeze in winter, just a little bit cooler.

The children sipped it, and they didn't think it was so precious. They were not ordinary in their homes.

Li Yi drinks tea. The green tea produced by his Zhuangzi, from the third rank, is given by Fang Ao.

Fang Ao was by the side. He had already notified the third elder brother to come quickly and bring the outstanding children in the family. I was on the line.

Wan Zhaoyuan is also there, drying his legs in the shed, not drying them down, and good air circulation.

Cover the key part with a thin blanket, and he cannot wear the clothes underneath.

He was sweating, it hurts, it hurts.

Before it hurts, he worked desperately, and there was no other way. After drinking the prescribed analgesics, the effect was not very good.

It hurts now, he knows that there is a special medicinal, it's okay, and it's comfortable.

Fortunately, there is stability in the bottle, which has a certain analgesic effect.

His daughter-in-law was guarding a big basket beside him to choose vegetables, and Li Yi would fry them in a big pot at night.

The stable ladies did not leave, and continued to help with work, tidy up the fish, and they were about to stew soon.

After the fish is stewed, it is cooled and served. There is collagen in the jelly. You need to put a lot of ginger slices. It is no problem to eat cooked ginger at night.

In half of the cases, the small fish is cooked like this, and the small fish will be broken as soon as it is finished, unless it is steamed in the pot.

When it gets cold, it is impossible not to eat it. The whole package is in the cold.

There are also butchers killing pigs further afield and enema.

Many people are busy entertaining Li Yi from the heart, not only because Li Yi is a god.

There are more gods, what does it have to do with yourself?

Li Dongzhu is a different god, he takes care of the people's livelihood in a certain place.

In the future, own Yuzhou became rich, and the newspaper said there were many jobs and high wages.

The key is coal. There are open-pit coal mines not far downstream.

Ship it back, we need to use the fire road in Yuzhou in winter, it is sometimes very cold in winter, damp and cold.

It's a pity that Dongzhu Li can't come to be the governor. The current governor Zhao Chenlu... is fine!

At least he knows to come to Li Dongzhu, change the governor not to Li Dongzhu... That's not okay, right?

Zhao Chenlu was indeed busy at the moment, busy collecting money.

Wealthy households provided funds, started quickly, and agreed with the lower reaches to dig coal. They said that Li proprietor had let them go, and the local state government dared to impeach them.

Fang Ao blushed, wondering whether it was hot or drunk with too much tea.

"Brother Fang Si took a lot of money from his house, right?" Li Yi asked Fang Ao with a sip of tea.

"I dare not dare, I know the situation at home, but I am willing to donate money to benefit the people." Fang Ao hugged the cupped fist.

"Is the quarry good for sale right now?" Li Yi asked again.

"Okay, mainly big rocks, from the mountain..."

Fang Ao was stunned. How did you know that my house has quarries?

"Does the quarrying person wear a mask?" Li Yi asked again.

"Wear it. It has been said in the newspaper several times that without a mask, I eventually got lung disease."

Fang Ao wiped his sweat with great pressure.

"Cement is easy to burn here, and safety is the first priority. The rules have long been written in the newspaper.

Once someone is found to be violating the rules and there is no opportunity for rectification, who will come out to be a chicken?

Making money for enjoyment is not about living in fear.

There are many types of local soils, and test papers for acid-base testing will be sent back. Agricultural stability is the first. "

Li Yi both threatened and demanded. Yuzhou has many mountains and the soil pH varies greatly.

I'm here by myself, so I can't come here for nothing, the things that should be arranged must be arranged properly.

When the yacht arrives tomorrow, I will take the children up to play for a while. After returning to Luoyang, I have to ask frequently about the situation here.

"Yes, yes, Li Dongzhu is right!" Fang Ao continued to sweat, but his face was not so red.

After he responded, watching Li Yi drink tea, he immediately got up and left, and ran to find Zhao Chenlu.

The matter is too big, he can't manage, and must discuss together, and the whole Yuzhou will act according to Li Dongzhu's idea in the future.

When the night fell, everyone ate with lights, and the fish was stewed so that the bones were crispy.

Wan Zhaoyuan looked at Li Yi as he ate, with a look of expectation in his eyes, did the needle stick after eating?

"Li Lang, minced meat and eggplant are no worse than steaming."

Princess Yongmu ignored Wan Zhaoyuan's gaze, she tasted the eggplant.

All minced meat and eggplant eaten at Lijiazhuangzi are steamed, which is fragrant.

At the moment, I use a big pot to fry. There are many people. How big is the steamer? How many steamers are there?

"The big pot of rice is like this, and it is often better than a small stir-fry, especially for stews.

A small stew is called a casserole, and it takes a long time to simmer for the effect.

For example, the casseroles sold by Lijiazhuangzi in the south of Chang'an are fake. In winter, there is nothing but a fire below, which is warm.

It's all stewed in a big pot, then put in a small casserole, selling fast food, where's the time to stew slowly? "

Li Yi likes to eat big pot of rice. He used to buy boxed meals to eat.

The vegetables in the box lunch are made in a big pot, and it doesn't matter if the price is not low.

"The children of rich people like to eat lean meat, where is the fat?"

Xiaolan observes the children eating. Li Yi's dishes tonight are mainly lean meat, supplemented by pork belly.

"Give it to the servants, kill four pigs, and give the servants the blood sausage.

But the ones that can refine oil have already been refined into oil, so we will find more help tomorrow morning.

I put a little salt in the oil refining, and set aside a part of it for deep frying in the morning, as snacks for the children. "

Li Yi arranged breakfast for tomorrow, looking like a man living at home.

Worry about firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, this is the business scope of the later Jubi Liu.

When the trademark was registered, it became Liubiju, and there was no tea in it.

Tea is not necessary. There were too few people who could buy tea at that time. There was a little tea at home to entertain guests, and they didn't drink it themselves.

At this moment, Li Yi didn't look like a fairy at all, and he was grounded.

"Dongzhu Li, there is always a different smell when cooking vegetables with vegetable oil? It's like the smell of smoke after a cup of oil is burnt."

On the next table, a steady woman boldly asked for advice, and Dongzhu Li was easy to talk.

"Next time, brush the iron pan clean without any water in it. Wait a while after putting the oil in, or use the chopped green onion and miso to blast the pan.

Stir-fry the vegetables, add a little more when there is less water, don’t add water when the vegetables are fried for a few times. "

Li Yi imparted his experience. It tastes like oily fruit, just like that, and the top of the dish is black after cooking, and the pot is not cleaned. What do you do with it?

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