Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2048 Farewell Downwind Southwestern Feelings (first more)

It became lively at noon, and the Southwest Barbarian arrived more than 4,000 people, plus three hundred soldiers from the Zhongzhe Chong Mansion in the southwest.

Everyone was happily taking a bath, washing clothes and eating.

Stewed fish and shrimp, ingredients bought from fishermen.

A large ship was hired, waiting by the side, chartered.

The local people's surplus dried vegetables, dried fish and dried shrimps were purchased in large quantities and sent to the big ships first.

In the evening, we continued to eat barbecue, but the people were not as excited as they were yesterday.

They realized that Li Yi was leaving, and the happy moments were always short.

When the food was almost the same, the people lined up when it was time for the people to go home in a group.

"Go back, it's late." Li Yi yelled with the horn on the boat, and the people didn't move. They won't see you tomorrow when they go back.

"Then we are on the ship! I will take your majesty to see you in the future, maybe next year."

Li Yi is helpless, and the people are not stupid.

"Dongzhu Li, when our life is better, we will give you some delicious food?" Someone tugged at his neck.

Li Yi didn't use a loudspeaker, and shouted back: "Okay! Li's Zhuangzi will send the dealer to stay at the Gu Xuan's house. If anyone doesn't work hard, I don't want to send something."

"Is there still a dealer? Great!"

"Don't worry, Li Dongzhu, go away!"

"Dongzhu Li has a good journey."

The people are more happy in their sadness. Lijiazhuangzi sent someone here to find them if there is something to do.

The Southwestern men got on the boat slowly. The yacht set off first. The yacht needs to go to the Zhoushan Islands to fish for seafood, and other boats go directly into the canal.

The people sang local tunes to send blessings to Li Yi, and the singing went up and down with the waves of the Yangtze River.

Countless drones flashed into the sky, forming words in the sky: Yuzhou River is clear, just like the love of the people. The surge in the heart is difficult to calm, and the song has been lingering for a long time.

The color of the font changed. The people looked at the sky and watched. The sky suddenly turned into a little bit of fluorescence, and the star suddenly drifted away.

The people waited until the drone could not be seen, and then suddenly realized that the cruiser had already left.

"It turns out to be something that can fly, not Star!"

"The stars are too far away, or the proprietor is close to us."

"Let's go! Go back, wait for the dealers to arrive, and ask them what they need."

"With the dealer, I am not afraid that others will deduct my wages."

"Yes! Fang's family won't work either."

Fang Ao: "..."

When did I deduct your wages? I will pay for the road repair, and everyone will go together after the road is repaired.

On the yacht, Gu Xuan's family was arranged to rest in a large suite, one for his parents, one for his two sons, and one for him and his wife.

There are bathtubs and toilets in each of the three rooms, which do not disturb each other.

Gu Xuan fiddled with a swimming goggles in his hand. The more he looked, the more he liked it. When he opened his eyes in the muddy water, he needed to apply oil first, which was uncomfortable and blurred.

The ears of the swimming goggles are slightly thicker, and batteries are installed inside. When the switch is touched, the swimming goggles will shine a light.

"Gu Lang, don't you need fins?" Gu Xuan's wife is from ethnic minorities, she is beautiful, and her name is Zasina.

Now I am married to Gu Xuan, and my name becomes Guzasina, followed by my husband's surname.

The daughter-in-law bought by Gu Xuan after he rescued his old husband in the river, the daughter-in-law has many dowries.

It can be used to buy property and subsidize the family.

It's just that it's been useless, Gu Xuan makes a lot of money.

Fishing is more than others, and ferrying is faster than others, although many times ferrying does not charge money.

Saving people and collecting corpses are the big heads. Saving people is good. Recovering corpses usually calls him by name.

The body has been in the water for a long time and is entangled by water plants. It will break when touched. You need to bring a cloth and net.

Usually at this time, other people are unwilling to go fishing, which is too dangerous.

The family is wealthy, and now I am going to learn more advanced technology for case-finding to help the court find people.

Guzasina felt very interesting holding the fins in her hand.

"In the way, the feet are not flexible, so are the webs, ear plugs and nose clips, it's useless. The mirror and the light are good, and I have to be familiar with the other inhalation bottle that I bite on the mouth."

Gu Xuan was like a child who got a new toy. He couldn't admire Li Yi any more, and he could actually make such a good thing.

In the past, if I had the same mirror, two people who fell into the water would not have to wait so long to find someone and die.

It rained heavily that night, and the river was so anxious and muddy that the lights on the boat couldn't shine.

If there was this fetish at that time, it could shine by itself, and if the sand was not afraid of touching the eyes, he would definitely be able to save people quickly.

Gu Xuan only thought about this tool, and never considered whether he was in danger in such a river. He was used to swimming like he did in the huge waves.

It's like a whirlpool, and then it turns vigorously, and it's not difficult to find a chance.

Guzasina nodded. She had worried before, but later discovered that the own man was a fish in the water.

She touched her belly: "Gu Lang, what if you are still a boy?"

When she said that she frowned slightly, she wanted a girl, a good girl!

"Ask Dongzhu Li tomorrow, his medical skills are superb."

Gu Xuan had no other way. He put down his things, took his wife to take a bath, and had a good night's sleep.

"Master Li, the cruiser is good, it's comfortable on it."

Zhou Gang walks with Li Yi, it doesn't matter whether the team has him or not.

"Yes!" Li Yi drinks beer. Now it's not a cruiser. Can the yacht be uncomfortable?

It is a waste to exchange cruisers, what do you want to fight with cruisers?

Speaking of a cruiser is for the sake of listening, to cruise the sky on behalf of the sky.

It really needs to be exchanged, and what is exchanged is a destroyer.

It's a pity that I don't know how to use it, so I can only hand it over to the system.

That thing hit someone else’s boat? Or hit someone who jumped into the water and got to the bottom of the boat? Launch missiles at enemy ports and deeper inland areas?

"Lord Li, the wine is delicious and cool!" Zhou Gang drank a sip of cold beer, not daring to drink too much for fear of getting drunk.

"After the New Year, you will go back to Luoyang, and I will prepare things to be delivered to your place.

There are a total of five thousand people from the southwest of the other three people, you have done a great job.

Don't worry about toilet water, anti-malarial pills, soap, soap, medical alcohol and other materials. "

Li Yi wants to stay with Zhou Gang for the New Year, and they work hard locally.

"The team that happened to be sending things back brings their leather back. We always train and we have more prey."

Zhou Gang nodded. He belongs to the long history, not the governor. He can operate normally without the local area.

"You train so diligently, the local people have a better life?" Li Yi picked up a bunch of sheep's kidneys and took a bite.

"Every family has meat to eat, and there are too many prey to fight.

We kept a lot of dried meat with the local people, and the people went into the mountains by themselves and wandered around.

Yes, the sender remembers to mention the medicinal materials on the return trip.

Put the ones that can be used in the drugstore, save more, and give them to you.

I am worried about Luoyang at the moment, and Zaifu is not happy, you have to support us! "

Zhou Gang briefly introduced the situation there. People used to have bad days, including their home in Zhechong Mansion.

It is dangerous to enter the dense forest, and you are not afraid of poisonous snakes and wild beasts, but insects, mosquitoes, and miasma are unbearable.

With all kinds of drugs, everything changed.

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