Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2065 Shi are afraid of death and land company (first more)

Ah Jin got a whole chicken, and he deliberately controlled what Fan Fan wanted.

He saw Moaghan's appearance and thought that he had a son who didn't take good care of him, who was about the same age as Moaghan.

He was very smart at first, but fell ill two years ago and can no longer hear the sound.

Ah Jin, who wanted to train the child as the future leader of the clan, had to give up. He couldn't make a deaf leader the leader.

The abandoned child is like the abandoned old man, no one cares.

He knew a little bit about Moaghan's performance today, and then he thought of that son, and brought back a whole chicken for his son.

When it comes to Datang, the days are different, and there is no need to give up a certain person.

Datang is too powerful. In order to survive, the own tribe has to abandon some people and things, but in order to bring himself and others back, Datang can give up everything else.

If the warriors of your own clan fight with Datang's army, it is estimated that the morale of the clan will be weaker.

If a person is killed in battle, his family will be taken care of. It is hard to say how to take care of it.

The soldiers of Datang died in battle. Seeing that Dongzhu Li values ​​people so much, his family will surely live well.

"General Fan, are you afraid of death?" A Jin asked Fan Fan suddenly, carrying a chicken in his clothes.

"Who is talking about this, who is not afraid of death? I am afraid, I don't even dare to talk nonsense, the proprietor won't let it."

Fan Fan answered as if you were not a normal person.

"Then you die, the army can win, you live, and Datang territory is lost, can you run?" A Jin asked again.

"Run? Where do you go? An inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of blood, let my blood nourish this great river and mountains!"

Fan Fan shook his head slightly and smiled.

He can't run, the prerequisite is that he is dead, the army wins, he runs, and the territory is lost.

Isn't it dead if you run away? After all, death is worse than death.

Unless Yulin Feiqi confronts the enemy and finds that there is an opportunity to use, run, and save vitality, Yulin Feiqi can fight positional warfare, but it is not necessary.

"Have you considered your family?" Akin always asked some uncomfortable questions.

"You can't think of the life that my family is enjoying now, I changed my report."

Fan Fan said that he replaced a brother and sat in front of the telegraph machine.

Moaghan was grabbing a chicken leg and chewing. He knew that when he was young, he needed to eat meat when he grew up.

He could have brought two chickens back to eat with his brothers, and the other would be rewarded to the other children.

He chooses to eat it himself, and when he takes it back, his brothers will not appreciate him, especially those who want to fight for rights with him.

When the weak give things to the strong, they will never get the respect of the other party, and there is no equality.

He wants to eat half of the chicken by himself, and then take the remaining one and a half to his friends.

On the other side of the Li family Zhuangzi, Li Yi is also eating meat. He doesn't eat muscles, but fish or grilled fish.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan picked out the meat, and fed it to Li Yi with chopsticks so that there was no thorn in the meat.

Princess Jinxian looked at and said to Princess Yuzhen: "Big sis, if you feed your Ron the same, you will be grateful if you want to come to Ron."

"He is also worthy? Li Yi was waited on by Yuanyuan because he was qualified.

Yuanyuan wants to fly, he can take Yuanyuan to fly.

I want to fly, and Ron won’t use a hot air balloon unless he pushes me off the cliff.

He will continue to build roads, he has experience. Life is so unfair, the emperor's brother called Li Yi Yidi. "

Princess Yuzhen shook her head, she was not much older than Li Yi.

She chooses the world's men, and countless people younger than her are willing, but Li Yi has a very clear attitude and looks down upon him.

"We will also eat more fish in the future. What's wrong with the protein? Beef is OK."

Princess Jin Xian took out the Buddhist scriptures translated by Li Yi, looked at it and threw it aside, without telling how to cultivate crop seeds.

"Stop eating, just take two bites. If you eat too much, you can't drink."

After taking another bite of fish, Li Yi said that he was still listening to the situation and entering data.

"Li Lang, they are useful now. When the snow stops, the map will be useless." Xiaolan fed Li Yi a beer.

"This is the first time I have adopted this method. There will be no computer in the future. I will do it manually. A large number of people hand drawing.

Not only for rescue, but after the artillery comes out, it will have a great effect.

Recently, I am studying the principles of mathematical model modeling, and I am familiar with computers.

Then I combined the existing models to see if I could make a model that is more suitable for the current environment. "

Li Yi doesn't care about the current situation anymore, he has stabilized, and he is practicing.

Some things can't be copied directly, he needs to make changes while familiarizing them.

This learning process is very tiring, but he is willing to take Yulin Feiqi to play a new game when he is done.

Princess Yongmu ate a piece of fish by herself: "Li Lang, really don't need to go there to arrange it?"

"No, the ground and underground have less advantages than the air, let alone they are arranging, how did I operate in the past?"

Li Yi looked at the screen and pressed a series of shortcut keys.

He knew the plan of the monks and Taoists to take a large group of people there.

Then all kinds of planing, digging, erecting poles, planting fake trees...

In the past, there must be intersections. People dig good places and bury things by themselves?

Buried is also ok, for example, bury two hundred explosive packs and detonate them...

"We took half of the things. It's not easy to manage, right?

A large area, our land is next to his door, we plant sweet potatoes, what do they do if they steal sweet potatoes?

Sweet potato seedlings can crawl, and they will reach their place. "

Princess Yongmu was very skilled when talking about planting, and looked like an expert.

"We are not trying to force them to death. Wouldn't it be easier for me to poison them?

Their farming and management skills are too poor, and without religious fools, they can't support it.

You said that their fields increase production and can't finish it, what should I do?

In the past, one hundred acres of land produced enough food for them to eat for two years, but now fifty acres are enough for five years.

Obviously it's not enough to store food, right? They will find the grain merchants to sell them, and they have been selling them all the time. "

Li Yi talked about the field problem of the temple, but the temple was still a little bit close. There was a lot of land in the temple, and it was surreptitious.

Princess Yongmu nodded gently: "That means they can provide more food for the society, whether it is sent or sold, the food that enters the social circulation is increasing."

Princess Yongmu didn't criticize others for secretly selling food. She even hoped that they would raise more poultry and sell livestock together.

She looks at it from a higher position. Gold can be preserved, but grain can't stay long.

"It's not just food, I let them raise bean worms, the branch of Buddhism, some Buddhism eat meat, some do not kill, and some only eat three pure meat.

In fact, what I despise the most is eating three pure meats. Either you eat it open, or you don't eat it. I want a bunch of reasons to eat, hypocrisy! "

Li Yi has a chain of contempt when it comes to eating meat. No matter what he says, those who eat three pure meat are just arguing about eating meat.

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