Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2075 The same calculation theory of the flora exceeding the standard (third more)

"It's a trial voyage, and I will continue to apply the tung oil after returning. I plan to release it together after the New Year, starting from the Jiangnan Dongdao and all the way to Haizhou."

Li Chengqi wanted to answer that he led a group of clan members to take charge of this matter.

Li Yi's power is so great.

The dignified prince, who was originally at ease, now has to be responsible to Li Yi.

The key is still no complaints, and Li Yi didn't get much benefit from it.

Owned to the Datang Chaotianxia Fund, Li Yi wants to eat seafood. He owns a boat, which is fast and has many ways to preserve seafood.

If he wants to make money from it, he doesn't dare to make it now, so he has to give the rich people in Datang a respite.

"My brother is right. Leave a look forward to a good life in the next year.

There will be many pigs this year. From Jingzhao Prefecture and surrounding states, there is no pig epidemic.

Everyone kills pigs before the Chinese New Year. Let's transport them from Luoyang by train.

With the addition of locally raised pigs and poultry, this year will definitely be happy. "

Li Yi nodded a few times and talked about the New Year.

"Years ago, it was released for everyone to use and fish for seafood, so that the people would feel the benefits first, and they would have more hope for the coming year."

Li Chengqi understands, after another year, years ago.

Didn't Yi brother always mention a good year and kill the pig?

How can things be counted as a good year after a year? Are there any pigs killed after the New Year?

"My brother is still thoughtful, and my brother would like to say one more thing. Years ago, I gave a batch of gifts to the children who can be covered by the Tang Dynasty World Fund.

On the basis of sufficient liquidity, my brother has a surplus and does not count tax deductible asset expenditures.

More residual profits of the fund should be subsidized proportionally to managers who have worked hard for a year in a profit distribution model. "

Li Yi added that he had changed his plan by playing tricks before compared to his brother, but now he has to benefit from it.

Benefits to a large group of clansmen are counted in Li Chengqi's body, and it is not difficult for Bi Gou to do it at the same time.

Including the kindness to the children, they were all given to Li Chengqi and members of the clan.

What Li Yi showed was the mind of a politician, not a politician's calculation of personal temporary gains and losses.

He attacked on the arrangement of the will to power, compromised on economic interests, gave others a good reputation, and did not call the court a financial loss.

After the return of his economic benefits, the people are rich, and the wealthy families of the family have more money, so that his luxury goods can be sold easily, otherwise others will have no money.

Politicians face politicians, just like jumping clowns.

For example, in the WTO at that time, through rounds of negotiations, those countries thought they had dug a hole to make their country jump.

His country jumped in, like a camp.

The opponent thinks that his country is a cross-sword soldier, and the array is ready to wait for the cross-sword soldier to break in and strangle, and the politician thinks.

As a result, other countries are politicians in mind, jump in, and go in.

More than ten years later, the other party discovered that this is not a horizontal sword soldier, but the Modao army came in. At the same time, it cooperated with the jumping army, and there were crossbowmen blocking the shooting. The military commander flag fluttered in the wind.

What about the well-proposed traps and pits? Why was it flat?

They were dumbfounded, they broke away from the WTO, and carried out unilateral actions, believing that they would be effective.

In fact, they don't understand that they are politicians and act for their own self-interest.

The leader of Li Yi's country is a politician, who is burdened with burdens for the Chinese nation.

Li Yi is now studying hard, coordinating internally and targeting externally.

Bi Gou and others listened, did not dare to speak, but understood that a round of benefit exchange was completed.

For the exchange of interests between Xiao Yi and the clan, the next step is to ensure that he is the family.

"Oh!" Yao Chong sighed slightly, then shook his head slightly.

He found that what he lacked was not political skills, but economic and technological knowledge.

To exchange benefits, at least there must be something that can be exchanged.

When the things you can exchange are used up, then you will definitely lose its effect.

The key point is that I did not leave a reputation among the people during the exchange. Looking at Xiaoyi, how many people helped him set up a sign for mosquito coils in the hot summer, fearing that he would be bitten by mosquitoes?

Li Yi didn't know Yao Chong's thoughts, otherwise he would definitely tell Yao Chong that you were right, Wang Anshi learned his lesson, gained fame from below, and then went to court!

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work, because Wang Anshi just installed it underneath, and doesn't understand the following situation at all.

And he, he is not standing on the shoulders of giants, but on the graves of his predecessors.

"The proprietor, Escherichia coli exceeded the standard by 13,000 times. They were making stinky tofu. There was a problem with the brine. The current medicine does not work well."

The little robot made a sound when everyone was thinking. The voice belonged to a female nurse in Zhuangzi. A little robot was brought in the ambulance and used as a wireless phone.

"On the croton, pay attention to the emperor and minister. It can also induce vomiting and clear up the back of the intestine.

On an empty stomach for a few hours, remember to add saline and increase drinking water.

Then tomorrow morning, right? Feed millet porridge and pickles.

Pay attention to the presence or absence of fever. If yes, take antibiotics. No, increase the amount of water you drink.

Tomorrow at noon I have eaten water sorghum rice, pickles with perilla leaves, and celery leaves.

I just remembered that there was poppy ointment in my car. Feed them, so much. When they empty up and down, just feed them. "

Li Yi wanted to let the nurse use antibiotics, but suddenly he couldn't bear it. Instead of using antibiotics for life, he would rather use them for ordinary people.

If others have diarrhea, he will use croton to fight poison with poison, and there is nothing wrong with it.

When you have diarrhea, the Chinese medicine doctor will prescribe laxatives. Don't be surprised, do it routinely.

There are even good Chinese medicine practitioners who have diarrhea and fever due to relatives, so I went to look for them.

People don’t want money, so take your pulse first, see the situation, and then tell you to buy ice cream and popsicles for your child.

I ate 20 popsicles a day, but I didn’t eat any food. The next day I got better.

One is low temperature sterilization, the other is sugar and salt supplementation, the other is water intake, and the other is gastrointestinal emptying.

Fever, eating popsicles also belong to the physical cooling of the internal body.

Li Yi wanted to do this. Empty it first, then dispose of it. Poppy cream works. Don’t consume too much protein tomorrow and drink millet porridge.

The salt must not be lacked, and the lack of electrolytes makes dehydration more serious.

Salt plays a balancing role. Salt increases gastric acid and salt reduces gastric acid.

"Li Lang, there are ways to make stinky tofu and fermented bean curd in the newspaper. Why are they still having problems?"

Princess Yongmu waited for Li Yi to end the call, wondering.

The newspaper told the people not to do it in their own homes. The cost is too high. If the merchant does it, it is no problem to follow the formula and precautions.

Li Yi scratched his head; "I guess that both Buddhism and Taoism are involved. Some Buddhism don't eat meat, but tofu, and then want to make fermented bean curd and stinky tofu.

Taoism likes to research, mix all kinds of things in, and they do it too.

The two sides work together, and the things they make may differ from the formulas, steps, and precautions written in the newspaper. "

"Then can they still compete?" Princess Yongmu was not very happy.

"No problem, it's a big deal. I said I prayed for the people of Tang Dynasty. I was weak. I also tried to compare. Everyone was leveled."

Li Yi thought of a way to deal with it. You have eaten something wrong by yourself, I am for the people of Datang!

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