Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2086 the new drug first test mosquito poisoning (second more)

"The handsome proprietor, the beautiful and dignified princess, and the beautiful and smart Xiao Lan, follow me here."

The little robot leads the way, followed by Li Yi, Princess Yongmu and others. It has a particularly strong learning ability.

Li Yi was satisfied, and he didn't use his life to redeem it in vain.

In case the little robot accidentally falls under the cliff, quickly exchange for another one and copy the cloud data that the little robot has saved.

The bag of Princess Yongmu next to him contained the Chinese medicine ointment he prepared in the laboratory last night, and it was sent to the baby who had been stung many bags yesterday.

He was worried that the child's peeing would be too late and it would be repeated.

Because Zhang Huang got itchy again last night, he picked it up by himself...and wiped it.

After eating in the morning, itching again, it seems that during blood circulation, oxygen supply, temperature, and humidity can cause histamine reactions.

Li Yi first wiped Zhang Huang, and the effect is currently good, and the other party has been following along.

Go to the little baby. There are so many bags for the little baby. Don’t have other problems. Histamine can kill people, it’s allergies.

The patient is allergic during the operation. Are you afraid? The mother was allergic when giving birth, was she shivering?

"Doctor Li, this medicine works." Zhang Huang called Li Yi's official status.

Right now he became a county prime minister in Feishan County, studying in Lijiazhuangzi.

He has never been a county prime minister, and looking at the problems, it can be seen that he is lacking in some public affairs.

Li Guiheng taught him, the "teacher" he chose himself.

Song De and Xunxin don't have time, only Li Guiheng is better in his opinion.

He has been studying for more than ten days, and he will take office when he enters the twelfth lunar month.

He also has a Master, Ziyu No. 3, who is responsible for teaching him intrigues and internal struggles.

The little robot knew the location and turned around. When the disguised Yulin Feiqi were almost confused by the turn, they finally arrived at the place.

A family of four, three of them were drinking lean meat porridge. There was no fat at all, and they were afraid of bad stomachs.

The baby is lying in a stroller made of bamboo, covered with a quilt, showing a small face.

Someone not far away cleaved the bamboo with a contemptuous knife, and others used a pedal grinding wheel to grind the cleaved bamboo.

Others took the bamboo slats to weave the baby carriage basket to make the car frame and wheel.

The whole car is made of bamboo, and the position of the reel shaft is touched with lubricating paste.

The worker is wearing Lijiazhuangzi's clothes with the word'Ba' on his chest.

They are skilled and fluent in movements. They are clearly certified craftsmen who have passed the assessment and joined Zhuangzi.

Li Yi took a look and knew that it was too late to use urine.

There is a bowl on the baby stroller, and the liquid in it is definitely not a drink.

"Li Dongzhu." The child's parents got up, and the little girl stood up.

"Proprietor!" The craftsmen shouted excitedly, they were Zhuangzi's.

"How many times have you wiped it?" Li Yi nodded to the craftsmen first, and asked the child's family.

"Six times, we picked it up as soon as Little Brother peeed, and the bag on his body always bulged up, and then went down after wiping." The little girl said.

"It's late, the effect lasts for a short time, the toxins are retained in the body, and the mosquito poison is not destroyed in time."

Li Yi looked at the baby's face. It was okay. He slept peacefully, not peacefully.

"Smear this thing again." Li Yi stretched out his hand.

Princess Yongmu handed over a small bamboo box, which was cut and made of small round bamboo.

When Big sis came over to adjust the direction, leeward, uncovered the mattress on Little Brother.

The baby felt cold, his muscles contracted and shivered twice.

Li Yi smeared the baby with his hands, and put it on again after smearing.

"I have them on my legs too." The little girl pushed up the trouser legs of own's two cropped trousers, revealing more than twenty little red dots.

"Why don't you tell me?" The father's man raised his arms and slapped his hands.

"Huh?" Li Yi looked over.

"Father, I, I... forgot, I secretly wiped urine last night and this morning."

The little girl bowed her head, her tears battered.

The man slapped his face with a slap, and squatted on the ground with his hair in his hands.

"It's okay, don't cry, there is a lot left, and I will give it to you. After two days, there will be another rain, and the mosquitoes will be gone."

Li Yi knelt down and wiped the little girl's legs. Obviously, the little girl was sensible and could not say anything for fear of increasing her parents' worries.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan also squatted down to help wipe. In non-emergency situations, Li Yi squatted and they couldn't stand.

If you change to Princess Yuzhen, you can stand, but it will definitely not be Li Yi who is squatting.

There is borneol in the medicine, and it is cool and comfortable when applied.

The little girl took out her handkerchief and wiped her tears at Little Sister who was younger than herself: "The Master was so busy with this matter last night that she slept for a long time."

The little girl laughed suddenly: "Dongzhu Li is really a genius doctor, he is kind."

"I teach you simple medical skills? It's easy to learn." The little girl wanted to teach medical knowledge.

"But I don't have the money, and I can't afford to buy Shuxiu." The little girl was moved, but shook her head.

"I have money! I'll buy it for Shuxiu, and eat together, okay?" The little girl took it.

"Really." The little girl obviously didn't understand the meaning of Shuxiu, only knew that to find the Master would require Shuxiu.

Master can buy bundle repair, so he doesn't need it, right? You can also eat together.

"If you don't believe me, ask my younger brother and go back to Tibet." The girl looked at the younger brother.

"Yes, I am, I don't have any restrictions, Master brought something to eat with me."

Li Guizang had no other choice, he had to say this, otherwise he would have to jump forward and roll to hide from the mandarin ducks.

"Okay, I'm willing to learn from you, is it delicious?" The little girl agreed.

"It's okay, I let people fry it, let's eat, fry green garlic."

When the little girl thinks of bacon, she always feels that it's not as good as fresh.

"Master, arrange it?" The little girl looked at Li Yi expectantly.

"Ask your teacher." Li Yi winked.

Before the little girl could speak to Princess Yongmu, Princess Yongmu first spoke: "Arrangement, this family will work next to Zhuangzi."

"Madam, you are so kind!" The little girl was happy.

"You get the pulse well, and the nose is better than the dog's nose." Princess Yong Mu smiled.

She was wearing the medicine ring at the beginning, the little girl smelled it from a distance, and then took the pulse to confirm that it was not, and then turned to other people.

That day, the little girl played supernormally, so she met and was accepted as an apprentice.

"Yeah! The dog can't tell the effect of the medicine." The little girl didn't think the teacher cursed.

She kissed Princess Yongmu. When the Master asked her Madam, she meant to pass.

The little girl's eyes were bright: "I can play with Big sis in the future?"

"Shhh! Remember, try not to say ‘play together’ in Zhuangzi."

The little girl turned to look at the Yulin Feiqi dressed up in disguise.

Guo Ziyi nodded in gratitude to the little girl, good man, kind-hearted, wisdom and beauty.

"Oh! Don't say it, I won't say it."

Although the little girl didn't understand what it meant, yes! It feels that there is a problem inside, the kind that is very serious.

"I will tell you later, let's eat!" The little girl pushed the little girl back to the dinner table.

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