Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2121 Tactics to interrupt the flight of Taoist priests (first more)

The Taoist priests are preparing, they don't care about eating, they know the task is arduous.

They want to make your majesty and the people feel comfortable, and ordinary methods can't work.

Thanks to the preparation before, otherwise the people who are performing phantoms will be amazing.

They ignored the monks, and their methods were not used.

The monks had the magic tricks from the Western Regions, but it rained, and the second time they chose to be in the daytime.

However, those methods were performed by the people in Liyuan at the moment, and the small and large fish-and-dragon plays were not on stage.

"How will you live in the future?" A little boy carefully checked the ropes in various places.

"Don't go downhill to school to study, and become an official in the future." The companion next to him lost confidence in the future.

"Doctor Li should be directly responsible for asking for the book, they have to look for Bi Zaifu." The Dao Tong muttered again.

"Someone is messing around behind the scenes, didn't you hear what the Master said? Ten percent of the tax becomes half of the tax, and there is still half of the industry, alas!"

"The temples and temples of Jingzhao Mansion pay taxes. They have a lot of books. When they come to us, few books are sent, and many have to be copied by themselves. Why pay taxes?"

"Yes! I was fooled after hearing this."

The words of the two Dao Tong tell the cause of the matter because of the book printed by Princess Jin Xian.

Every time, Li Jia Zhuangzi will send printing paper and ink to Princess Jin Xian, and Princess Jin Xian will find someone to print.

Most of the printed books stay in Jingzhao Mansion, and some are brought with them when people from Henan Province come over, or when people from Jingzhao Mansion pass by.

The young people in Henan Province feel like being alms-giving to those who get the book. Those who don't get the copy feel even more sad.

Why pay the same tax?

Under the instigation of a caring person, everyone consulted with Bi Gou, but actually wanted a book, but didn't know it clearly.

Some people watch the excitement from behind, waiting for the incident to become a big deal.

Now that the trouble is getting bigger, Li Yi has not only lost nothing, but has earned it.

"Go, nothing, go back to eat rice noodles."

The Taoist who spoke later greeted his companions, and they also had rice noodles to eat, which Li Yi gave.

Including chili oil, but their Master puts the chili oil away in the name of the show. It is estimated that it will not be easy for them to eat it in the future.

Xin Yan didn't eat chili oil here, they have a show to perform, if it gets too hot, they will be in trouble!

Ziqi continued to talk to Xiaolan: "Listen to them, somebody behind the scenes wants to provoke a dispute between the court and Buddhism."

Xiaolan ate a piece of rice noodles and wiped her mouth; "I know, someone started when we didn't get to Luoyang."

"But those people didn't expect it to be the result now." Zi Qi said again.

Xiaolan sipped the orange-flavored cold soda: "Because there is one missing step, the monk's path first speaks out, and then those gangsters, idlers, and helpers follow to stir up the people."

Xiaolan smiled slightly when she said this, and said nothing.

Others understood that the people who should help were picked up when the team came, and they didn't have a chance to react at all.

"This is thrilling." Zi Qi patted her chest.

"No one can make a fuss in front of Li Lang. How many people are not afraid of death in this world? People who can really work hard to guard Datang at the border."

Xiaolan lowered her mouth and looked down on the gangsters. Don't look at bullying the people so much. Sometimes they beat each other, beat people to death, and broke arms and legs.

That was brave and fierce, otherwise when Yu Lin Feiqi and Sixteen Guards arrested people, why didn't they work hard?

They know that they can run, have a chance to survive when caught, dare to resist, and kill on the spot.

Xin Yan picked up a quail egg: "When the matter is over, we will arrange military singing and dancing, and record it at that time.

You can first ask the rich to spend money to watch, and the money you get can be used on frontier soldiers.

It's cold, soldiers should add more clothes to avoid frostbite. "

People who followed Pingkangfang nodded, yes, continue to support the border, even if the conditions of the Tubo and the post-Turkic are temporarily stable.

Isn’t there Sulu who has a big white dress and Tuqishi! Get rid of them so that you can continue to make money from the foreigners.

"Well, it will be better than the previous water curtain recording."

Li Yi said, this time he exchanged a lot of things and could use it.

The people of Pingkangfang showed happy expressions, and the people of Si Gongfang laughed.

It didn't take long for them to eat, and the three of them divided into a bowl, so they didn't dare to eat more.

When they left, everyone brought a makeup box, which Xiaolan gave.


The sky is getting dark gradually, Liyuan sends someone to ask the Taoist priests, are they going to play?

Taoist priests said that you continue, we will wait for the moon.

So the people from Liyuan, Pingkangfang and Si Gongfang happily performed. They liked this job.

Even the children who have been learning since childhood and are temporarily unable to go to the stage are playing.

They ran to the audience to perform, usually close-up magic, depending on the technique, do not cry if the performance is broken, change the place, and perform the mistake just now, anyway, no one knows themselves.

The moon slowly rose, and when it was past blackjack, the Taoist priests saw that the moon was suitable and prepared.

The Taoist priest came out and Li Yi prepared. Everyone had to come on stage to discuss the Tao and the Tao Te Ching that Li Yi finally compiled and annotated.

Li Yi always believes that the Tao Te Ching is better than the Buddhist scriptures. There is too much nonsense in the Buddhist scriptures. It also introduces characters. When introducing a character, write a bunch of adjectives.

The Buddhist scriptures are suitable for speaking. A group of listeners listened to the story. When the Buddha appeared on the scene, how many other Buddhas there were, the sky changed as soon as they appeared, etc...

The Tao Te Ching is not. It goes straight to the main body. It has no artistry at all. It is impossible for commentators to tell, and there is no storyline.

A Taoist priest with white beard and hair stood up. He took an Eight Trigrams mirror in his hand and moved the lens up. There were Eight Trigrams on the Eight Trigrams mirror. The other positions were very bright and reflective.

He looked at a big screen, and the Eight Trigrams mirror in his hand looked at the moon.

Looking for it, the reflected moonlight didn't seem to be very useful. When the Taoist priests behind were anxious, a light hit the Eight Trigrams mirror.

With the reflection, there was a picture of Eight Trigrams on the big screen.

He muttered something, raised his hand, and shouted; "Zhan!" The Eight Trigrams mirror flew up into the sky.

The camera of the other camera followed, and the light continued to hit, and the Eight Trigrams lens began to grow larger and fell.

The Eight Trigrams mirror has changed from the size of a soup bowl to the size of a pot. He frowned when he looked at the screen.

At this moment, the lens changed from a close-up view to a long-range view, and it didn't happen to be directly above the enlarged Eight Trigrams lens.

Can't be right, just show up on the match.

The Taoist brows stretched, and he murmured again, and the man jumped up and landed on the Eight Trigrams mirror that fell in front of him.

The lens was changed again, and the camera was placed sideways, and the place of the feet flashed by, mainly in the silhouette.

The Eight Trigrams mirror supported the Taoist priest to fly to the high platform, and the camera switched back and forth, shooting the Taoist priest like a god.

There is no way that the thin rope hanging from the Eight Trigrams mirror and the place where it was stepped on will be sunken.

When other Taoist priests saw it, they exhaled. This thing that pushes people onto the screen is very spiritual!

The Taoist priest came on stage, muttered two more words, and shouted; "Close!"

Huh, the Eight Trigrams mirror changed from big to small, he picked it up and looked at the screen.

The position of the camera is as good as before, facing his Eight Trigrams mirror.

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