Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2130 The memorial is easy to approve and urgently add (first more)

When all but the guards staying in this shift, all other people, including the monk road, left, the yacht turned to return.

"Li Lang gave the best things to others, but he was suffering."

Princess Yongmu suddenly became sentimental, and Zaifu all went to sleep, so Li Lang was so unreasonable to correct the memorial.

Xiaolan nodded vigorously and supported her with movements.

But I don't think Li Lang has been bullied in my heart.

Ask the governors of each state capital, do they want to participate?

Even your Majesty went to sleep at ease, and Li Lang alone had the final say on the affairs of the Tang Dynasty.

How many people want to make the ancestral grave soaked in smoke, but Yao Chong is not so good? The memorial is not something he can make alone.

Later, Yao Chong was able to make a decision, and within two months, he joined the group.

How did you change to Li Lang, and you became a bitter and bitter?

"It's all to blame for them, the Eight Trigrams mirror becomes bigger and smaller and it takes time, and it takes time to divide the land into a river."

Princess Yongmu continued, accusing the Taoist priests of their behavior.

"Yes! The props are not well made." Xiaolan agreed that the Taoist priest was wrong.

For another person, if there are only Taoist priests performing, today the Heavenly Dao priest is so powerful, it can attract tens of millions of believers.

Especially when the last plot is Chengchuan, the people will kneel.

Unfortunately, they are just like the stars. When the moon rises into the sky, it is naturally dim, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

When the yacht returned to Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi threw his pen away: "Okay, there are always local officials playing tricks."

He handled all the memorials, which was not difficult at all.

It is much simpler than dealing with the feasibility plan sent from various places when he used to sell medical equipment.

Some people in the place want to promote the people below, and talk about how this person is good, how to be loved by the people, simple, put it aside, and send someone to investigate.

And those who want to build roads and river embankments, fight back to explain the matter, don't pass a lot of useless words in front, and pass the key points in one stroke.

As for those in the county who went directly to the Prime Minister’s letter to impeach state officials through a special channel, they should first send people to investigate and protect the people in the county by the way.

After waiting ten days, the memorial for impeaching the state government in the county will be sent to the state government officials for the state government officials to deal with.

This is a pitfall. It is okay for state officials to seek truth from facts, and to clean up county officials, some evidence will be obtained.

Others say that a certain county magistrate is as overbearing as the emperor of the earth, and first promoted officials to state capitals in other states.

If the report is true, the person leaves the place for easy investigation; if the report is false, it happens to take this opportunity to promote the officials.

Li Yi gave separate operating methods for different situations. As for some people who wanted to build rivers in hilly areas to increase the yield of land per mu, he asked them to report to Luoyang.

At that time, chat with each other about the process and result of building artificial rivers in the hills.

After the chat understands, the other party doesn't need to work, so stay cool.

"I'll sleep for a while, and I won't eat lunch." Li Yi went to bed after seeing Wan Zhaoyuan put some drips on it, and it was too boring to sleep.

The yacht was parked in a small lake next to Lijiazhuangzi. It was semi-artificial. The lake originally had it. Later, the area was enlarged and the shape was reshaped.

Before lunch, everyone who had a good night's sleep got up, took a bath first, and turned over the memorials that Li Yi had commented by the way when it was time to prepare for dinner.

"Qianzhou wanted to build a road directly connected to the big river, but Xiao Yi rejected it and ordered the local to work hard to develop water transportation. What river is there?"

Song Jing saw one and skipped the nonsense at the beginning. The focus was on repairing the road. Li Yi disagreed.

"The Fuling River should not have been built. If it was built, the road to the river from other places should be built."

Su Ting knows that he has a good memory and recognizes Li Yi's approach, guarding a river that connects to the Yangtze River, but also to build a road to the Yangtze River?

It is not easy for the court to make money, so how can it be a disaster for you?

When the court has more money in the future, it will consider funding to open the way.

Yao Chong was also reading a book: "Yizhou Yiquan asked the court to send someone to guide the repair of Tianmen Water to the Fuling River for transportation to and from the Yangtze River. It was also rejected, this..."

He doesn't understand it. The road was built before, but you didn't let it be done, saying that it was water transport.

Now there is a place to connect to the Fuling River for water transport, but he still refuses to let it go. Instead, he calls for road repair and suspension bridge construction.

Are you sure you didn't just approve it for fun? almost.

"Check, check the information." Bi Gou ordered someone to bring the local records.

The little robot next to him said: "There are more than a thousand households in Yizhou, and there are fewer in Yiquan. What do you use to open the mountains and build the river?

The local Tianmen water is low, and it is formed by rainwater. If it is connected to the outer river, it must be dug up to a higher place.

When the court sends things, it is easier to build a suspension bridge by yourself. The local tribute has rhino horns and candles.

There is a charcoal kiln there. It is sometimes cold in winter. It is necessary to burn charcoal for heating. By the way, there is iron ore which is not very good.

But there is coal, easy to dig, the deepest is about 20 meters, the shallower can be seen on the surface, and the reserves are small.

However, there are few local people, and a few locations are enough to use, and the proprietor will draw a special map and send it there. "

"Huh?" Several people stared at the little robot at the same time.

"Usually, the old man will keep you in the political affairs hall. Why don't you say when you inquire about it?" Bi Gou challenged.

"You use me as a wireless phone, why did you ask me other things?"

The little robot responded confidently with a cute voice.

"Oh!" Bi Gou stood up and circled the little robot: "Good thing, Xiao Yi has hidden it deep enough."

"You are the thing!" The little robot was unhappy.

"The old man is not a thing." Bi Gou emphasized.

"I didn't say it, you said it yourself, you are not a thing." The little robot avoided suspicion.

Bi Gou: "..."

Song Jing repositioned the value of the little robot: "What else do you have?"

"Chatting, singing, jumping lap dance, delivering food, and being used by you as a phone. If you call me in the future, I will charge."

The little robot protested, how could its function be comparable to that of a mobile phone?

Is the price different? When you are the kind that can buy one for a few thousand dollars?

"Good, good! We use the wired telephone to ask for the number. It is really bad for us to call."

Su Ting laughed with him and said, how much trouble would it save a little robot by his side to check information?

Bi Gou turned around and slightly bent over and said to Li Longji: "Your Majesty, it is reassuring that Xiaoyi's revision of the memorial chapter is not as good as..."

"It's better to throw you all into the regiment, and Brother Yi will support the political affairs hall alone."

Li Longji doesn't give Giving face, but Yi brother's skills can be used by you? Since Brother Yi is in the political affairs hall, what do you want to do?

Bi Gou sat down angrily, he didn't want to join the group yet.

When it was time for lunch, everyone got off the yacht and went to the cafeteria. Bi Gou forced the little robot who had just spoken to walk.

"I'm on the boat, I won't go, let me go..."

The little robot protested all the way and was pushed to the cafeteria, ran to the corner and ignored people, looking very angry.

After Li Longji finished the dishes, he saw the appearance of the little robot and ordered: "Go and push one more so that the two can chat with each other, so I don't feel bored."

"Your Majesty Xie." The little robot in the corner came to Li Longji's side.

Bi Gou also came back and put down his dinner plate: "Finally, the important things have been dealt with, this year Wu You is here!"

The little robot's lights flickered: "You crow's mouth, just came a telegram message, Longyou Dao urgent report. My proprietor should be busy again."

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