Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2140 Crescent is greeted in the sky (second more)

The expressions of those who accompany Datang at dinner did not show any expressions that they shouldn't have.

The barbarian businessmen were dumbfounded, what is Yangyangyangyangyang? I knew it at the age of fifteen, saying that I couldn't live, but there were people who could make it alive.


"Am I yang?" another Yi businessman asked.

"You are not, you look fifteen early." Tian Qingyuan waved his hand.

"Maybe I have a big life." The other party was not reconciled.

"Tell me what year you were born in!" Tian Qingyuan knew that the other party did not understand Yang Nian and other statements, and the possibility of the other party being confused when he opened his mouth was too small.

What's more, the year is right, and there are still months.

Can't be confused from start to finish, right? Then your luck can be heaven-defying.

"This..." The other party obviously couldn't say it, but still insisted: "It's better to sell us some, we take it back and try to plant it, and then plant it and bring it back to you, so you don't have to be so troublesome."

"I can't control this matter, I will ask." Tian Qingyuan once again practiced Tai Chi.

For several days in a row, Tian Qingyuan took a group of people to eat and drink, but the other party wanted to see Li Longji.

It is impossible for Li Longji to see them now. He has to investigate clearly and then teach them the relevant etiquette.

In a few days, the meeting will arrive at the Dachao meeting, when everything goes smoothly, and the meeting will be held in Lijiazhuangzi.

The moon is getting smaller day by day. When it becomes a bend and hangs in the sky, Fan Fan's team is still advancing when the north wind roars.

Nearly 70,000 people did not rest and added extra meals to the horses.

"There are still ten miles, hold on, there are comfortable campsites and warm meals."

Fan Fan gave an order to encourage everyone, in fact, there are still twenty miles.

When the Datang Navy arrived and the Navy came, I could breathe a sigh of relief.

Five thousand southwestern barbarians, for the first time through such a long journey in cold weather.

Unlike training in winter, no matter how hard the training is, I know that I can rest well after training.

With more than 60,000 people, they must be protected along the way, and they have become the support of others.

Relying on others and being relied on are two different feelings. Some Southwestern people quietly wiped their tears when they were on duty in the snow at night.

They finally knew the gap between themselves and Yulin Feiqi, and Yulin Feiqi didn't feel like a human being.

At the same time, they also understand that it is not easy to take the lead. Like the proprietor, he is alone and countless people feel at ease.

If the proprietor is at this moment, he shouldn't be too uncomfortable, right?

The Southwestern Man obviously couldn't bear it anymore, and the people who followed the migration were not in a good state of mind.

Fan Fanshou, he wants to take everyone back alive.

There are soldiers who have fallen behind in the large-scale march, but his team is not allowed to appear.

He is the strongest legion in Datang, not one of them.

As soon as the team listened for ten miles, they gritted their teeth and insisted, they were almost there, and they arrived immediately.

There was a creaking sound when the snow was stepped on, and the small child was sitting on the sleigh covered with layers of quilts.

The old man got off the sled from time to time, followed by two trots, and then got on the sled.

They are unwilling to give up. Seeing that they are going to live a good life, it is not worth it to fall down now.

The five of Li Endong were equally exhausted, their physique was not as good as Yulin Feiqi, but their will was equally firm.

"There are torches, and there are torches in front." The people walking in the front have sharp eyes, and the torches are still far away, and they can actually see them.

Accompanied by the shouts, the team speed suddenly increased.

Fan Fan was stunned, as if he hadn't reached ten miles, there should be another ten miles, where's the team.

He raised his binoculars and looked at it, and it turned out to be a torch.

"Stop the team, stop, wait." He didn't dare to let everyone move on, so as not to mess up the formation.

People who were tired from walking early panted and stopped moving, and some people simply sat on the ground.

Not long after, a long queue of torches arrived.

Not only people and torches, but also horses and sleighs.

"Quickly, go over and give everyone a hot soup, change horses, change horses." Someone in the team shouted.

A large group of people ran with torches.

After two quarters of an hour, the person behind took out the water bladder for the front one, and the one from his arms was still hot.

"The people from Lijiazhuangzi help, and finally have the soup." Li Endong shouted several people, and they called Southwest Man.

The order was passed down, and the Southwestern barbarian wanted to wait for others to take care of them.

"Yes." "Understood!" "I know!" They responded loudly.

They heard it out, Li Endong and the others yelled ‘the people of Li’s Chuangzi’.

From this moment on, they are no longer their original identities and enter the village.

How difficult is it to become a dealer of Lijiazhuangzi? It's more exhausting than the imperial examination.

In the imperial examination, you can get into the first class and become an official, but you can't get into the Lijiazhuangzi.

People from other tribes were drinking hot soup and seeing more people around, it seemed that their bodies were not so tired.

The horse naturally follows it easily, changing to the brother to pull the sledge? Brothers hold on, in fact, it's not tired at all, really, don't believe you pull it.

"Fan Fan, take a break, we are here."

A person walked out of the team and handed Fan Fan a flat flask.

Fan Fan swallowed and shook his head: "Is there any soup?"

"Sip." The other party still handed the jug.

Fan Fan gritted his teeth: "Don't talk nonsense, you actually found so many people."

"You take a sip and I will tell you that I am also the one who was surprised." The other party continued to pass.

"You made a mistake." Fan Fan took the hip flask, unscrewed it warmly, and took a sip.

The wine head of 70 degrees, soaking people to participate in antler, goji berries, now it has become 60 degrees, the entrance is a bit sweet, because of the goji berries.

Other Yulin Feiqi were also given wine, including Li Endong five.

Take a sip, blood circulation speeds up, breathing cold air, refreshing!

"Go ahead, Lao Liu, how did you come here?"

Fan Fan asked Liu Tingguang, the leader of the Datang Navy.

"There is Yulin Feiqi in the Liaodong Duhu Mansion and Xincheng Duhu Mansion, we telegraphed between us, and they received it.

They didn't reply to the telegram after they received it, and the two places were very tacitly organized at the same time.

The local people listened to them and mobilized a large number of horses and grain to come here.

They met on the road, and they saw us an hour ago today, and they went forward together for reinforcements.

We set up the camp and wait for you, otherwise we will continue to move forward, and the two sides will meet in the middle of the night, and we will have to set up the camp. "

Liu Tingguang gave Fan Fan a thumbs up, and he praised Yulin Feiqi.

Where there is Yulin Feiqi, it is different.

Yulin Feiqi, who was in charge of the telegraph, actually helped the locals with their affairs. There were many local people, so don't look at the mansion built by Datang.

"You are not bad, the navy. Although the marching speed on the land is a bit slow, the formation is stable."

Fan Fan said that the distance between the two sides and the departure time, the navy was slow.

"Our previous slowness is for the future fast. Let's follow. The camps along the way are all built, and you don't need to build them."

Liu Tingguang put his lips down, why do you think we are slow?

"Oh, Lao Liu, do you like to build camps?"

Fan Fan was surprised. He understood. There was a camp all the way, but the camp was thrown away.

Liu Tingguang raised his eyebrows: "The most feared thing in the sea is that there is no camp. Fortunately, the proprietor has set up everything for us."

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