Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2144 The last name is good and visionary (third more)

At dinner, the food was delivered to the courtyard. Twenty-two people learned to use chopsticks skillfully. They started to learn when they arrived in Tang Dynasty. They used to grasp it with their hands.

After eating, I started to take a bath, and several people can stay in the special bathroom.

But it was washed by one person, and some others ran to the window to look out, and some were at the door, with their ears attached to the door.

Four other people slid into the yard without talking and looked around.

At this time, he took a bath to the person who claimed to be Hashika Tiwidi from Datang, and said to a person next to him: "When you go to bed at night, it's the same as before. Leave someone to guard."

The people in the bathroom nodded, expressing their understanding.

"After we go back, we will first find a boat elsewhere, buy it with the good things we traded from Datang, and then take me and your family on board and leave Shibo."

Hashika Tiwidi talked about future arrangements.

The person in the bathroom showed a happy expression, made money, and went back to pick up the family and run away.

"Let's change a place and buy slaves, and you have slaves to use." Hashika Tiwidi said again.

The others got more excited, grinning one by one.

Many people on the other end are watching the screen. There are no ladies, and they take a bath.

A translator is responsible for translating what he said into Tang Chinese.

"It turns out that their country is called Shi Bo, as Xiao Yi said, this person has the third surname, and the others have the fourth caste, pretending to be the first surname."

Bi face was expressionless, and the person inside said that he could not tell his real name at any time, especially his last name.

Otherwise, a third-caste and a group of fourth-caste people will not receive the courtesy of Datang.

"Xiao Yi, which caste shall we count when we arrive?" Bi Gou was curious again.

"According to the color of the skin, you and I are both of the second caste, the skin in Suiye Town is white, the first surname."

Li Yi thought for a while and gave an answer.

"It's totally unreasonable." Song Jing was unhappy, why should I be second?

"But in terms of national strength, we used to be the highest. As long as the army is strong enough and the skin is all black, they also think you are noble."

From a strength point of view, Li Yi said that we used to be different from them.

"They have to run back." Su Ting reminded everyone not to discuss useless topics.

Listening to what they said, they didn't plan to stay where they were when they went back, and took their family to other countries.

Obviously there should be no caste level in the country they are going to, so they can enjoy their own life.

Li Yi looked at the screen with a look of admiration: "Those who have ideas, under their caste system, people with lower castes generally don't have the thought of resistance, thinking that they should be at the bottom of society..."

Li Yi began to introduce that the area is now at war, between small countries and small countries, as well as foreigners.

I don't know the period of the religious war at the moment, and the information may not be all correct.

But one thing is very clear. If the local people believe in religion, they will fool the people of the lower caste into confessing their fate.

Even at that time, ordinary people in some areas also had this kind of mind, even if they received a higher education.

As for the country that likes to eat hot peppers called Dan, their country has the highest happiness index.

In the eyes of outsiders, this thing is very poor in the area, at least there are not so many household appliances, medical conditions can not keep up, and there is a lack of amusement facilities.

But people just feel happy and live happily every day, which belongs to the power of religion.

Even if diplomacy loses independence and autonomy, the military depends on other countries.

The person with the third surname on the screen actually intends to run away. This is a good person.

"Poor man!" Li Rizhi sighed.

"Who is not a poor person? People in Rivers and Lakes can't help themselves. We have slaves and dealers in Datang, and everyone has their own position."

Li Yidao doesn't think others are pitiful, you Li Rizhi was not pitiful before?

You don't know how to operate. After the power given to you is taken away, you keep resigning, and wait until you return home to live your life?

Look at Yao Chong, isn't he amazing? The son is also embezzling and accepting bribes, people who have ideas.

But in the end, if he didn't give him a hand, he even took the house back and ran to rent another house.

Look at Lu Huaishen again. For the sake of the family, all the money was paid in. After his death, the family did not even have a decent house. Oh, he lived in a rented house in Chang'an.

Look at me again, I... I have the same idea, but I am different from Yao Chong's son.

"What Brother Yi said is true. For poor people like brother, I worry about it every day, alas!"

Li Longji seemed to feel something, shook his head and sighed.

The officials including Li Yi: "..."

The person on the screen continued to speak, and the person started calling other people, calling out their names.

Suranji, Nai, etc. are included in the surname.

"I Dobugan Modi, I will definitely lead you to a good life." That person finally said his own name, Dobugan Modi.

"Oh!" Li Yi seemed to be stunned: "No wonder, it turned out to be Dobugan Modi, this surname is good, Modi, a person with ideas."

After speaking, he chuckled twice, just like a goose.

"Gangrou, why do you treat this surname..." Zhang Jiuling wondered, Dobugan Modi, what are you laughing at.

"It's okay, I said how could he resist, Dobugan Modi, yes, it's a personal thing.

I now consider if he trains him, will he eventually establish a country, and then lead the troops to fight Datang in order to divert internal conflicts when the internal situation is unstable? "

Li Yi looked up at the ceiling and said, then continued to chuckle.

"With a hundred courage from him, the smallest country, dare to speak up?" Li Longji snorted coldly.

Li Yi's head clicked: "Yes, the small country of Minor. In the future, when Datang Trade passes, there will be wars. We don't fight others, but others want to fight us.

No one will hurt the tiger, but the tiger is harmful.

Uh~! In fact, if we go to trade, it is a kind of harm to them. We sell money with technology and they provide raw materials.

If we need a lot of food, their upper class will not care whether the people below are short of food for enjoyment. "

Li Yi believes that trade itself is a war, and it depends on the demand. The food trade war will trigger a war.

"They don't care?" Su Ting reminded again.

"Dobugan Modi had that plan. It's not certain whether he can do it. It really leads people to run successfully. Isn't it so good to get a foothold in a new place?"

In the end, they have to come over to exchange things with us. They rely on their other abilities to make money, far less than exchanging things with Datang.

Take a look again, understand more, it's really impossible to let them specialize as translators. Their language is different from other local languages.

Like the dialects of various places in Datang, their families can pick them up, even in Datang.

We set up a special school to train students to learn other languages ​​and translate on board. "

Li Yi didn't think that the other party would cut off Datang's line. Once he enjoyed the wealth of trade, how could he stop.

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