Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2146 Conspiracy Theory Adapted (Fifth)

"Look here, it's raining now, and the rain is dripping down. There must be ditches on both sides of the road. The water has great momentum, and there is no ditch. Just open a hole..."

In another place, Ron drew pictures for Princess Yuzhen to introduce his thoughts.

He did a good job last night, why don't you work! For physical labor, walking around is considered exercise.

Always sitting and reading, it will be worse in that respect, sports is the kingly way.

Princess Yuzhen sat next to her and watched, with an expression of appreciation in her eyes.

Princess Jinxian is holding a Taoist book in her hand. It has just been printed before coming. Let's listen together. She wants Princess Yuzhen to look at the layout.

This version has a lot of punctuation and paragraphs, and it’s kind of tiring to look at each page instead of one paragraph.

Today's book is a horizontal version. People who read more vertical versions are not used to it.

It’s okay to read too many newspapers. Many parts of the newspaper are horizontal, and some large characters are also vertical, which makes it eye-catching.

Ron spoke excitedly, drawing a circle on the side of the road on the paper.

"Here, when planting lotus flowers and raising fish, the water on the mountain cannot be used in vain. Use it as much as possible.

The bridge is horizontally paved with bamboo, and pebbles are placed under the bridge, which is connected to the pond, supplemented by fine sand and pebbles.

Weeping willows are planted next to it, and a pavilion is set up. If you are tired from walking, you can rest, enjoy the scenery in summer and the snow in winter, and have the effect of shading and raining.

In addition, put a small boat in the pond, and the scholars enjoy the flowers and books on the boat..."

Ron couldn't stop speaking, thought.

The people in Princess Yuzhen's mansion on the table next to them are like Taohong Qingsong and others, quickly recording, and each one should remember one sentence, not to be missed.

Princess Yuzhen nodded her head from time to time, and when Ron said that she was tired and wanted water to drink, she personally poured tea.

"Luo Lang really has made progress, wait for the recording to be completed, and give it to... Li Yi to see, he thinks that it is OK, you will be a great achievement."

Princess Yuzhen was happy, and Ron was finally about to get ahead.

"Cough cough cough~~" Ron, who had just taken a sip of water, was choked and coughed vigorously.

Princess Yuzhen helped to pat the back, and Ron stopped after a while.

" can I show it to Li Yi?" Ron had a psychological shadow, and Li Yi was like a mountain on his head.

When he was recommended to his Majesty before, his Majesty compared himself with Li Yi, so he went to build the road.

Up to now, the job of road construction has not been changed, and I have been praised for writing a list of people, so how can I continue to build roads?

"Show your majesty, does your majesty not ask Li Yi? It's useless to show Bizhongshu."

Princess Yuzhen has no psychological shadow, she is a princess, and Li Yi can't do anything to her.

"Never mind!" Ron drank tea again.

Princess Jin Xian pulled Princess Yuzhen to the other side and read the layout of the book together.


At noon, Li Longji gave a banquet and told everyone not to leave. It was raining and we had dinner together, covered by a shed.

Li Yi took Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan and two apprentices to eat. Today, I ate barbecue, mutton, chicken and duck.

Li Longji and his father changed their regular clothes, and it was not convenient to eat in court clothes.

Li Dan hadn't been there before, and only came after the meeting. He was old and uncomfortable sitting for a long time.

Li Yi voluntarily leaned over to eat together, and he had to be called to go where he was sitting.

Princess Yuzhen came from behind and handed Li Yi a few sheets of paper, one of which had a picture on it, and turned around to eat afterwards.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan also turned to the other side with the little girl.

Li Yi, who was about to wash his hands, stopped and looked first, frowning as he watched.

Seeing the end, he put down a stack of paper and washed his hands.

"What's the matter?" Li Longji picked up.

"Ron wrote it." Li Yi looked at the display on the table.

"Ron? Oh! The road builder." Li Longji has a good memory and looks at the content.

After reading it for a long time, I also wash my hands: "Feasible?"

"Bridge repair is a good strategy. Paving culverts consumes a lot of labor and repairs are difficult to repair.

There is no shortage of bamboo in Luoyang. It is so old that it can be replaced at any time.

As for the pond repairing, lotus planting, fish farming, pavilion, boating, paving pebbles and sand underneath, alas!

Things are in trouble. Someone should make trouble? According to conspiracy theories. "

Li Yi said the content, the last sentence is the most critical.

"Tell me in detail." Li Longji was not in a hurry to eat, something Little Sister sent.

"Building a pond can easily cause you to fall into the water, and you cannot admire the scenery on the road. There are many sinking people in the lotus pond.

The pebbles and sand were placed under the bridge, and the water washed away.

The underside of the bridge should be covered with bluestone or cement.

The paper that Princess Yuzhen sent, Ron's idea made her feel good. If I..."

Li Yi didn't say anything, it was very simple.

Li Longji closed his eyes and pondered, and opened his eyes after ten breaths of breath: "You must be punished for taking credit for others! Check it out and see who has contact with Ron."

He understood. The front is good, but why are there pebbles and sand on the back?

Obviously Ron doesn't understand, the simplest reason is not understood, how to know the previous one?

The credit for robbing others was cleaned up because Li Yi was involved. What does Princess Yuzhen think of Li Yi?

If someone instructs behind, the matter will be serious, not afraid of the thief, but the thief will worry about it.

"Follow Ron's method, get one first, choose the position well. Tell him to wait for the road to be completed, and promote him to merit."

Li Yi said, and by the way, he sandwiched the roasted lamb slices, and didn't dip anything, just taste it first.

Li Longji stretched out his chopsticks: "Yes! Dig one and fill it in later."

"If you don't fill it, pebbles and sand won't work. The pond is dug. I have other uses, including the pavilion." Li Yi said in a vague voice.

Li Longji wanted to ask again, stop and eat first.

When he eats a piece of meat, Li Yi also stopped his chopsticks: "The bamboo should be cut down and soaked in water and processed. There is one less pavilion, and more pavilions are built for car repairs. There is one station for ten miles."

"It's about choosing a location. The pond will supply bamboo bridges with the bamboo after soaking. Brother Yi, you should build the road." Li Longji said with a smile.

"I think so, I guarantee that the repair will be strong."

Li Yi reached for the wine bowl, paused, and picked it up.

He is considering whether there will be any hospital affairs in the afternoon. In case he drinks too much, drink less.

Li Dan personally gave Li Yi a slice of lamb: "Little Yi eats more, there is a train convenient, and there are few sheep transported from Guanzhong in Henan Province."

Li Yi slightly got up and picked it up with a saucer: "When the double track is completed, it is most convenient to eat sea fish in Guanzhong. The price drops again and again, saving feed."

He knew that the Supreme Emperor had shown his merits to himself, that he did a good job, had a countermeasure in the face of the conspiracy, and found a reason for the railway.

Li Dan went on to say: "I want to give Ron a small official, and Zhuangzi will choose a suitable place for the office of the court."

"Okay! When we return to Chang'an, we will bring it to Chang'an." Li Yi thought for two seconds, understand!

Putting people under their noses makes it difficult for others to use them.

It is not easy for Princess Yuzhen to find a happy face. If you cut it off, Princess Yuzhen will be sad, so she should do her a favor.

Li Longji glanced at Gao Lishi, Gao Lishi turned around and told Princess Yuzhen the good news.

Your family Ron's method is so good, especially the pond or something, everyone agrees.

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