Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2152 Donate and buy half and half (eleventh)

Li Yi ate a refreshing meal of pig-killing vegetables, hummed a tune in the afternoon and went to the ward rounds. He didn't wear a mask and laughed at everyone.

A little baby with acute pneumonia was suffering from a drip, trying to cough and couldn't get it out.

Li Yi smiled. The little baby grinned when he saw it. He smiled and started coughing. He coughed up two mouthfuls of sputum, and his smile became brighter.

Li Yi sees the case: "Acute pneumonia?"

He touched his mouth and quickly took out his mouth to put on the mask. He wouldn't be passed on for a while, and he would take medicine when he returned.

The monks outside who are anxious to find a way, no matter what they are, their emotions tend to stabilize at this moment.

The rumor is very reasonable, at least I can live it on Face.

Has Li Yi asked how many kerosene lamps to buy? With that money, did Li Yi eat an extra meal or drink an extra drink?

They formed a small group to discuss how many kerosene lamps and thermos to buy.

There is a thermos bottle in winter, so you can drink it at any time without worrying about not getting hot water.

Sima Chengzhen found Ye Fashan again and told the truth about the process: "Is it true?"

Ye Fashan nodded: "Really!"

Shan Wuwei nodded likewise: "Nothing is fake!"

Sima Chengzhen breathed a sigh of relief and had an epiphany.

Before the truth is not important, after it is spread, the false is also true, and the result is true if it is true.

"Xiao Yi once said that when the fake is true, it is true and false, and there is nothing in nothing. The depth of Realm is amazing."

Ye Fashan mentioned that Li Yi copied Cao Xueqin's sentence, which he admired.

"Right!" Sima Chengzhen has a deep literary accomplishment, but he has to admit that Li Yi said it well.

In fact, every person he has contact with is not bad in literary skills.

"I'm going to talk to them about buying." Sima Chengzhen was willing to take a trip and quickly ended the matter.

"Tell them to donate a sum of money to the frontier officers."

Ye Fashan reminded, don't just buy, donation is the fundamental.

"Good!" Sima Chengzhen should go out and donate money. Who dares to move after the donation?

Rumors have said that Li Yi protected them, and they paid for the soldiers, and wanted to rob them. There was no moral reason.

Sima Chengzhen helped, and the monks and Taoists agreed. They negotiated that the remaining half of the money in Henan Fusiguan would be used to buy things and donate half of the money.

In the end, a quarter of the total was exchanged with Li Yi for the exchange voucher, deposited in the Li Family Zhuangzi, and collected in time.

The temple of Jingzhao Mansion directly buys and donates half of things, and half of it is also deposited in Lijiazhuangzi. It is too dangerous to keep the money in his hands.

They are very helpless, in terms of money, who has Li Yiduo? Why no one is thinking about grabbing it?

The crowd asked Sima Chengzhen to help and ask Li Yi, is it okay? It's useless to discuss it by yourself, and Li Yi needs to nod his head.

In the evening, continue to eat pig-killing vegetables, the hot one is more fragrant than the freshly made pig-killing vegetables.

When Sima Chengzhen rushed back, he watched first this time and don't let Li Yi choke again.

Seeing that Li Yi didn't drink any soup, that's great!

"Doctor Li, they said..." Sima Chengzhen repeated the situation.

"I don't want me to understand the righteousness of the Buddhist and Taoist priests of the Tang Dynasty.

Sure enough, there are people in their hearts, that is, there are Buddhas in their hearts and Tao in their hearts.

Dao heart Buddha nature should shine in the world and endure for a long time.

In the future, the kerosene lamps they use will be provided by Lijiazhuangzi in quantity every month. "

Li Yi said sincerely that people donated so much and provided kerosene for free, according to the amount of kerosene lamps that can be lit overnight.

In the future, diesel and kerosene will become cheaper and cheaper. Let’s put it this way, the donated money is used for low-interest loans, and the interest is enough to buy kerosene.

Sima Chengzhen continued to listen seriously, at least kerosene was really given, that's right.

He asked the second thing: "The remaining things are converted into money and deposited in Lijiazhuangzi?"

"It's good to say that if I take them to invest and make money, they will let people donate money for sesame oil, buy land and rent it out, and help others rent-free land.

This is not good. You can make money by your own ability, but also benefit the people and pay taxes by the way.

Don't worry, I can't lose it. Which one of my business partners is not wealthy? "

Li Yi agreed to keep Zhuangzi and take the initiative to lead the temple to invest.

"Is it true?" Sima Chengzhen worried.

"If you lose it, you have to pay half of the profit, pay taxes first, and pay half of the family."

Li Yi became addicted to the two-one-plus-five model, and he kept the capital and divided the profits.

Sima Chengzhen will recognize this, and the extra is counted as earned, and the money saved will not be less.

He was anxious to tell others, look at the pig dish, and click his mouth.

"There are still in Zhuangzi, who will bring three thousand people to send together."

Li Yi decides to treat him, and he puts the real money to you so that you can bring investment. Please eat dinner and operate normally.

"I'm afraid it's not enough." Sima Chengzhen knew the number of monks' ways.

"First give it to some people who can talk. Tomorrow all the monks will be feasted, and they will eat piglet, and those who don't eat meat will eat sauerkraut."

Li Yi didn't want to call the dealer busy now. He guessed that others were also eating, so he took a little bit of it to eat by himself, just what he meant.

Sima Chengzhen happily agreed again that Li Yi is kind to people, really.

He went out and everyone looked at Li Yi.

"Eat it, everyone, it's cold." Li Yi stopped with his chopsticks.

When others moved their chopsticks, Bi Go hesitated and gritted his teeth: "Xiao Yi, the kerosene lamp and thermos you sell..."

"Didn't you donate money! Donate to the household account of the soldiers, your household has a share of military expenditure."

Without waiting for Bi Gou to speak out, Li Yi mentioned the truth of the donation.

"That...that's them..."

"I don't protect them, can they donate money? They donate money, and I give lamp oil for free. Lamp oil is not money?"

"Eat." Bi Gou confirmed that Xiao Yi would not pay taxes.

Take a few bites. Li Longji asked when Li Yi paused: "Take them to invest and make money?"

"Their money is wasted and given to them new accounting methods, they will focus on buying and selling.

They are smart, learn things fast, and they take care of them, and I don't worry.

When they get used to it, it will be difficult for them to make progress in their own subjects.

How do you say that sentence, oh! If you fail to learn from it, you can go back to Gao Laozhuang. "

After Li Yi finished speaking, he laughed. Others learned Buddhism and Taoism, so they can return to the vulgar.

Anyway, if you do business with me, you will come out.

What identity is not important, just use it for me.

Yao Chong looked at Li Yi deeply for a while: "Good calculation! Will you still eat piglet tomorrow?"

He was a little scared, thanks to Li Yi for not putting his mind on him at the beginning.

"Lao Yao, if you are willing to eat it, save it for you. Tomorrow we will eat pork head, trotters, pork legs, offal, ribs, and cook a lot of dishes."

Li Yi planned to invite a large group of people to eat pig-killing vegetables, and the rest could only be digested by the Zhuangzi.

"Li Lang, braised pig tails are delicious." Princess Yong Mu reminded Li Yi not to say pig tails.

A bite of a pig can produce a lot of meat for braising, but it can only produce a tail.

"Yes, there must be." Li Yi assured.

Everyone eats with peace of mind. Today's harvest is great. The main reason is that the monks don't donate money.

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