Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2162 Meat and vegetarian meals are all love (third more)

The fixed-wing drones arrived, eight, actually nine in all, and the other was acting as a relay.

The small multi-rotor UAV can fly over, which is more powerful than many similar UAVs of Li Yi's time, and can fly dozens of kilometers.

Flying is a one-way trip. If you can't go back, there is not enough electricity.

Eight drones landed one after another, the gliding was changed to vertical, the ground was level, there was no grass, and the grass was disposed of.

Bring two other ‘cannons’ and cameras, and other auxiliary equipment.

At the same time, there are self-heating meals, diesel tanks, shielding nets, camouflage army coats, camouflage nets, and replacement batteries.

Everyone unloaded things, and the drone took off again.

"If you can bring so many things and fly over, you can carry a gun and fly to the enemy's position. For dozens of miles, the two armies are facing each other, and they can destroy the enemy's headquarters in an instant."

"It's useless for us Yulin Feiqi to hit the headquarters, so we won't delay our command."

"So it's hard to learn again and again, command class, measurement class, statistics class, battlefield psychology class, indoctrination class..."

"Sixteen guards and recruits are also learning, we must suppress them."

"Treasure! Li Dongzhu is training us as generals. Your Majesty recognizes."

Several people discussed the matter and poured water into the self-heating lunch box by the way.

They don't care if the commander is defeated by the enemy, all of them are generals and can replace them at any time.

The strategic deployment continues uninterrupted, and there is no visible change in the tactical deployment.

Everyone knew what to do, and no matter who replaced it, everyone else immediately obeyed.

"It's hot, let's eat. Don't think about rushing forward when we fight. It's not that we can't fight. We can be in the camp, but it's not worth it, unless we have to do it."

Guo Ziyi told my brothers to cherish own life.

As long as there are no problems with strategy, we can adjust tactics freely, with the priority of preserving our own vitality.

Raise an ordinary soldier, give enough money, and the family promises to take care of it.

Cultivating a habayashi flying rider requires only the gasoline, diesel, kerosene, bullets, arrows, and time to be consumed.

"When attacking the enemy city, I promise not to be attached to the ant. I'd rather wait for the dynamite bag to be delivered later. This is a set of chestnut chicken."

"Cumin lamb set meal."

"Who would change it with me, mine is braised quail eggs with braised pork, I feel sick in my stomach."

"Will braised chicken nuggets work? It has no bones, it's all chicken thighs."

"Replace it with me. I am beef with very little fat."

"It's clearly written on it. You also choose braised quail eggs with braised pork."

"For beef, I can't read if I can't."

"I see, you don't know how to read. Go back and ask Bishop Li Dong to read."

"Wrong, I was wrong, I just saw the moon was dazzled."

"The crescent moon of the new moon dangled you?"

The six people on the mountain chatted, and the four people under the mountain took care of the two horses, and they also received rations for the army.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you something to eat later. Come, feed you rice, I'll blow it first, don't burn it."

One person blew the rice in the palm of his hand, continued to blow, and passed it over.

A horse poked its head and licked its tongue and it was gone. After eating it, it looked at others.

The steamed japonica rice is sweet and fragrant.

Horses like pepper and sugar. Carrots are good, but peppers are not good. Radishes are acceptable.

Four people kept feeding their own rice to two horses, which belonged to military horses.

After a while, the drone came again and fell down the mountain.

Bring pellets, peppers, carrots, eggs, rice.

There is a note in the rice box that says: Separate the horse and the man, don’t spread the disease.

"Have you seen? Tell me about you! There is a stream next to dawn, give you a bath."


"One string is divided into several people, each one takes a bite, and then the next one. Don't be afraid of stuffing your teeth, wash it before going to bed and don't sandblast it."

In Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi talked to the officials.

There is beef again. It is impossible for the whole Henan Province to say that cattle will not die. People die every day.

The people who can't do anything will send them to Lijiazhuangzi, so that they can enjoy their old age.

When the quantity increases, batch after batch will be accompanied by batch death.

Some cows are particularly uncomfortable, sick, and their overall physical condition is no longer good. Just like humans, they have multiple organ failures.

At this time, it will give a happy, instantaneous electric current destroys the nervous system, there is no time to recall the process, and it will die.

If this method is not adopted, the cow will be uncomfortable and live for ten and a half days, and it will also have to die.

For people, euthanasia is heavily influenced by laws and morals, but it doesn't matter to cattle, it will be resolved in less than a second.

Therefore, Lijiazhuang has a lot of beef, and the person who sends the cow can get a sum of money to buy the calf and raise it for a year, and at the same time feel good.

Eating beef stuffed teeth, small skewers are not cost-effective, the smaller they are, the drier they are.

Li Yi chose a big bunch, everyone divided, one for each.

He would rather wash others' teeth, and do not scrub the teeth as much as possible.

"Xiao Yi, despise meat-eaters!" Bijou stuck his teeth, holding his toothpick through.

Li Yi was eating incense, and when he heard: "Lao Bi, do you want to talk to me during your time?

Meat eaters despise, but the superiors do not know the hardships of the people, and it is difficult for the ministers in the palace to know the situation of the border battle.

The level of officials is just high or low, what does it do with meat? Isn't the winter cucumber despised by vegetarians? "

Li Yi rectified the name of the meat, and the meat eaters despised the meat to refer to the people above, so that people are qualified to eat meat.

Those people don't understand the things at the grassroots level, they are superior.

Meat is unwilling to carry the pot. Before he hadn't made a greenhouse, Li Longji had brought cucumbers from Chang'an in winter.

Ordinary people can't see it, right? Is this despised by meat eaters or by vegetarians?

"The old man is saying that matches are sold cheaply, and the people are profiting, so they praise you." Bi Go was angry, how do you understand?

"Lao Bi, don't get rid of your teeth. I'll charge you for a while. It's all about learning from you to benefit the people.

I have something to say about the imperial finances, meat eaters despise.

The match bar, in fact, the matchbox can be redesigned, and then the length of the matchstick and the size of the head can be adjusted, and the tax is paid for each box.

Ordinary people use that kind of bad, rich people with different identities, and it will be reflected all at once.

I will help in other ways, selling matches, and collecting taxes in units of ten thousand yuan. "

Li Yi saw that he had misunderstood, and he was embarrassed, so he quickly remedied it.

The trauma of the old man's soul is that Yunnan Baiyao can't be drunk, it can only raise taxes.

Bi Gou forgot his unhappiness in an instant: "Is it easy to sell?"

"You have to have faith in me. Do you believe me to sell the wooden comb to the monk?"

"Letter, you give them kerosene lamps and they all donate money. The key is how to collect taxes."

"One-tenth...fifth...80% tax." Li Yi looked at Bi Gou's expression and said the tax on special matches.

In the end, it was finally set as a luxury tax. There is no way, who has made a mistake in understanding it before!

Bi Gou looked around with a proud look, and saw that the old man got money for the court again, despise meat eaters!

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