Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2175 Star is Sleepless Tonight (first more)

The moon in the sky is still very small, and it rises late.

The tides of the sea, which is most affected, are invisible, but the effect of gravity is always there.

Li Yi can't control the moon, he only needs to find the person behind the scenes, and the rest is easy.

Li Yi mumbled and looked at the screen, wanting to see whether the room was lit or not, the sound was transmitting, and the monk did not recite the Vajra Sutra.

There is movement, what do you want to do when Ji Yizheng comes out?

It is useless to dig a tunnel well. If you are targeted, it is impossible to let you go. What kind of temple does this include?

"I acted so prominently when I preached the scriptures and the doctrines, why do you dare to make small moves? Do you really think that technology is fake?"

Li Yi couldn't figure it out, and you still cling to it at this time.

When you and our party vigorously investigate and deal with local officials, what is the difference between the officials still committing crimes?

On the screen, Ji Yi was coming out of the house, picking a lantern, going out of the temple from the side door, and walking openly in the direction of Luoyang City.

At this time, there is no need for a hummingbird drone to follow, a fixed-wing aircraft hovering in the sky is enough.

Less than three minutes after going out, a carriage came from the back of the road, pulling goods on it.

He beckoned, the other party slowed down, he said a few words, and the other party nodded with a smile.

He sat next to the shaft of the car, on the right side of the driver, took out an exchange voucher from his sleeve, and zoomed in on the camera, with a denomination of five corners.

The handlebar happily took it, and it was in his arms.

"It's so stingy, so stingy. It's six or seven li from here to the city, so I'll give you fifty cents? Your clothes are worth a hundred yuan."

Li Yi despised, but the coachman actually agreed.

With a smile, he shook his head again: "The exchange voucher is now valuable, and the price of grain and salt is low. The indica rice in Henan province is worth two dollars and one bucket. Madora walks these roads personally and eats more than 50 cents of food."

Li Yi remembered taking the bus next time. It was expensive for a dime to take a few stops. At that time, the family income was low.

At that time, there were food stamps, local province food stamps, and national food stamps. It was good to earn more than 30 a month, and it would cost at least a dime to take a car.

When you make an average of more than 3,000 yuan a month, isn’t it ten yuan?

"What did you pull at night?" On the screen, Ji Yi was pushing a lantern out to illuminate the horse and chatting by the way.

"The stewed coke is delivered to the stallholders. Now the road is safe and I am not afraid of driving at night."

The handlebars dangled and looked at Ji Yizheng's clothes. He didn't know how much it was. Anyway, it couldn't be cheap.

"Yes! Otherwise, how dare I walk the night alone at night." Ji Yizheng said in agreement.

"Your Majesty Holy Grace, Li Dongzhu Dade. How do you know that coal is easy to use? You can also braise coke.

People in the village dig coal, wash coal, and stew carbon together. There is not much time to delay. The price of food is low, so they can make up for it.

The money you make in a winter is more than that in a usual year. You have chickens in your family. Does your family raise chickens? "

The coachman asked Ji Yizheng about his village.

"Ah? Ah! I raised a few." Ji Yizheng seemed to be distracted just now.

"You look like it belongs to a wealthy family, and you think you want to burn charcoal in winter."

The coachman continued to look at Ji Yizheng's clothes, he wanted to assess the price.

"Don't burn?" Ji Yizheng shook his head: "There is a fire on the kang, and charcoal is easy to be poisoned."

"Yeah! You... Your clothes are worth one... One piece? Ask, you don't want to grab it, don't worry."

The coachman really couldn't estimate the price, so he had to ask.

"The second-hand goods from the pawn shop, seventy dollars, except for decent items."

Ji Yizheng didn't dare to say that he was a hundred pieces inside and outside, and God knows if the other party will be excited to grab it.

"It's not expensive. I made a new dress and spent 20 dollars. I can't wear it for work."

When the coachman talked about own new clothes, it seemed like Ji Yizheng proved that the gap between us is not that big.

Ji Yizheng nodded: "I also put on linen clothes when I work."

"Students have to work too? Yes, Dongzhu Li will dig out his dung himself." The coachman expressed his understanding.

"Nothing." Li Yi spoke to the screen, I can do it, but why should I do it?

Of course you shook hands with me when you dig the dung, and I agree, you accidentally fall from the side of the dung pit, and I don’t care if I jump in to save it, but I don’t.

The coachman and Ji Yizheng chatted and went to the gate of the city.

Ji Yizheng thanked him and jumped down into the city.

The city gate was wide open, like Chang'an, with guards on both sides.

Entering from the west gate, ran to the station and waited for the train. The road was also paved with wooden tracks.

There are not many horse-drawn buses at this time, and Luoyang has a rich night life.

Coming to a car, he talked about Xunshanfang, and the other party charged him two cents for the fare.

A little more than a quarter of an hour, the car arrived, and Ji Yi was getting out of the car into the Jiangxiang Pavilion. When he entered, he licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

Li Yi looked at and wanted to lick the corner of his mouth. He was eating snacks.

Suddenly he was stunned, adjusted the picture, looked for the one just now, and carefully looked at the corner of Ji Yizheng's mouth.

Before Ji Yizheng had a faint dark brown on the corner of his mouth, looking back, the color disappeared after licking it.

"Inquiry about Shanfang Jiangxiangge, this is interesting! I don't want to kill people."

Li Yi murmured, not watching, the drone itself took turns to stare at Jiangxiang Pavilion.


After the first hour, Guo Ziyi and others put away their things, put them on the carriage, carried them through places that were difficult to walk, and drove back.

Ron was in front. He couldn't find the car, so he had to ride a bicycle by himself, with a kerosene lamp hung on the handlebar to illuminate it.

A thousand dollars for bicycles and one hundred for kerosene lamps are equivalent to a year's fiscal revenue for a county in a remote place, or even more.

The key thing is that the car he rides has a transmission, two flywheels in the front and four small flywheels in the back.

The new products in Zhuangzi are not sold outside.

Easy to use when going uphill, by the way, test the toughness and brittleness of steel, and the chain.

When he was a child, Li Yi used this kind of chain to make muskets. The damage depends on what was put inside.

The people working on the construction site are looking at him.

Some people will understand that it is not easy to be the face of Princess Yuzhen. In addition to looks, she must have enough talent.

Some people spurned it, saying behind his back that he relied on women to benefit.

Today he doesn't care, he has a good way to build roads, the kind of yellow stone is good at throwing water.

The local name is loess stone. He doesn't know the scientific name is weathered stone, and he doesn't know that this kind of stone is best used with potash feldspar.

Some people at work have envy in their eyes. Bicycles cannot be bought with the money they have earned for a lifetime.

They estimated based on the current price of bicycles, how much money would they make a day for building a road for a thousand yuan?

They have not considered that technology is developing. Now the bicycle is 1,000 yuan, and when the basic industry reaches a certain level, ten yuan is enough, or even five yuan or one yuan.

Like Li Yi’s bicycles, some were expensive, and some were cheap. You can ride a bicycle with more than 200 yuan. Go to the repair shop and buy a second-hand one. Thirty, don’t go. Twenty, it can’t be lower. I'll sell scrap iron no matter how low it is.

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