Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2177 Why is human nature right or wrong (third more)

"Eat and eat!" Bi Gou bowed his head to eat. He always wanted to find opportunities to challenge his academic status in the economy and accounts.

It doesn't make sense to challenge others. Challenge Xiaoyi always loses.

The routine that he finally thought of, he instantly lost his coat in front of Xiao Yi and pointed directly to the most fundamental.

This kind of accounting feels complicated to calculate. Why is Xiao Yi so easy? He doesn't need paper and pen.

"Where is Xuanxuan?" Li Dan thought of own daughter.

"In return to the Emperor, I was eating roast duck with Ron." Gao Lishi knew the situation.

"Duck meat is cold, so eat it early in the morning, it's not good!" Li Dan also understood this.

"Ginseng duck soup, made now." Gao Lishi replied.

"Zhuangzi's roast duck is good." Li Longji knew the situation and guessed why Ron wanted to eat roast duck.

The duck from Jiangxiangge that Ron ate a few days ago was torn and eaten, and the taste and texture were not as good as that of Zhuangzi.

He also knew Ron's method of repairing roads with well-permeable stones, but he didn't say it.

"Where is Ziyi?" Li Yi thought of someone, Ron came back, where did Guo Ziyi go?

"What about it!" Guo Ziyi was eating duck and roast duck in the corner with ten people!

They watched Ron eating ducks, and they slandered too! Go home, hurry up.

"You can't see anyone? Hiding so far? There are defenses around."

Li Yi also understood what Guo Ziyi and the others ate, a roast duck, why are you so persistent?

Is my supply for you not good enough? Isn’t the sauce beef better?

"Proprietor, you said before that you want to take us to play games, that..." the person who joined later asked.

"Ah? What's the matter? Ah! I forgot all about it, thank you! Yes, don't worry, arrange it, write it down, don't forget it again."

Li Yi was taken aback first, then smiled and nodded.

The nine people next to him, including Guo Ziyi, look at this brother together, you are really a real brother!

"No, so what, proprietor, can you forget about it?" This person felt the cold of winter.

"No, don't worry, I will let people remind me."

Li Yi patted his chest, this time I would never go wrong.

Gao Lishi dealt with it, then turned back: "Princess Yuzhen sent something."

"Say!" Li Longji was not in a good mood. He hoped that the Little Sisters would live happily.

Yi Di clearly knows the situation, but helps stabilize again and again.

Why do some people feel that there is a weakness and can attack at will?

Is it self-righteous, or self-reliant?

If the two Little Sisters are outside, you still have the chance to succeed by tricks.

The two live in Zhuangzi, do you think that Lijia Zhuangzi is an existence that can be transparent through wind and rain?

"Ron has another plan for road construction. Luoyang has a rainy season, and the road surface or water gathers. The yellow sand covers the ground, and the transparency lasts year after year."

Gao Lishi replied according to the original words, and the other party wrote a limerick.

"Good! Good strategy! Be rewarded."

Li Longji was happy, he knew it a long time ago, and just waited for this moment.

No matter what strategy Ron gave, he supported it.

Not afraid of mistakes, mistakes have wrong tricks, Yi brother will solve them.

As for limericks, no one cares.

"It's really a good strategy. With the previous bamboo bridge and potash feldspar, it is also Wu You."

Li Yi went on to say, no matter whether Ron said what was good or not, he promised to make it easy for him, and the credit was given to Ron.

Ron is a tool in the middle, and the two sides play a game with this.

Ron is very poor, he has been working hard, studying, doing things, trying to prove himself.

He is not bad-hearted himself, he is a face, and not a spy.

He didn't do anything bad either, he just wasn't lucky enough.

In fact, he just wants to be an official, and then lead the people to live a good life, to prove himself, he also has parents!

He wants to work hard to make his ancestors and ancestors shining through own, and he can only choose to fight against the problem of his origin.

It used to be like this, now it's open, anyone can take the imperial examination, so he plans to take it next year.

"Looking back and teach him well, about the political and economic issues, it is not because of Princess Yuzhen."

Li Yi gradually got to know Ron and found that this person was good.

When people were building roads, he wandered around and watched, occasionally helping.

When lifting the soil, four people carried it. The uphill was slanted, and the left side was struggling, so he helped on the left.

When the things are lifted up, he will look at the way he has just walked, why the force on the left is so strong, and find a craftsman to solve it.

"Yes!" Li Longji agreed.

Ron, who is eating roast duck, doesn't know. He is very happy anyway. Someone can help with his ideas.

As for the calculation behind it, how did he know.

To be honest, he did not learn the Analects well, and his EQ would not be so low.

When Confucianism was not formed, it was Confucianism, and the representative of Confucianism was Confucianism.

That is a real politician, with a good method.

If you want to make an analogy, people who are a lot worse than him are included, famous and famous.

When the legalists of the Qin Dynasty became lonely and Confucianism arose, Confucianism gradually came onto the stage.

However, Qing was desolate, and the Republic of China was established at the beginning of the Republic of China.

Nothing wrong, with the help of external forces, some people were attacked and killed by the power of the Japanese nation. Some people use the power of North America to promote capitalism, and some people use the power of Su to practice communism.

Winner and loser, Zhongshan winds and rains. Xiuti traitorous country, who has not sold it?

Ron was still too simple to know something.

He ate the roast duck burrito: "Why is this green onion sweet?"

He tasted it, the green onions when roasting the duck was sweet.

"Buried deep and not sent out. It is not planned for the beginning of the spring, so it is sweet."

Princess Yuzhen knew that this onion was not for seeding, so it was cultivated and dug up in advance, and it was sweet when eaten.

The green onions grown for the coming year are spicy now.

So to judge what kind of green onion is, you can know it by its spicy.

Scallion means people, the joy of fish and water, sweet or spicy, each has its own desires.

Not long after, the other side gave feedback that the new way of building roads is too good, and I need to be promoted.

Li Yi and Li Longji knew the situation, they couldn't do anything against Princess Yuzhen, so they just followed it.

"Li Lang, are you worried?" Princess Yong Mu didn't know the situation, but she could see it.

Bi Gou and others also understand, but it is not convenient to ask.

"Come here tonight and I will tell you." Li Yi decided to let Princess Yongmu know.

"Looking for Xiaolan?" Princess Yongmu blushed.

"Come on, actually...hey! Nothing wrong."

Li Yi wanted to explain, and found that the more explained, the more unexplainable.

As in the movie, he escaped the idiotic behavior in the movie where the heroine was caught by the enemy because of insufficient defense.

But it can't hide from the heroine's other needs behaviors, life is like a play! It's not easy to act!

"Should eat less at noon, let's eat small skewers in the evening?" Princess Yong Mu was pleased.

"I want to drop it too! The fried is delicious, I adjust the dipping sauce, this kind of small skewers are delicious."

What else could Li Yi say, he agreed, anyway, watching the surveillance at night, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan would understand.

You can have popcorn while eating, just like watching a movie.


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