Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2185 abandoning the nature of ritual and legal person (third more)

After lunch, the clouds in the sky became dense, and it looked like it was going to rain. When the wind was blowing, it was not cool, but a hint of coldness.

Wu Jieyu agreed to go to Hu Qing'er's house. A group of craftsmen followed, drove the car, and prepared to help repair the house.

Li Yi took Princess Yongmu's hand and found an opportunity to get to Li Longji's side.

He said that letting Princess Yongmu ask is actually an attitude, and he will take care of the questions himself.

"Brother, ask something?" Li Yi found that the little hand he was holding was sweating.

"Ask!" Li Longji glanced at the hands held by the two.

"You said that Wen Tian and I are going to have a happy event. In the previous process, how much should be the simplest dowry gift? I don't need a combination of characters or anything. I will. The two of us are fine."

Li Yi asks, how much do you want? It is estimated that it is not the thirty or fifty embarrassment of ordinary people.

"Ten million yuan." Li Longji was angry. Are you talking about money? OK, I will give you a count.

"Really, one hundred million yuan will do?" Li Yi was happy, you see how I printed you ten million yuan.

"I have to add a thousand-killing mighty stick, my son-in-law is too mad."

Li Longji reacted and couldn't talk about money with Yidi's son-in-law.

"Do you want to make meatballs? A thousand sticks are struck down hard, and the bones don't need to be shaved. They are directly beaten into the mud to supplement calcium. You can always discuss things like this?"

Li Yi clenched his hand and signaled Princess Yongmu to feel relieved, don't be afraid, I will deal with it.

"In fact, whether money is not money, whether to fight or not, is all based on sincerity, and sincerity is good.

The key is sometimes some people who are new and lack strength, such as Mu Laozhang.

What medicine did you give him? Brother knows how to exercise, but he didn't inquire about the medicine. "

Li Longji put on a look like everything is well-discussed.

"That stuff is not needed, like you, no. People who want to come to Wen Tian's family don't need it, don't you think?"

"In case you need to use it!"

"You don't need to take it internally, but there are some for external application, but it's easy to use. Brother has some. Third brother, you can try it first. Put it on the skin, and then... it will have an effect."

Li Yi held out his hand, and suddenly a big bottle of four liters, a push-on type, appeared.

"Brother Yi..." Li Longji's face changed, with chagrin and self-blame.

Princess Yongmu next to her pouted and stared, tears rolling in her eyes.

"Three brothers don't need to be like this. They eat a little more potatoes than before and will make up for it soon."

"Ah~~Oh! I'm scared to death as my brother, then... I'll try it for you first, how do I use it?"

"Apply after the shower."

"Yes, if it works, you can give me two more bottles. Other things are easy to talk about."

"It's that simple? Deposit? Oh, dowry?"

"How can Wen Tian's family have such a power? Do whatever he wants to do. Wen Tian has a good life and feels at ease if she wants to come to her father."

"Wen Tian, ​​did you hear? You are not worth money, you are worth a bit of life."

"How much money can I buy?" Princess Yongmu glared at her father again.

"You didn't eat less potatoes before." Li Longji stared back.

"Brother, it means that after the Chinese New Year, my family and I can Wen Tian..."

"Doesn't the year add to the day? What does it mean to live? Have you ever heard of the new year?"

"Okay, Chinese New Year, one day next year." Li Yi understood.

"Li Lang, I'll go ahead and have a look." Princess Yongmu listened and found that something was wrong, and ran to the front shyly.

"After the new year, he is one year older." Li Yi said to Li Longji.

"It's up to you, this thing is really easy to use?"

Li Longji doesn't care, anyway, my daughter gave it to you, so I can rest assured.

Throughout the dynasties, there is no son-in-law like you, who personally went to the kitchen to make food and personally made small clothes inside.

The key is that you can hold back so many ‘everyone’ in southern music, and you would write a poem and make a tune when you were fine.

After all, my daughter will marry someone. I am unwilling to marry someone else. I will give it to you. You just look at it.

"After love, I know it deeply. After being drunk, I know that the wine is strong. After using it, I will follow it both physically and mentally."

"Can you collect it if you spill it elsewhere?"

"It's very cheap, you can use it whatever you want, and you are not afraid of waste."

"Are those people staring at it?"

"The drone is managed in the sky, including Ron when he returns. Guo Ziyi doesn't have to go after the mission is completed."

"Why do you feel more tired than fighting Tubo and Post-Turkic?"

"The relationship between far and near involves oneself, and there is a sense of insecurity, so I am tired."

Li Yi was also tired. When fighting at the border, he provided baggage and ordnance technology support. He couldn't manage the specific combat.

Now facing the conspiracy, I have to come up with specific methods.

So if you are in war, try not to fight on the mainland.

The advantage of local warfare is the geographical advantage and the harmony of people. It is no problem to win, but the losses are too great.

"Brother Yi, you give Yingying, oh, it's a tune written by Princess Jinxian. When the flowers are not blooming, it's just a twist."

"It's not in harmony with etiquette, right?"

"Whose etiquette?" Li Longji shouted: "You have suppressed Buddhism and Taoism. Do you care about Confucianism? Don't you just want to see the clan? See others, whether you can live or not? You live for others of?"

Li Yi was frightened, and nodded again and again: "I know, I know."

"Hurry up, after the Chinese New Year, those few days will be good. Actually. I have a little medical skill, so I need to find an imperial doctor for my brother?"

Li Longji hates you, hurry up, everyone is waiting.

Can my Yuanyuan find anyone besides you? Women in other people's families have children at this age.

In fact, Li Yi didn't care, he was afraid that Li Longji and the others would care. The issue of etiquette and law did not expect this to be the result.

Where is Wen Tian? Where's my daughter-in-law! Come here quickly, pull your hand, it's okay.

"There are people in Uncle's eyes, and there are people in their hearts. Our family is round and not succumbed." Queen Wang was pleased.

"Someone is digging a tunnel in the Wentianlanxiang Pavilion in Luoyang Palace, wanting to dig under the Wentianlanxiang Pavilion. I don't care about this."

Li Longji expressed his attitude, dig it, I ignore it, you dig hard.

Then you wait for others to take action, not because I can't tolerate anything, but because some people want to destroy you.

"You call me a person, I still don't want to kill people. It's not that my heart is not cold enough, but that I know what civilization is.

So when some fair-skinned people kill others under various banners and names, such people are not civilized.

The word "civilization" has nothing to do with money and force. It is about inheritance, killing others, and then saying that it is inheriting the inheritance of others. This is a cancer of mankind. "

As Li Yi said, his fingers scratched on Princess Yongmu's palm.

"Itching!" Princess Yongmu whispered.

"Hold itching, let's try it!" Li Yi went to hold Princess Yongmu's waist, and then put his mouth together.

Princess Yongmu raised her head, she will be this man in this life, anything will do, I take the initiative, too...

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, look at what the old man found." A voice that seemed to be dangling in the soul came.

Li Yi didn't let go, he stubbornly hugged Princess Yongmu and looked at Bi Gou: "Lao Bi, you understand that if the matter is not urgent enough, it means that you are no longer able to serve in the household position in your current state."

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