Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2188 How many calculations are made today (first more)

Li Yi looked at the child, grasping the pulse, and after a moment: "You will go back with me at night, and I will show you other things. The pulse is not visible for a while."

"Is there something delicious? No, don't I bother you?" The child swallowed.

The children around watched eagerly, but did not dare to speak.

"All the kids, it's fun, I'll show you all." Li Yi said loudly.

"Okay~~!" The children cheered, as if it was the New Year.

Some of their parents nodded their heads, some smiled, and sent their children to eat good food, relaxing for two days by the way.

Everyone joined hands to work together, Hu Qing'er's house was managed by craftsmen, and the people cleaned the ditches.

Li Yi uses a small robot to shake people and deliver cement, stones, and sand.

"Proprietor, the slope of the slope is not good, the water is clear, the child likes the water, it goes down in summer, it's sloping..."

A craftsman came to Li Yi and whispered.

Li Yi said loudly: "Shen Rin is right. You can't ask for a slope. The child will be injured. If you change it to a straight one, you will get into the air first."

The craftsman is Zheng Shenlin, the master of Zhuangzi.

He understands the world and doesn't let others hear what he says.

Li Yi didn't care, he made a mistake in his calculations, not ashamed. The craftsmen in my Zhuangzi thought well.

"The proprietor praised it, will you give it a reward?" Zheng Shenlin asked with a smile.

"Reward you a big slap." Li Yi raised his hand.

"Oh! I'm going to have a look at Liang."

Zheng Shenlin threw a word and ran away, and the person next to him laughed.

A group of people put up shelves to work in the room, the tiles were stacked, and Wang Xiaosi stood on the ground to give things to the people in the room.

Li Yi has finished measuring his height, two meters three to five, plus his arms, what kind of shelf do he need?

"Physical fitness is very good." Li Yi shook his head, Wang Xiaosi pier carried a few hundred catties at a time, and everyone was afraid of walking on the springboard.

Give him a heavy machine gun, don't carry the ammunition box on your back, it is simply moving the firepower point.

Thinking about this, Li Yi glanced at Hu Qing'er, who happened to look over at him, and quickly lowered his head, looking ashamed and timid.

Li Yi saw the other person's appearance and wanted to use a heavy machine gun to suddenly kill her.

He endured it for a while, put a long line, and caught a big fish.

The underground sound the child hears is the sound of digging. It doesn't matter how much medicine you drink, unless you drink sleeping pills.

Bring it back to Zhuangzi first, and after a few days, I won’t be able to hear anything.

When it was dark, the house was processed, and the humidity was a bit heavy, and it was necessary to burn charcoal in the house, and then go in again every other day.

Xiao Lan brought a part of the team over and stood on the left front of Princess Yongmu.

Xiaolan is not a left-handed, so she moves the fastest to the right, which is dangerous. If others put cold arrows or something, she can step in front of Princess Yongmu one step at a time.

The five-big and three-thick guards stand again, and only Princess Yongmu has an attack angle in front of them.

NS! The defense from this angle is actually the strongest.

"Wen Tian, ​​you find someone to invite Hu Qing'er to live in Lijiazhuangzi for two days." Li Yi knelt down and said to the little robot.

The little robot moved slowly, everyone set up the stove, and when they were ready to eat, the little robot came to Princess Yongmu, touched Princess Yongmu's leg, and lowered the volume of Li Yi's voice to Princess Yongmu.

"Yeah!" Princess Yongmu understood: "Xiaolan, you can talk about it later."

"Okay! I just can't say it was my invitation, let alone princess you." Xiaolan's eyes rolled.

"Who are you talking about?" Princess Yongmu couldn't think of it.

"Master Zheng's daughter-in-law Zheng Lian, the one in charge, talked about the interior decoration of the house and discussed with Zheng Lian in the past." Xiaolan replied.

"You continue talking." Princess Yongmu still didn't think through.

"I came forward and invited Hu Qing'er, Li Daniu, and Wang Xiaosi to imply that she was bullied by Li Lang.

Any man in Zhuangzi could be an excuse for Hu Qinger.

Zheng Lian was in charge of women's affairs, and at the same time he was in charge of the workshop. As soon as Hu Qinger had the opportunity to get in touch with the workshop, her mind would be focused on inquiring about secrets.

Wang Xiaosi and Li Daniu also went to Zhuangzi together. There is monitoring in Zhuangzi, so let them know about them first.

So when Hu Qing'er really wants to plant someone on her, as evidenced by surveillance, there will be no other men in her life area.

She inquired about the matter and told Li Daniu back, that Li Daniu had a lot of thoughts. "

Xiaolan explained in a low voice, one after another.

Princess Yongmu blinked and looked at Xiaolan: "Thanks to you by my side these years, I have suffered you."

She remembered the people around her before, but somehow they moved elsewhere, and some had accidents.

Only Xiaolan was there all the time, and all three of the harem princess Life's responsibilities were changed.

I remember that there was a steward who brought a maid who was able to talk to him, and held the other maids, including Xiaolan, for a while.

Later, I learned that she was greedy for things with the steward. At that time, Xiaolan slapped her. She was upset. Xiaolan persuaded herself not to get angry. There was no tongue touching her teeth.

As a result, on the fourth day, the steward and the maid fell into the pond and drowned.

After a good cleanup in the own palace, Xiaolan still stayed by her side without showing the mountains and water.

The maid by her side was even changing, and Xiao Lan was always there.

Xiao Lan shook her head slightly: "It's not bitter at all. The hardest time is being framed. I was not with you, the princess. I was only five years old.

To be sent to Ye Ting Palace, I was scared and wronged, crying as I walked. You passed by, took my hand and said not to cry, then pulled into your yard.

At that time, I suddenly understood many things, and now they are all over. No one can send me to Ye Ting Palace except you, princess. "

"I can't remember, I want to know how the steward and maid of surname got out of the pool?"

Princess Yongmu tried hard to think about it but couldn't remember, but she had an impression of another thing.

"I hinted that the princess was greedy for ink, and then got slapped. I knew that they were fighting each other, not the eunuch.

I also know that they both like to eat mushrooms, especially the big mushrooms, because the heads of the mushrooms are very similar to those of men.

I bought some hallucinogenic mushrooms and made them myself.

Find a house next to the pond to invite them to dinner, apologize, and a mushroom feast.

After a few bites, I brought back a plate of new mushroom dishes, and when I served it, I vomited what I had previously eaten.

Then I didn't expect them to be on the table. I saw it almost. I yelled and told them to jump into the pond. "

Xiao Lan said her plan very calmly, and the two of them were not wearing clothes outside of the plan.

Replace it with what she wouldn't say before, once it is known, it will be over.

Now she is not afraid, knowing that Princess Yongmu will protect her, when Li Lang knows, he might laugh and praise: Nice job!

"That's it, I finally solved one mystery in my heart, and the other will arrange it later."

Princess Yongmu didn't want to ask anymore, she promised to be conspiracy after conspiracy one after another.

As Li Lang said, there is no love and hate for no reason.

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