Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2192 Two-pronged approach next to the tunnel (first more)

"Brother Yi originally had a grudge against the ants too! Hahaha!"

When Li Longji heard what Li Yisuo said, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Isn't the ant on the screen?" Li Yi quickly found an excuse to speak to the eunuchs who besieged an ant-killing court lady.

Then the ant ran away, and the court lady eunuch stomped and shot again, but didn't hit it because someone was blowing.

Tao Hong Qingsong and others are highly savvy. It's not that ants can't be killed, but the ants at this moment are not good enough to kill, just blow them away.

Lijiazhuang didn't like to kill, so old horses, cattle, donkeys and mules were bought and raised to death.

The proprietor is kind, and he rarely kills, so he has killed so one or two times, so he is still a good person.

"Brother Yi, good separation of military and political affairs?" Li Chengqi stopped joking.

"The army should be in the hands of your majesty, and administration is the business of administrative officials. The administrator holds the power of the military, the people do not the people, and the soldiers do not.

In the end, the army was ordered by civil administration. The local leaders command the troops and are powerful.

The people at the bottom can fish and meat, while the top deceives the court and even raises the self-respect of the bandits. "

Li Yi proposed a new reform plan to consolidate the military power in the hands of administrative staff.

"What if the generals do not control the administration and want to invade the place under the pretext of raising military funds?"

Li Chengqi was afraid of pushing the generals in a hurry, like the generals guarding Tubo and Sulu, the place is their own.

The locals are under their control. They organize troops and want to be directly converted. Wouldn't they immediately turn back?

"Slowly transfer soldiers from other places, and transfer their soldiers to other places."

Li Yi immediately gave a solution. At that time, most of his people joined the army, and there were too few who could stay in the local area.

Basically, they will be sent to other places to prevent generals from using local soldiers to do things, and to prevent mutiny caused by things in the soldiers' homes.

After listening to Li Longji, combined with what he said before: "Conscripts? Conscripts are allowed to stay in the army at a certain time. They are called voluntary soldiers?"

"The title can be changed, and the content will not be changed. At that time, the officials will be selected from the local soldiers, and the monopoly of the family will be eliminated."

Li Yi continued to copy, he thought this model was very good.

There is no need for weak branches to be strong, and there is no need to worry about the local army rebelling.

Like the place where the broken Yecheng is guarded, there are generals of various tribes in the border areas of Tubo.

Soldiers elsewhere have been trained, transfer to coordinate defense, and then transfer your local soldiers to other positions after a period of time.

To disagree is to have a rebellious intention, dare you not to rise up?

Li Longji nodded slightly: "Success in three years?"

"As long as you have money, next year will be fine." Li Yi joked.

"Where are the soldiers mobilized?" Li Longji glared at Li Yi.

"Sixteen guards. Everyone is literate in the sixteen guards. When they go to the place, they will directly serve as the corps leader and bring soldiers for a year and a half.

The soldiers brought out by the previous sixteen guards were also literate and educated.

Select the good ones and send them to other places to serve as heads of corps. As long as the salary is sufficient, they will not be rebellious. "

Li Yi explained that he was not joking, serious.

We have someone, why can't the sixteen guards be sent out? Arch guarding the capital?

The Jingshi didn't need them, they went to finish the work and came back to reward them.

"Yeah!" Li Longji didn't say yes or no, he was considering the issue of money.

Is the money used for economic construction or army building? Putting it on the economy, you can make more money.

"After the imperial examination, those who have not been promoted will depend on their specific circumstances.

Candidates who can participate have no problem reading medical books, and they must have a strong ability to use their hands and brains for specific re-testing in learning. "

Li Yi changed things, and he didn't think about whether to solve the military affairs immediately.

The army is no problem right now. The soldiers in the places where they won this year have all been rewarded, and they have given many things and exchange vouchers.

Li Chengqi picked up the wine glass: "How many people are still lacking in medicine?"

"A hundred times now is not enough." Li Yi followed with the drink.

"Where is the future of studying medicine?" Li Chengqi asked again.

"In the future, I will be a doctor in other places where there are few doctors. The court will manage the doctor. It belongs to the government and pays salary.

Whoever is optimistic about the number of patients can increase their salary, and whoever solves a certain intractable disease will receive a large reward.

In this way, someone will be willing to delve into medical skills and be respected at the same time.

Well done, the same as the history, not worse than officials.

In the future, the medical system will need officials, select them, and then become officials again. "

After Li Yi finished drinking, he pattered his mouth and ate.

The two of Li Longji understood, it was the same as the part specially set up by the Ministry of Households.

At present, the number of trainees in the Imperial Medical Office is increasing, and there is a shortage of them. They usually serve the royal family, and they are also studying medical techniques and planting medicinal materials.

According to Yidi, Datang will have many doctors in the future.

Even the people in remote places can see the disease nearby, and the ordinary medicinal materials are sent there. Isn't that planted? Datang Qingdai Medical Fund.

The little girl said that she had a dream, and she dreamed that medicinal materials could be grown in many places, and then Brother Yi directly implemented it.

This apprentice was too comfortable, Master helped cure the mortal disease, Master gave dreams, Master gave good food.

Ah yes, can you still learn medical skills? Yes, it's important to learn medicine.

The three of them chatted, and the on-screen Kuro entered a shop.

There was a word "Liquor" written on the guise of the shop, where the liquor was sold, it seemed that he went in to sell the liquor.

"Corn and sweet potatoes can both make wine. The former makes high-degree white wine, while the latter makes yellow wine the most suitable.

Next year, I will select a portion of the wine to be brewed, and everyone will taste it.

The remaining distiller's grains can be used as feed like other distiller's grains.

Yes, tomorrow I will find Wen Tian to sell roasted sweet potatoes. It's still cold and suitable for roasted sweet potatoes. "

Li Yi said that sweet potatoes thought about selling roast sweet potatoes with Princess Yongmu. He would only eat hot roast sweet potatoes when he felt it was colder.

But people in hot places eat roasted sweet potatoes, and the business is pretty good.

In Sanya at that time, the temperature was over 30 degrees Celsius, and some people rode bicycles to sell roasted sweet potatoes.

He was dumbfounded when he saw it for the first time, how could this be? Don’t look at the months when it’s hot. It’s not cold in Sanya in November. Wear shorts and skirts.

How to eat this roasted sweet potato? Shouldn't it be when the heavy snow is falling and the cold wind is whistling to hold a roasted sweet potato to give it a warm and sweet feeling?

He was curious, and asked, the other party told him that the business was good, and he would sell two large baskets of sweet potatoes a day.

Now the sky in Luoyang will sometimes reach zero degrees sooner or later, at noon fourteen to five degrees, and sometimes more than eighteen degrees.

"Don't burn your hands, no one's hands can be burned."

Li Longji reminded that his daughter's hands could not be hot, nor did Yi brother's son-in-law's hands. Who was expecting to be suddenly ill for surgery.

"Wear thick gloves, made of pure cotton." Li Yi assured.

Everyone was talking, and found that the Jiulang who entered the Fujiaofang wine shop hadn't come out, and died of drinking in it?

"Fujiaofang is to the north of Xunshanfang, dig a tunnel! Just dig in the past." Li Yi came up with a situation.

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