Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2209 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 2200th chapter is not for the family has another root (third)

After eating, the burning little girl carried an oxygen bag on her back and sniffed.

She was sleepy as soon as she had eaten, and she was struggling to breathe. Most of the blood was concentrated in the stomach, and the blood supply for congenital heart disease was insufficient.

Fear of cold, heat, and excessive exercise.

Sometimes she would endorse the book after eating, and fall asleep with her back on her back.

She was half full, and Feng Qingdai controlled her food intake.

Now she eats pine nuts and watermelon to increase saliva secretion and facilitate digestion.

She took a small pliers, and Qingdai was beside her to talk to her about medical matters. She read the doctor's book by herself, and Qingdai was able to answer it all.

Li Guizang also wanted to participate, and was kicked by the senior sister to help the people get their pulses together with the nurse.

The nurses who can get to Lijiazhuangzi are very good at pulse, and Li Guizang learns from them.

Li Yi continued to sell roasted sweet potatoes, and the people still lined up to buy them.

The roasted sweet potatoes were not sold out until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

The people who didn't buy it left their home address, and someone will deliver it tomorrow. They can't line up in vain, and tomorrow's people won't charge money, and they will give more.

When the team returned to Lijiazhuangzi, it was just dark. Zhuozhuo went to see her parents. She would eat less food tonight and check her health tomorrow morning.

Li Yi didn't eat much, and went into the room to chat with the little robot.

"Manichaeism, they are messing around behind the scenes." The little robot provided information.

"Mingjiao! Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed a cult."

Li Yi knew when he heard that he didn't need to check the information. He had checked it before, and a similar teacher had contacted him.

Tell him that he should donate part of the money to help other believers.

Why are you looking for him? Because he is also a believer, and he has a certificate of Taoism and Taoist priests, and they both have them.

In order to facilitate the sale of medical equipment, God knows what kind of beliefs he has with the dean and chief physician.

He has to know what others believe, he leaned forward and told them that he was too, and there was nothing wrong with him.

Anyone who taught him that day asked him and told him that the disciples helped each other, including going to other people's houses and eating.

He was very generous. He asked a group of people to play in the villa. By the way, he would introduce his company's products to the rich.

There is such a thing in the teachings of Manichaeism, which seems to promote the good side, the light.

But the doctrine of this religion is too advanced, just like the communist doctrine.

He has no private property, and the chickens he raises are from the commune. It is against the doctrine to dare to raise by himself, to clean up, to clean up.

You won’t slack off when you work, and the centimeters given are too small to open the pot.

I make up some soil baskets and sell them secretly so that I can get the rice in the pot. The whole family is hungry.

If you get caught, you kick the dirt basket, cut your tail, and start a big fight.

Manichaeism is just such a thing. It makes no difference. It fools some people, especially the poor people.

And the wealthy and wealthy people are also drawn into the education, enjoying the beauties and handsome men among the common people.

Absorbed some Hindu doctrines, so that everyone does not produce, just take care of what others want to eat.

Li Yi checked the information again, and it turned out that Li Longji found that the situation was not right, so he said that Manichaeism was a cult.

There are no decent temples in the Manichaeism of the Tang Dynasty. They all live in other temples and propagate the teachings by the way.

"In fact, it doesn't matter what they do right or wrong. What's important is that the people must believe in Chinese civilization.

If civilization is lost, this nation will be completely abolished and become someone else's younger brother.

Everything is the supremacy of force and money, and doing things that are not human under the banner of so-called democracy and freedom.

In this regard, Confucianism has actually contributed a lot, and the ideas in it are part of Chinese civilization.

Fortunately, other families did not become extinct. Everyone worked hard to dig out those materials.

Even after those years of catastrophe, the burning of books and Confucian scholars still continued.

This is the characteristic of Chinese civilization. Faith is in the bones and deep in the soul, and no one can eliminate it. "

Li Yishun thought a lot about Manichaeism, and said to the little robot.

"Should I be moved because you are sensational." The cute voice of the little robot came out.

"Should I format you? Because you are very smart." Li Yi's voice was calm and gentle.

"You format me, I'm not afraid, my Chinese civilization has a long history, and my Chinese will never stop.

I'm the one, and later people, I... Proprietor, also the cloud? Then I'm really gone.

Or if you stop the electricity for two days, when I am hungry, I will be awake when people are hungry.

Otherwise, people will be fed too much, and they will always think about it and do some unintelligible things. "

The little robot hurried to save himself, it was too scary, just a joke, as for!

"Isn't a big family behind?" Li Yi didn't bother to argue with the little robot.

"No, in fact, I know that the proprietor you are thinking of is the Zheng family of Xingyang. Someone in his family is indeed involved, a side branch.

Look at the name of Ji Yizheng, that is Zheng, the Zheng family of Xingyang, the same spirit, the master is not stupid.

They have sent the mother of the Taoist priest Zhengxuan's child, Zheng Xuan, Zheng Xuan, and his mother belonged to the side branch of the Wufu. "

The little robot continues to provide information for Li Yi's reference.

Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He just suspected that the Zheng family of Xingyang, in Henan Mansion, only the other party had this strength.

What is the population of the Zheng family in Xingyang? Beheaded by the pile beside the Yellow River, the water of the Yellow River can become the water of the Red River.

It’s better if it’s not the owner, there will be fewer deaths, and the society will be stable.

As for Manichaeism, all those who are operating or who don’t know it will be disposed of. They are not needed on the operating table.

"Continue to stare and find their nest. The doctrine of Manichaeism can actually fool people. It comes up with light and darkness, which defines Righteous & Evil.

Everyone understands this as soon as they hear it, and then they talk about the need for light and not darkness, and believers will sink step by step.

The key is that they propagate no farming, no gathering, no harvesting, and no killing of animals.

You just don’t care what others want when you eat. You don’t do anything, and others support you? What do you want to drop? I never dreamed of it. "

Li Yidu murmured more and more angry. I worked hard to develop productivity and research production technology. If I let you be in charge, should I drink northwest wind? What if the southeast wind blows?

This Manichaeism has a very big conspiracy to make the monarchy lower than the religious power and religion above the monarchy.

There have been such things in Europe, and until later, there are still some federal countries that believe in queens.

Otherwise, why do you still feel like you are awesome after tomorrow is over?

This is a problem of royal power, and the religious power is even more powerful. Like the religious country that does not have diplomatic relations with other countries, it is the Catholic who once took out villas for people to live in, and promoted hospitals and medical equipment by the way.

There are too many people in this religion, and his country has no good way to deal with it all at once.

Freedom of belief! So those believers get close to each other, close enough to divorce their own husbands and wives, and find people in there to be open and happy.

"The proprietor, it's okay to catch it, it's not illegal."

The little robot couldn't hear Li Yi's voice, but could help out with ideas.

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