Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 300: At that time we knew this (fifth)

There are four people in one set, naturally it is impossible to carry them back by themselves.

When they left Xingqing Palace, Wei Zhigu hurried away again.

"I found that Li Yi has a weakness." Zhang said looking at Yao Chong and said.

Yao Chong listened, but did not respond.

Zhang said that he said: "Li Yi loves the people, you can use the people to threaten him."

"Good idea. Take some people out of Zhuangzi and ask Li Yijiao if he can pay other good things. If he doesn't, kill the people."

Lu Huaishen praised the second, and there are specific ways.

"Yes, this matter is bothering you two. The old man will ask you for a complete body from your majesty." Yao Chong also agreed.

"It is naturally impossible for me to wait. If I change to the Tubo and Turkic works, it will be difficult to protect Li Yihe..." Zhang said from another angle.

"Dao Ji, do you mean that the Tubo and Turkic meticulous work arrested the people of Datang and threatened Li Yi, shall I sit and watch the excitement?"

Yao Chong glared at Zhang Shuo vigorously, put his hand back, and walked in front.

"I'm just kidding." Zhang said he laughed twice, looking very happy.

On the next day, the people who rushed over from the kilns of the counties couldn't laugh.

The Li proprietor of the Bashui Lijiazhuangzi said, whoever gives the defective product, pay 10 for one fake, and then pay for it first.

At the same time, people in Martial Arts County should negotiate compensation from other counties, and Martial Arts County does not allow new glazes to be purchased.

If other kilns bought glazes for Martial Arts County, once they were discovered, not only would the glaze be sold to the other party this time, nor would the glaze be sold in the future.

The news spread throughout Chang'an, and I felt that the big businessmen who knew Li Yi better, watched the excitement and sneered.

Should! Li Yi came up with an idea to let the people in Chang'an not have a job to do multiple things.

Those of you who have kilns followed to make money, it was a good deal for everyone.

Of course, you just use small tricks, this is not to face Li Dongzhu.

The prime minister's Li Dongzhu's face is so good? Are you stupid? Is it scrapped? The kilns in martial arts county, give it, continue to give it to the bad ones.

The people who got the shape obviously different from the normal pottery were still sad before today.

Suddenly I found that the weather was very good. Looking at the clouds, it was dark, and one layer fell on one layer, making people breathless.

Yes, it's cloudy today, and the dark clouds are over the city.

It can be concluded that people's mood does not necessarily change with the changing weather.

"Quickly, I didn't throw it away. Give me ten back. You can't buy new glaze without changing it."

"But the guy put together a set and finished it, and use the extra."

"I exchanged two bad ones with the second uncle (bai) for a good one. Can I get it back?"

"My baby accidentally fell a bad shape, and it counts as a fall, right?"

"Dongzhu Li is a good man and has been helping us find work."

"That's right, I want to promise my daughter to Dongzhu Li, no betrothal gifts."




The people who got bad pottery rushed home to take it out, demanding compensation.

"We pay compensation from the kilns in Gaoling County. If we get pottery of different quality from Gaoling County, come here, let's write it down, and give you the next batch."

The Gaoling County Kiln was compromised in order to obtain the right to purchase new glaze.

"It will be counted after you bring it, and you are not allowed to buy it now." The people were afraid of being deceived again and asked.

"Our Lantian County kiln pays."

"Yunyang County Kiln agreed."

"Huayin County Kiln has admitted this time."

Each county kiln agreed.

"Let's discuss how much there are in Martial Arts County. We don't need them to continue to take it. In the past, we will lose 10 for the defective product, and we will give it to each of us afterwards."

In order to reduce the loss, everyone will not let Martial Arts County take it, or Martial Arts County will continue to take it badly, and you will lose ten.

"Oh, martial arts county is taking advantage. You don't need to give enough, and the rest is for nothing." Someone said coldly.

Martial Arts County does not continue to give pottery, it does take advantage of it, but the loss is even greater.

Other places started to use new glaze, which was not available in Martial Arts County, and could only burn the original varieties at a much lower price.

If a new glaze is used in which kiln, it needs to face pressure from all sides.

Hold on, this kiln will become a famous kiln of a generation.

If someone sells glazes and other kilns give it to them, they will not give it to one kiln. That is a dead-end.

A crowd of people coming from the martial arts county kiln were pale.

The ceramics that everyone burns do not actually make a lot of money, especially Jingzhaofu, which has kilns in almost every county.

Now that other kilns have received new glazes, the previous porcelains must be shipped at cost prices to raise funds to buy more glazes.

What about martial arts county? Can the kiln not be opened? Don't open those who expect to live in the kiln to change their careers?

"Li Yi, I fought with you, you bullied me in martial arts county." Someone suddenly shouted, trying to fight Li Yi desperately.

The people around him held him, hugging his waist, pulling his arms, and hugging his neck.

Some people who came to register with pottery followed and shouted, "When you martial arts county kilns bullied us, didn't you expect to have today?"

"Yes, you are only allowed to bully others, and you are not allowed to not sell your things. You martial arts county kiln is amazing."

"I'm from Martial Arts County. Don't talk about the entire Martial Arts County at your kiln. This year we will use the good farm tools and fertilizer that Dongzhu Li brought out."

"Let him go, let him go, who will he fight for? Can he get in the Zhuangzi? It's okay if I can't, I sneak in and be killed by the Zhuangzi."

"When we knead the mud on your kiln, a little bit of big sand is picked out. You give us those broken things."

"Your Majesty has said that the people are easy to abuse, but the heavens are hard to deceive."

The common people attacked again and accused the martial arts county kiln of the bad behavior.

Some even wiped their tears while talking. They were too wronged before, and the hands were swollen when rubbing the mud. They used hot water to bubble them, and they would continue to rub them the next day.

The other people in Martial Arts County stopped stopping, and those who said they were going to work hard did not rush. He didn't really want to find someone desperate to come.

Someone nearby kindly persuaded him: "What are you doing? I have offended Dongzhu Li. Hurry up and think of a way. Dongzhu Li can talk easily."

"Yes, our Shudi salt merchants angered Li Dongzhu and gave us 1.5 million catties of well salt. Li Dongzhu also invited us to drink tea."

The merchants in Shu land assisted, go ahead, pay a certain price, I believe it can be forgiven.

The registration continued. Write down what kind of pottery from whom, and then make up for it. There is a shortage of ten.

The pottery is marked, and each kiln has a way to identify it.

There is no shortage of all kinds of people among the common people. Those who used bad pottery to exchange for another good pottery want to exchange it back.

Of course, the other party did not agree. The two sides disputed and negotiated, and the government sent people to mediate.

For example, for the people who have changed, now the two sides are divided, one bad pottery, after compensation for ten, five in the family.

Or it's four or six or three or seven.

In addition, some people messed up and came over with their own pottery, only to see that there was a little irregularity, and they had to make the other kiln pay ten.

The key point is that this pottery is not the exchange income of this event, it was bought before.

Don't do it on the kiln. Some pottery was sold at a special price before. Who knows if yours is a special product?

The two sides are quarreling again, and the government officials mediate, can you give a plate? You are a bowl, just to make it together.

The people who came to ask for the bargain are unified, and the kiln is helpless, here, don't toss, just this time, not next time.

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