Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 306 The imperial examination assists without hesitation (first more)

"From today, until the exam, no class, you should write carefully about the policy questions left for you.

One is Turkic, one is Tubo, one is marriage, one is taxation, and the other is drought and locust plague.

One more thing is the research of Li Nong's technology. As for craftsmen... it is impossible for the court to push craftsmen right now.

There is no need to consider the salt well aspect of well salt, and that kind of thing will not be brought to the table now. "

Li Yi saw that the excited students were fading with the topic, so after the get out of class, he took a look at the problem of policy theory by the way.

I talked about Turks, Tubo, peacemaking, taxation, and agricultural technology. Now we will add a locust plague.

Current affairs must closely follow national events, and Datang has no other major events at the moment.

Forty-two students took notes and ran out one after another. It was terrifying. Is this a question that humans can do?

The other villagers and students in Chang'an City have already made their way to the door, and if they can't find the door, they will find other people to inquire about the news.

The gossip is flying all over the sky, and those who are admitted to the Jinshi are guessing the poem.

Especially rhymes, imperial examination poems are not only propositions, the overall requirements are strict, but also a certain rhyme will be fixed.

When changing the two, give a list of eight characters, such as An, Tan, Guan, Fan, Han, Luan, Shan, and Wan.

Then he was given the Qilu ‘Chao Xia’, and the test taker must write a seven-character rhyme poem with ‘Chao Xia’ in the content, and the rhyme used is selected from those eight characters.

If the first sentence enters the rhyme, you need to find out five characters, and the first sentence does not enter the rhyme, four characters.

Candidates write it, remember that three sentences and four sentences should be in contrast, and five sentences and six sentences should be in contrast, otherwise the score will be zero.

Many candidates are still racking their brains to study what rhyme will come out.

The students in Lijiazhuangzi have already memorized the rhymes, and not only the rhymes of Li and Weng, but also the paraphrases of Xunmeng.

Some paraphrases in Xunmeng are similar to those of Li Weng's rhymes.

Also divided into rhyme, one east: the sky turns to the north, and the day rises to the east. The east wind is faint, and the day is misty. Yeqiao Frost is slippery, and the snow on the river is beginning to melt. The loyal minister to serve the country blushed, and the cheeks of the hurt-chun-beauty disappeared...

This is cheating, all rhymes are available, and when it comes time to find out, it is much easier than others when it comes to the top row.

If these are enough? No, there is.

There is also vocal enlightenment, which is not much different from the previous two.

Yidong: Clouds to rain, snow to wind, evening sunshine to clear sky. Come to Hong to go to Yan, and stay birds to song insects. Three-foot sword, six-jun bow, Lingbei to Jiangdong. The Palace of Qingshu in the world, the Palace of Guanghan in the sky...

Li Yi is working hard, giving everything he can to assist.

Ask questions and rhyme when taking poem exams. We Zhuangzi can do it.

The reference book is so, if you still can’t write it out, it’s a stupid thing!

Do you know how many big families ask for a copy and cannot get it?

But this is not the real test. Well-written poems are just for entertainment, and policy theory is the key point.

The policy argument is that your majesty asks the government to see who makes sense.

Forty-two students understood that a large group of students in Chang'an were spinning around like headless flies.

Pingkang Square is bound to be full at night, not for pleasure, but for students who spend money to ask about the situation.

"Aren't you going back?" Li Yi asked Xin Yan and the others during dinner. It has been several days, have you been hiding?

"I'm not in a hurry, Li Lang, is Li Lang tired of me waiting?" Immediately, a beautiful woman said in a crying voice.

"That's right, hurry up and go, I'm annoying." Li Yi nodded and admitted, why?

"No, just stay." The other party suddenly appeared naughty again.

The other women laughed, they were willing to make trouble with Li Yi.

"In another four days, the imperial examination, don't take advantage of the opportunity to make more money for the wealthy students? Here, I won't give you any money."

Li Yi persuades, go back, go back and make money, anyway, you are different from other women, you don't have to go to bed with someone.

"Li Lang, so I won't be able to go back even later, otherwise I thought it was for money, and after they finish the exam, Zhuangzi's forty-two students will be admitted.

You said that we will go back again, will anyone think that it is the credit of our counseling? When the time comes, I want to drink tea with me again, but it won't be fifty years old. "

There are ‘everyone’ for Li Yi to analyze.

The so-called tea drinking refers to a bad time, which is less than an hour long, and less than half an hour short.

Just drinking tea and chatting, the Four Books, Five Classics and so on, as well as the poems written by people in the past, they have a full meeting, and they have a thorough understanding.

When the students ask them for tea, it is a small class alone.

Including Buddhism and Taoism, they also understand. They used to go to temples, temples, Buddhist monks and monks every ten days to teach.

Li Yi gave a thumbs up to express his admiration. He even took advantage of him. Forty-two students who passed the entrance examination, do they have a dime relationship with them?

But even if they figure it out, they can get lyrics and music while hiding, and when the exam is over, others will look at it, wow! They provide extra help to the students.

"Admire, I won't help the wall if I drink too much, I will convince you." Li Yi said a witty remark.

They were taken aback for a moment, and then they laughed.

Li Yi laughed and laughed. He knew that these women had no choice but to learn from an early age to compete with others.

And now it’s not popular for women to be officials, unlike in Wu Zetian’s period when there were many female officials.

The most important thing is that women serve as county magistrates, regardless of whether they are other male officials in the county or the people.

In history, Meng Dongye, Mengjiao, was finally admitted to the imperial examination when he was in his forties.

In the past, he was poor, and went to Pingkangfang to be talented and virtuous without being in the eyes of the ‘everyone’. He was often treated coldly.

So when he was admitted, he didn't say anything about the top names, so he felt that he was awesome.

Write it out: In the past, it was not enough to praise the sordidness, but now there is no limit to the debauchery. The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe, and I can see the Chang'an flowers in one day.

How can there be any flowers in February and March? The flower he said is a beautiful woman, he is not convinced, your women in Pingkangfang look down on me? Did you forget?

I'm admitted now, I'm amazing and awesome.

In fact, the ‘everyone’ of Pingkangfang Nanqu at that time still didn’t look at him. A jinshi made you crazy to Mei? Do you know how many champions came from Pingkangfang?

How about you writing a few poems? When we haven't seen it?

We knew it a long time ago, you have no talent for ruling the world.

Is Li Bai crazy? Then what?

Then, as expected, Meng Jiao, who was admitted to the Jinshi, was just talking about it by himself. He still watched Chang'an Hua, but the parent An Hua still ignored him.

He didn't have any great prospects afterwards, just writing poems and then writing poems.

These ‘everyone’ of Pingkangfang’s Southern Songs have poisoned eyes, not only for poetry talents, but also for other talents.

Just as Li Yi thought, Xin Yan and the others didn't look at him either. They admitted that they were good and moved.

But what is more important is that he has taken care of Zhuangzi as he is now, and that the thousands of foreigners have been properly arranged.

At the same time, the technology of profit farming will be released continuously.

A young man has held up a sky for countless people.

Zhuangzi still doesn't allow men to beat mothers-in-law, and he knows that he understands women even more with the song "Laughing Hongchen".

The great talents touted outside are nothing more than touted.

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