Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 312 Fighting endlessly with friendship (second more)

Li Dan was eating food, but also looking at his daughter-in-law's belly.

The one there is confirmed, it's a boy.

The other children are the eldest, second, etc., and this child is the aunt.

He liked this child even more, because the other children were older, and his son Li Longji was still not old.

When the officials clamored to establish a prince, he did not approve.

The emperor is in his prime, and when the prince is established, when will he succeed?

It’s just that there’s no way. The Supreme Emperor listens nicely and has no power, not to mention that the Emperor’s son has to consider the opinions of his officials.

Well now, there is a little guy, the key is that the queen can be born and raised.

Even if this little guy is too early to become a prince, he will regenerate and give birth to a younger one.

Queen Wang felt her father-in-law's gaze, and her belly was proud, she was not afraid of being looked at. Now I am very good, and the baby is healthy.

When a woman now knows that she is pregnant with a boy and is very ‘good-looking’, her temperament is different.

For example, every three days, my husband has to come and accompany him for a day, what kind of concubine is he looking for? Rest awhile.

Thinking of her, he glanced at Li Longji, Li Longji smiled, and the queen with boys is indeed amazing.

It's not just a problem between husband and wife, it involves Datang Sheji.

This child was born with a collection of thousands of pets, and the eyes of the officials wanted to look over.

The eldest son, Xian son, and son, it depends on the situation.

Thinking of these three sons, Li Longji couldn't help but think of Li Yi.

He hummed and said: "The waves are running, the waves are running, the waves of the river are endless..."

"Where is there any fight? Saburo, this kid will be called Uncle teacher from now on."

Queen Wang understood, but did not admit that there was competition with other children.

Your prince’s teachers, they just kneel in front of my Uncle.

"Yes, it's for Brother Yi, but you have to be born anyway, don't worry." Li Longji comforted his wife, who is now amazing.

The point is that if you take other women to Zhuangzi, Brother Yi may become indifferent.

"This tune is good, it's all the struggles and helplessness in life." Li Dan said after he hummed.

He has been very helpless throughout his life. He will be the prince for a while, the emperor for a while, then come down again, go up again, and continue down.

Both queens were dead, and only the Doulu noble concubine was with him.

Why is it so bumpy? How many relatives died in this struggle? Little Sister Princess Taiping was given to death.

"Father, it will be better in the future." The Queen said comfortingly, she didn't make much effort in it.

Some people say that she killed too much, so she had no children.

And now, she thinks she can still kill.

Concubine Doulu saw that the atmosphere was not so good, and said with a smile: "That kid is really unusual in writing lyrics and music. I went to Luoyang this time, and I didn't know that the drought and locust plague were not big."

"It's not too big, he can't go." Queen Wang does not care about the result, as long as Li Yi is involved, she supports it.

What others say is not important, isn't the Office of the Supreme Medical Doctor good? Can you have children?

"Look back and look at Yuan Zhi." Li Longji thought of what Li Yi said many days ago.

"Yuanzhi, yes!" Li Dan said impartially.

He knew that Yao Chong was unconvinced. He was so old that he was "bullyed" by a teenager again and again, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The young people say agriculture is great; they talk about workshops, they are great; they talk about military affairs, they are great; they talk about enriching the people, they are great; they say they save people, they are genius doctors; they are great for making money. ...

Li Dan understands that Yao Chong has done well enough, but the problem is that there is something better.

He believed that Yao Chong was taken down and the boy was brought to this position with ease.

That young man was the kindness that God bestowed on Datang, and he took the whole family of Zhuangzi as a sacrifice.

I don’t know why, so close to Zhuangzi, I don’t have any impression of it. Who is it? can not remember.

"Report! Li Yi Li, the proprietor of Lijiazhuang Zhuangzi, before leaving, left the last piece of Nanqu everyone. Nanqu everyone has returned to Pingkangfang and is singing it."

An eunuch from outside came to report and kept watching.

"What tune?" Li Longji is not satisfied, you tell me the tune, and then?

"I used the instrument Li Dongzhu said it was called a guitar to play and sing, but my ministers can't."

The eunuch wanted to cry and was annoyed. The guitar came out early. He didn't think it was good, so he didn't learn it.

"Gorius." Queen Wang shouted.

"The minister is here." Gao Lishi waited outside.

"Do you know? Give the minister half an hour, and the minister will come back to play and sing!" Gao Lishi told the truth.

"Go." Queen Wang said, adding by the way: "This... teach him how to play the guitar."

"Chen Xie Niangniang, Chen Xie Niangniang." The reporting eunuch knelt and shouted directly.

He knew that he was alive and would not be cleaned up, because of the queen's words.

"The baby hasn't been born, it's better to kill less in the palace." Queen Wang said, touching her belly.

Only then did she reveal her identity as a queen, who has the final say in the harem?

Li Dan and Concubine Doulu had nothing to say. They knew that the queen was kind to the people in the harem, but that didn't mean she wouldn't kill.

The status of a queen who is pregnant with a child is completely different from that of a queen who is not born.

She wants to kill the concubine, and now she can find a reason to do it.

Said it was half an hour, in fact, a little more than two quarters of an hour, Gao Lishi sweated in.

He has a guitar in his hand, he has learned it, and he is trying to learn all Li Yizhuangzi's new instruments recently.

There was also a eunuch who came in with him, whose common name was Qingsong.

One guitar per person.

"Back to the Emperor Tai, Concubine Doulu, Your Majesty, and Queen, they said that a guitar is enough when Li Dongzhu plays this piece.

However, beginners need two guitars to play. The technical requirements are relatively large. Nowadays, only six people in Nanqu can play a single guitar. "

Gao Lishi first explain why it is a double guitar.

"It's okay, just play and listen." Li Longji understood that many of Li Yi's instruments are different from the current ones.

So Gao Lishi and Qing Song began to play the prelude, and then sang.

"Don't say that there are many obstacles in the green hills, the wind is also strong and strong, and the white clouds can also be used to express feelings..."

The two guitars work together to bring out the effect of Li Yi's guitar.

Don't look at the six strings of the guitar. If you play it well, you can show all the harmony, split accompaniment, and single tone.

Just like the harmonica, some people can only play a single tone, and some people will add accompaniment, or even a ninth chord.

Right now there are two guitars together.

One single tone and one accompaniment could have been performed with a guitar.

After singing it again, Li Longji's expression was relaxed: "A song about men and women, Brother Yi, this is...I'm free."

He originally wanted to say that he was thinking of spring, but later he figured out that it was wrong. Li Yi never expressed his true thoughts in poems and tunes.

Queen Wang followed: "The tune is so simple, it sounds happy. You two don't cooperate well enough. Practice more and pass it in the palace."

"The minister understands." Gao Lishi replied, and Qing Song had nothing to say.

At this time, in Pingkangfang, there are two tunes circulating, one is rushing, the other is always love.

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