Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 314 What is the ranking of the first rank (fourth more)

"How about those forty-two people?" As soon as the attendant let go, Cui Riyong hurried over to ask.

"The Five Principles of Current Affairs Policy, One Book of Scriptures, All Passes, Poems are in Accordance, First Grade." The minister shared the good news to Shang Shu.

For the Jinshi subject, test the five principles of current affairs and policy, post one classics, and all the classics and policies are the first class. The fourth post is the second post.

All the answers are correct, enter the first place, and the wrong answer is the second place.

There is no such thing as one, two, or three.

If you make three mistakes, continue to work hard next year.

There was a smile on Cui Riyong's face. After a good time, the pressure was too great.

"What about the others?" Cui Riyong asked again, requiring rankings. All forty-two people are in the first class. How to arrange?

"Others estimate that it will be difficult. Posting a large scripture has five paragraphs. Whoever is fine can memorize the tax-related "Zhou Li". If there is a wrong word in each of the five paragraphs, there will be one less."

The minister thinks that Tie Dajing's questions are too wrong, and the imperial examinations generally test the contents of the "Book of Rites", but the "Zhou Li" and "Yi Li" can also be tested.

A lot of candidates came to the Jinshi first, but did not pass this year. Depending on the situation, they felt that they were not sure about the next year and would choose other subjects.

Ming Jing Keli still relies on the three ceremonies, and also specifically chooses a few questions about the Zhou rituals to ask.

Let the people who test the Scriptures answer the postscripts of the Jinshike, maybe they can answer them, and they have to memorize them extra.

But if they are asked to answer the current affairs policy, it will not necessarily work. Otherwise, why would they not be admitted to the Jinshi this year?

Under normal circumstances, if you write a word or two incorrectly, the examiner will think you are sloppy, but you will, give it to you.

But when someone else compares it, the other person’s words are good, and you make a typo, right? Unless you write very good current affairs policies and poems, you can send it to the first.

In order to cope with the current affairs policy, the forty-two students memorized the section of the Zhou ceremony, which was covered.

"The students of Lijiazhuangzi are still working hard!" Cui Riyong exaggerated when he felt sad for the other candidates.

Then I picked up a few students' articles and looked at it, and found the problem.

"What you write all means the same thing, but from all aspects, the words are used differently." Cui Riyong muttered.

"They always contacted Li Yi in the past. Can Li Yi still not see the situation clearly? It would be better to ask Li Yi to write it himself." The attendant gave a reasonable answer.

"Where is the poem?" Cui Riyong asked again. He actually saw it, yes, it's impossible to tell the story, at least it's far worse than Li Yi.

There is something wrong with it, no, the words used are nice.

It feels to be pieced together, the artistic conception is there, but it is not far-reaching.

The attendant frowned: "Poetry... it seems that there is a special thing to teach, just like filling up by contrast."

"Yes, this official also thinks." Cui Riyong found it to his heart.

"Shangshu, Shangshu, Your Majesty has just sent three books, saying that every Shangshu has them, and they were ordered to copy them last night, asking everyone to take them home first to learn from their children."

Cui Riyong ran in outside, the "office clerk", man.

After entering, panting and handing three books to Cui Riyong.

On the cover is written Ba Shui Duiyun (Lihu Duiyun), rhythm enlightenment, and Xunmeng paraphrases.

Holding the paraphrase of Xunmeng, I turned a page casually, and it said: Five, Song, Thunderbolt, Rainstorm. Moss-worn bamboo shoots, wrapped around trees and vines. Two mountains are lined with green trees, and one water is green. The cobweb hung over the eaves to startle the bird, and the fluorescent lamp illuminates the moth by mistake.

Change one and open: Thirteen, Yuan, You are opposite to Xian, Ji is to noise, Liu An is to Taoyuan. Yingpeng greeted Yanyou, early evening. Yu jumped over the marsh, Crane Chengxuan, drunk gall against Yinhun.

Change again: It is still thirteen, Yuan, the king is opposite, the ancestor is to the grandson. The sunset is facing Chaotun. Lantai is opposite to Guidian, and the island is opposite to the mountain village. The monument falls into tears, and the soul is enchanted. Complain against Wyan.

"I see." Cui Riyong had an epiphany.

No wonder the students of Lijiazhuangzi looked okay when writing poems, but they were always a little awkward.

This is a reference book, wow, memorize the reference book, and you can put it in when you encounter any rhymes.

The attendant picked up a copy and opened it, and he also understood.

"It turns out that there is a special rhyme book. It seems that the forty-two candidates have not yet mastered it. When they are proficient in the future, the poems written will have an artistic conception."

He didn't need to ask, where he knew it came from, Bashui's opposite rhyme, the whole river of Bashui, there is only one place where you can write such things.

"I want to make a copy of it." The servant asked, teaching the children the best, and he can see it as well.

"Tell others to copy, and look at the test paper first." Cui Riyong did not refuse, he believed that three books would spread all over the world soon.

Find a few people, throw the three books over, copy them, and don’t make any typos.

Late that night, the examination papers were all approved.

I won’t mention other subjects. There are fifty-nine candidates from Jinshi Division A, of which 42 are candidates from Lijiazhuangzi, and B is 141.


Cui Riyong didn't go home and sat there worrying.

To talk about current affairs and policies, forty-two students must be great, and they are good at talking point by point.

He is now facing new pressures, placing 42 students in front, and behind the other 17 rows, will anyone gossiping?

The forty-two students were not put to the front, but they answered really well.

In particular, the situation of Tubo and Turks is well analyzed. Some Tubo and Turks have not heard of the names themselves, but the roles of each other are written in them.

Why not put the other party in front? Ask you, can you answer so well?

Coupled with the various situations of marriage, others can analyze it.

Switch to drought and locust plagues, and benefit from agricultural technology.

Who can compare Li Nong technology to Lijiazhuangzi? Drought and locust plague, it is said that Li Yi passed by with a lot of poultry.

The new method of drilling wells in drought is also provided by Li Yi.

Will he teach the students a bad idea?

"Did you rank in the Jinshi Division?" A voice suddenly sounded, frightening Cui Riyong who was thinking.

Looking up, Yao Chong's face appeared under the candlelight, just a few steps ahead.

"Forty-two students..." Cui Riyong began to complain, in a dilemma.

After listening, Yao Chong closed his eyes, opened them after a while, and said, "Look at me, old man."

Speaking of this, he squeezed Cui Riyong aside and sat down to read the article, mainly looking at the current affairs and policies of drought and locust plagues.

After reading the articles one by one, he said to Cui Riyong: "Forty-two people line up ahead. Otherwise, when the locust plague in Taihang Shandong Province occurs, someone will turn out these articles, you..."

Cui Riyong nodded, expressing that he understood that the locust plague had come out.

Looking through the imperial examination article, I wrote that the response to the locust plague was so good, but it didn't come to the front.

His official book...

"Is there no locust plague? It's just a drought now. Many people who grow winter wheat are still happy, and the wheat is good." Cui Riyong asked another point.

The grasshopper is not in the season, and it will only be visible for half a month to a month.

And usually when they first come out, they won't be a large group, but they will gradually increase.

"I hope not, but because he was so anxious to see him, he even went out in person. The boats and carts are overwhelmed, and they are still unstable."

Yao Chong said, shook his head, and walked away with his hands on his back.

Cui Riyong thought there again and sighed: "I don't know if the locust plague is good or not."

As he said, he chose the forty-two students who looked good and looked more comfortable to line up, and the other seventeen, let's talk about the first forty-two students.

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