Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 316 Big Ups and Downs, Not Random (first more)

Lijiazhuangzi's motorcade turned around and left, along with many beautiful women from Nanqu.

The crowd just stared at it, forgetting that Jinshi and the second-class thing.

Those who passed the second and second grades were depressed. What do you think about the good scenery? Look at me.

They should have been excited, and became lost for a while. When is the second-class member of the Jinshi Division worthless?

What was originally a vigorous and lively action to watch the list suddenly became a quiet gathering.

After a while.

"Fuck, all forty-two people from Lijiazhuangzi have been hit? First class, ahead of everyone."

"Give another opportunity to the many students who laughed at Li Yi Li's host the year before. I don't know if they can still laugh."

"Don't talk about the year before last, last year, last year, how many students will be admitted next year?"

"Some of them are single."

"I looked at whose Little Sister is good, be a concubine for me..."

"whispering sound!"

"Niangdilie, so unreasonable, even better than the Imperial College."

"When it's cold this year, will Zhuangzi still hire people? My second child can go to work."

"There is no such good thing, as soon as the result of the imperial examination comes out, Zhuangzi will not ask people."

"Do you want the dealer?"

"Don't want anything, replace it with you, would you let people in casually?"

Now no one cares about the other people who passed the exam, and they are constantly lamenting about Lijiazhuang's affairs.

In a car not far away, all three prime ministers were present.

They saw the appearance of the student whose name was chanted bowed slightly.

It was a kind of tolerance, I didn't shout hard, and I didn't lose my attitude.

Bringing family members one by one, and each stepping out will inevitably attract the attention of countless people.

Then he turned back to Zhuangzi and went back to celebrate, without leaving his family aside to drink with friends.

"Virtue and deeds, Li Yi is more than just teaching questions." Lu Huaishen exaggerated naturally.

The decoration of the home is almost done, wait for the paint to dry, and put the new furniture in it.

It is said that there are new glaze-fired porcelains, many sets, and various uses.

Therefore, Li Yi is a good boy, and the students who have been taught are very good in the imperial examination.

"Yuanzhi, I heard that you asked Cui Shangshu to put the 42 students in front, and Li Yizhuangzi will be at the forefront of the storm in the future." Zhang said about the ranking issue.

"Don't tell me, if Cui Riyong makes a mistake, can he afford it? Will Li Yi worry about showing off?"

Yao Chong helped Cui Riyong speak, but Li Yi wouldn't care, and others couldn't get into Zhuangzi.

"The three rhyme books are good." Lu Huaishen once again said Li Yi's good words: "Li Yi is indeed outstanding."

"After the renovation of your house is finished, I will go and take a look, and then if people in the sky don't dress me up, I will talk bad about Li Yi all day long."

Zhang said that I was very dissatisfied.

He accompanied Lu Huaishen to see it yesterday. The new furniture was beautiful and painted.

Some have a layer of tung oil directly on the outside, no other color, simple and charming.

The same is furniture, a small stool from Li's family, looking at it is countless times better than other people's.

"The legs of the old man's table are not flat, it should be because of the ground. The tiled floor of Huaishen's house is very flat." Yao Chong followed.

Lu Huaishen's house was covered with tiles, porcelain, and stepped on the floor, saying that he would go in and change his shoes. The shoes were ready.

Lu Huaishen narrowed his eyes and said nothing, anyway, you didn't, and Li Yi looked down on you.

And you always want to press Li Yi, do you want something good after seeing it?

"If you don't install tiles for the old man, the old man will throw forty-two people somewhere and hone it for a few years." Yao Chong said sullenly.

"In that way, even if Li Yi doesn't know who you are, he will find a way to keep you straight. If you don't believe me, try it." Zhang said with a smile.

"If you don't try, he is willing to bring forty-two people back to Zhuangzi and train them. The old man just watches."

Yao Chongcai is not deceived by irritation. He can guarantee that if he does it, Li Yi will definitely not be soft.

He knew that Li Yi was teaching the students some amazing knowledge, hoping to teach them, and working hard for the people of Datang.

Touching the students is to shake the foundation of Li Yi, he went crazy...

Yao Chong even believed that if Li Yi had no other means, he might put a bunch of fireworks on his door and set it on when he went down.

Then Li Yi took out a better technology and offered it as a confession, telling your majesty that you can't kill me, I still have a lot of technology.

As for blowing up the prime minister, it was accidental, and the fireworks ignited by themselves.

Not to mention that your Majesty is a Yi brother, even if you really don't know Li Yi, he will not give up more technology for a dead prime minister.

Then Li Yi is like a hundred treasure bag, with a lot of technology hidden in it, and it will become more and more powerful.

Yao Chong thought so, suddenly worried.

I was afraid that I would continue to target Li Yi, and when Li Yi knew about it or didn't want to bear it, I would shoot him.

While the three were chatting, the crowd in front of Vermillion Bird gradually dispersed.

Those who passed the exam returned to their normal state after being depressed for a while, dragging their friends to drink.

Especially for the first and third class, some people invited to Pingkangfang to have fun.

Pingkangfang Beiqu is best to find someone and just take the money, but it takes a little bit of effort and requires talent and money.

Nanqu depends on identity and people's mood. The'everyone' of Nanqu came out and answered the questions together.

All the Nanqu ‘Everyone’s of all subjects are answered, there is no subject that they are not involved in.

"Go back." Yao Chong watched as there were fewer people, and gave an order, and the car turned into the imperial city.

There is a lot of excitement in the Southern Music, and a group of beautiful women play Shanghai Beach and Wanshui Qianshan with ethnic instruments always in love.

Then I discovered how to play, compared to the new instruments Xin Yan and the others used, it always lacked the charm.

Using the flute in the prelude to score Shanghai Beach is absolutely different from using the trombone.

But thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, and Pipa can't play the guitar effect.

When the two songs appeared, there were both western and national instruments, and it was an explosion era.

Those who compose orchestration, some of the songs are mainly based on national instruments, and some are Western instruments.

They have brought the effect to the maximum they can think of.

It's definitely not a matter of dealing with a synthesizer. People demand classics.

Except that there is no piano in Zhuangzi, a group of people from Xinyan are playing classics to congratulate the students.

The families of the students kept wiping their tears, and finally waited until this day.

The students promised their wives that they would not find another woman to take their place.

They are telling the truth, but they dare not. It seems that the proprietor has hinted in this regard that it should be fine to find a concubine, and it is not allowed to divorce his wife.

How did it imply? Not sure, just by feeling.

Xin Yan and others understand some of the ideas of the scholars who are admitted to the scholarship.

Therefore, in addition to Shanghai's beaches and thousands of rivers and mountains, they also performed many shows that men and women will never leave.

In this way, I tell the students not to float, don’t think that it’s awesome to be admitted to the Jinshi, every year, there are people who are admitted, and the first class is the same when it ends up being ruined.

There is no shortage of other Jinshi who are ultimately inactive.

It's all on Li Yi's face, otherwise they won't care. If you come to Nanqu if you have the ability, we will happily accompany you, and we won't persuade you.

When you really enter the officialdom and suffer a loss, you will be sensible.

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