Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 319 Busy Tea Picking, Young Shoots Expensive (Fourth)

On the third day after the imperial examination was released, the students who passed the examination were re-entered into the staff department and were exempted from the examination.

All the students dressed up carefully, some rubbed rouge and blush to make themselves look more beautiful, and the clothes straightened out the texture.

Everyone went in, and the officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs took a look at their looks, tested their eyesight, and asked a few simple sentences.

The results all passed, everyone was elated.

Coming out of the imperial city before noon, the others just wanted to make an appointment with the associate officials of Lijiazhuangzi. Forty-two students have already got on the bus.

The convoy turned and returned to Zhuangzi.

Forty-two people have to go back and continue to study textbooks, first by self-study, mainly physics, chemistry, and arithmetic. Chinese is not required.

They listened to persuasion and knew that Xin Yan would not lie to them, so they should learn their skills steadily, and this is not the time to play with other people.

The other seventeen first-level associate officials rode on horses borrowed by others' friendship and began to wander down the side streets.

It is a pity that there are fewer people watching the excitement than last year, and the people ran to find a place to pick tea.

After picking the tea leaves, I have to send them to Lijiazhuang to exchange money, and I don’t have time to watch others parade.

When the team went east and arrived at Pingkangfang, the girls from Beiqu opened the windows one after another, waved handkerchiefs on it, and shouted softly.

Only at this moment did the seventeen Jinshi realize that own identity is respected.

"From now on, tea can be picked until the summer harvest." Pei Yaoqing invited Li Yuanhong to eat in heaven and earth.

Seeing people coming from the west of the city, passing through the heaven and earth, hurried eastward carrying a bamboo basket, said to Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong saw that he was in a good mood, and then said: "In this way, the poor in the two counties can save some money, and Huanzhi's work with Li Yi should have done a lot."

"Thanks to the comprehension of the outline, I didn't get angry with Changan Ling."

Pei Yaoqing expressed his gratitude. He made a Chang'an order to let people from another county follow along, but the other party didn't say anything.

"The main reason is that I didn't dare to stop. I won't mention whether it is beneficial to the people or not. It is difficult for me to stop it only if the servants can get more money." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

If he doesn't fight, he will be able to get things done. If he doesn't dare to take money, there is a risk.

What's more, Pei Yaoqing's money is still used by the people in the two counties, and he has not been greedy.

"You don't need to spend money to buy tea in the future, Li Yi agreed." Pei Yaoqing changed the subject.

"The brewed tea really tastes different." Li Yuanhong nodded. He didn't care about the tea because he didn't know what price Li Yi would sell the tea in the future.

At this time, the people of Jingzhao Mansion were busy looking for wild tea, and they couldn't enter the human-grown tea garden, so they asked the owner of the tea garden if they wanted to pick tea manually.

The people in the tea garden know that the tea will grow slowly, and it is still sprouts, and the price given by Lijiazhuang is high.

According to different appearances, the most expensive one can cost up to fifty dollars a catty, and the worst one can cost ten dollars.

The price of tea made in the past is higher, but there are more demands. The new tea picked should not be sent to Zhuangzi for more than three days.

At the same time, it is not allowed to pile a thick layer, otherwise the price will continue to fall.

Ordinary people who find tea trees and pick them for a day have to go to Zhuangzi. If there are many people nearby, they hire a carriage, donkey cart, mule cart, and ox cart.

People in places relatively close to Zhuangzi can pick tea for two days and then take the car to deliver it, not more than three days.

The owner of the tea garden saw that there was money to be made, and negotiated a good price with the tea pickers, and a group of people rushed in to pick the sprouts.

It seems that both parties are very happy. One is that they don't have to find tea trees by themselves, and the other is that they feel that they can get the money for nothing.

When the first basket of tea leaves were delivered to the Zhuangzi, the farmers began to get busy.

The place where the tea is dried must be kept secret. Fried tea must not be taught. I hope that this will make money.

Song De looked at the appearance according to the pictures and instructions drawn by Li Yi. Whenever he offered a high price of fifty dollars, he smiled happier than the other party.

The people who make tea later start to process the tender tea according to different processes. According to the moisture requirements of the tea, the finished product rate is also different.

The drier the tea is, the more green tea is needed. Generally, green tea is more than four kilograms of green tea to produce one kilogram of finished product.

If a lot of green tea is delivered, and four or five catties of good buds are selected out of ten catties, then this is actually the quality of frying one catty out of ten catties.

But the selected shoots can still be fried.

If you are making very dry tea, you may need to select ten catties from twenty catties of green tea, and then stir-fry one catty.

The sprouts from Jingzhao Mansion can be sold at sky-high prices.

As for how to sell, the proprietor has a way.

Next to Zhuangzi, people who do not make briquettes for the time being formed a group, hired a carriage with Zhuangzi, and ran to pick them everywhere.

It must be hired, money is required, and the car is filled with grass fodder, salt and large buckets of water when I go.

It is usually a day's journey, and the horse must rest in the middle.

Picking for a day, more than a long time, then rush back and sell the tea buds to Zhuangzi.

However, Zhuangzi promised to give them some worse tea.

Add vitamins and clean up your stomach and intestines by the way. Don't drink tea if you are not suitable for it.

The people in Zhangjia Village didn't move. They cleaned up the land and will plant cotton this year.

The lunar calendar is February, and the solar calendar is April. It's about to be planted.

Not only the village, Zhuangzi also grows a lot.

People in Zhangjia Village cooperated with Li Yi Zhuangshang to grow cotton, Zhuangzi produced seeds and technology, and the villagers were responsible for the work.

Zhuangzi gave the village money for renting land and another money for hired workers.

The equivalent of people in the village have earned an extra wage, and their tourism industry will continue to engage in it.

Including toad farming and paddy fields, and crabs in paddy fields.

It is equivalent to Lijiazhuang, who got rich first, drives the place and then gets rich.

The same is true of the imperial village to the north. Everyone is waiting to continue to make money this year and then build a new house.

On February 28, the tenth day after the imperial examination, Li Yi stood on the bow and watched the boat slowly approach the shore.

The boatmen said that ten days is ten days, and it was accurate.

Luoyang Wharf is now Henan Prefecture, and the highest official of Henan Prefecture is Henan Yin.

Henan Mu is a remote leader, and a prince said it was Henan Mu, but he didn't care about anything at all.

Now Henan Yin is called Bi Gou, and he is sixty-five years old this year.

According to the data, he will return to Chang'an this year, and become an official book in the household department, and then fall ill next year. If he does not heal, he will hang up.

Li Yi knew this man, and some of the reasons for the poor handling of the locust plague were due to him.

It is estimated that he is old and a veteran, insisting on Yao Chong not to clean up the locusts, so Li Longji transferred him back.

Normally, this year Yao Chong was anxious about the locust plague, and he couldn't get enough energy. Next year, if a key person is missing, he will dare to give orders to die.

The name of this child named Bi Gou is based on Five Elements. His name also has a wooden character beside it.

You are also called Fangwai people with a group of people. You are a court commander, how are you Fangwai?

As for the other officials in Henan Province, Li Yi didn't find any information. The mess is all unknown people in history, so don't bother.

Li Yi looked and thought, the boat stopped, and the springboard hit it.

The boatmen helped carry things down, sent people away, washed the ship, and asked if anyone else wanted to ship the goods, and then they would transport them with the money.

Li Yi didn't work. He got off the boat and looked at the dock. On the last day of the first ten days of the first ten days of the lunar calendar in Luoyang, it was very hot and the water of the Yellow River was obviously shallow.

The grass on the pier is yellowish, and grasshoppers are jumping there.

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