Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 335 Returning by land urgently (fifth)

Bi Gou was listening, and he found that the boy's eyes and expression changed when he talked about being sick.

It is a confident, serious, and cautious attitude.

"Xiao Yi, are you very sick?" Bi Gou said, licking the toothless place again.

"I can only say that I will try my best." Li Yi shook his head.

He wanted to say that the saddest time was the moment when someone else could rescue him, but died in front of him, and he was powerless.

Not all hospitals have top-notch equipment and excellent doctors, and it is too late to transfer.

"Compared to the Imperial Medical Office?" There is a contrast in Bi Zhengping.

"Old Bi, I believe that every true healer has the same heart. It is like fighting a fallen soldier with the enemy. They tell others at the cost of their lives that they have done their best."

Li Yi was unwilling to use his own medical skills to demean other healers, even if he is now considered the best in Datang.

He has a lot of medical equipment, he has videos to watch, and he has more theoretical knowledge of Chinese medicine in the future.

But all this is not a reason for pride, but a responsibility. Since there is a better technology, it should be spread.

Bi Gou: "..."

He found that Li Yi's words sounded awkward. He was speaking to someone who was not good at it?

"The fried grasshopper tastes good." Bi Gou had to praise the grasshopper again.

Yulin Feiqi, the farmer, and the hired workers who ate together also ate the fried grasshoppers.

In particular, hired workers found that grasshoppers chew better than small river prawns. They are worse than fried when they are cooked. They just need to have oil, preferably vegetarian oil.

"If you don't have any oil, you can stir-fry it and grind it into a powder, and you can still eat it when you mix it with other grains." Li Yi introduced Bi Gou how to eat locusts.

He knew that in the later period in history, people became hungry and began to eat locusts vigorously.

Now it is hypocritical, I think God will punish it, and others will not eat it, and if the locusts are not well made, the taste will be poor.

"Lack of oil, people can use less vegetable oil, even if you take out the method of squeezing soybean oil, dry stir-fry, you need to add some seasoning if you want."

Bi conceived how to eat grasshoppers, and he thought it was OK.

"The government can collect it, or let the people exchange soy oil with locusts, and then organize manpower to raise poultry and pigs, and then..." Li Yi said and shook his head, feeling no good.

It's not that the idea is bad, but the person who executes it will have problems. The poultry lays eggs, and the person in charge has to be greedy for ink, and the statistics are not good.

Obviously the law of benefiting the people, the official intervention, everything is over.

Bi Gou didn't need Li Yi to speak out, he knew that Shangguan was embarrassed, and he couldn't control it.

He also knows that he is going to check the warehouse in Henan Province now to make sure there are defects, any defects left behind.

The last one took things and got promoted. The new official just gritted his teeth and said the number was right.

If the last one loses office, everyone will breathe a sigh of relief. Great, he took it, checked the accounts, and recalculated.

At the time of the record, it was the corruption of certain officials, which was appalling.

But it doesn't record where those things that were greeted by such officials are gone.

"Is there a way to stop corruption?" Bi conceived and asked naturally.

Li Yi shook his head: "No, unless it is always checked, such as once a month, every time a different person is sent without prior notice."

Li Yi is helpless about this. Everyone is an official, and they are not clean. How can we investigate?

When something goes wrong, and the trouble gets bigger, someone loses his head, calms down for a period of time, and then continues to repeat.

Don't say that in the Changping warehouse of Datang, some people have been cleaned up in the matter of grain reserves.

It was only afterwards that we stepped up our efforts and stared to death before putting an end to it.

Looking at foreign countries, foreign countries have not done better, or even worse.

Li Yi was depressed, and said: "In the case of rule by man, unless it is to pay more for supervision and inspection, and always change people, or over time, problems will inevitably occur."

"How to inspect at a higher price?" Bi Gou was also preparing to enter Chang'an, and he wanted to come up with a set of useful releases.

"In the inspection team, the people sent must not be disturbed. For example, a prime minister went to Henan Province for inspection, and then the son of another prime minister asked him to be merciful.

He was afraid that he could not stand it, and was hated, so he had to go back and tell his Majesty that he turned out to be..."

Li Yi sold Yao Chong, and Wei Zhigu was like a member of the inspection team.

After the law is enforced impartially, they are instead cleaned up. Who will dare to investigate in the future?

"Eunuch?" Bi envisioned a group of individuals.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Li Yi smiled.

This didn't need anyone else to think about it, Li Longji thought of it. Gao Lishi was the first intelligence leader to form Datang eunuchs to monitor.

Gao Lishi was not bad when he was in power. After the Anshi Rebellion, he couldn't control it and went into chaos.

"Oh!" Bi Gou was distressed, drinking a glass of wine and eating meat, first to solve the locust plague in front of him.

After the meal, Li Yi went to copy the book again.

Bi Gou watched the people collecting grasshoppers busy, and it got dark. Last night, the people who caught fire and caught locusts in other counties sent the locusts over.

"Before the old man leaves, I can't do anything else, Henan Mansion will be stable." Bi Gou clenched his fist.

After a few days, the people finally realized that the situation was not good. The grasshoppers caught more and more. When they were happy, they worried about the confiscated wheat.

The only good news is that this year’s weather is good and the wheat grains are full, so you can harvest it in advance.

It will be harvested in half a month, and it is not possible to wait for it to be fully ripe. If it is nine mature, ten percent will be harvested; if ten mature, ten percent will be lost.

The fully cooked wheat begins to lose weight, and at the same time it will fall from the stalks and fall into the ground when harvested.

Before it was too late to clean up, a lot of birds came to eat.

The chicks hatch first, and the people choose to change their cubs. Anyway, they know that there are locusts that can be fed, raise them by themselves, and grow fast.

People in Luoyang found that the price of piglets was also high, and it was not easy to buy them again.

On the hill of the prodigal son, the piggy grows faster than feeding anything.

Those pig manures are also good things. When the wheat is harvested and then turned over, the pig manure can be turned into the ground together.

The dealers gradually got acquainted with the situation and ordered more people to help.

On March 22, early in the morning, Li Yi took five hundred Yu Lin Feiqi away without saying hello to Bi Gou.

He has been out for thirty-four days and chose to go by land. His car is more obstructive and he can't get up fast.

"Don't worry, Li Dongzhu promises to go back in ten days. The road from Luoyang to Chang'an is still easy, and it's not slower than the water boat when he came."

Seeing that Li Yi didn't want to stay, Fan Fan rushed home and rode in the car to comfort him.

Li Yi sat in the front position outside the car, looking bored at the sky, when a group of locusts flew over.

Li Yi anxiously pulled the locusts from his body and hair, and some locusts spit green water when they touch them.

"I'm going in." Li Yi couldn't stand it anymore and turned to go in.

At this time, many places have to hurry up to harvest the wheat even if it hasn't reached the 9th maturity. The locusts are not a joke.

While Li Yi was on his way, express reports from various states about the locust plague were sent to Chang'an.

Li Longji listened to Yao Chong reading there.

"Fenzhou Daily, locusts have emerged in the prefecture, invading everywhere, the people in the prefecture are rushing to harvest wheat, and the locust plague is more serious, and the rent should be reduced or exempted." Yao Chong picks up the important part.

This place requires the imperial court to reduce the rent in autumn.

After reading one, change to the next.

"Luzhou Daily, there are so many locusts this year, and desires will become a disaster. The governor is setting up a stage to inform God, and the people will respond."

The governor here personally organizes sacrificial activities, hoping that God will take the locusts back.

"Zezhou News, locusts are everywhere, and winter wheat production will be reduced. The court should focus on the grassland and exercise great etiquette to protect against natural disasters."

This requires Li Longji to come forward to inform the event, discuss with God, and stop releasing locusts.

"Weizhou News, the wheat is well-cooked, the rush to harvest the wheat has lost too much, and the locusts will eat when the grass sees the grass.

"Caozhou News, the locust plague suddenly occurred and the people were in a panic. The prefecture's summer grain may be difficult to pay, but it can be counted after the fall."

"Yanzhou News..."

"Mizhou News..."

"Yingzhou News..."

"Yuzhou News..."

"Haozhou News..."

The locust plague memorials of each state were selected to be read out. Li Longji, the two prime ministers, and the six magisters listened.

Except for Wei Zhigu in Shangshu, everyone else frowned.

To the east of the Taihang Mountains, one counts as one, all of them are locusts.

They looked at Li Longji, and Li Longji listened quietly, seemingly not in a hurry.

After Yao Chong finished reading the locust plagues reported by most states, Li Longji asked, "How about Henan Province?"

Yao Chong turned it over and replied: "There is no Henan Mansion, Zhengzhou, and Huaizhou have sent urgent reports."

"Send someone to ask." Li Longji ordered.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, here comes the books from Henan Prefecture Yin Bigou, Zhengzhou Provincial Governor and Huaizhou Provincial Governor."

As soon as Li Longji's voice fell, a small yellow door hurried over and said yes, as long as there is news from Henan Mansion, it will be delivered.

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