Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 337 Life's heroic light singing (first more)

Hearing the sound, Li Longji sat up straight, and the little yellow door ran in directly.

He said happily: "Your Majesty, it's here."

"Yeah!" Li Longji nodded.

The three prime ministers were refreshed and came, let's see what's going on there.

Yao Chong personally celebrated three notebooks, and Xiao Huangmen turned and ran away.

"Huaizhou, your majesty, Huaizhou is entrusted with grace, the people are rich in goods, the weather is smooth, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, since..."

"Don't read the previous one." Li Longji interjected. I didn't read it just now. Now everyone is anxious to listen and say what is useless.

Yao Chong sneered and got serious.

"There is very little rainfall this spring, and the winter wheat is growing well. Since last month, the number of locusts in the civilian population has been increasing, and the ministers and others are afraid of locust disasters and are anxious and sleepless..."

It's still a lot of nonsense. The main thing is that the officials in Huaizhou worked hard, discovered the situation in advance, and took a lot of heart.

When they are done worrying about it, it will be the business.

"Half a month ago, the ministers and others heard that the Henan government was widely catching locusts, and the people moved together. The chickens and ducks raised by the locusts lay a lot of eggs, and the pigs ate long meat quickly.

Therefore, it began with the people first, and later ministers and others issued a letter to persuade the people, saying that the locusts that descend from the sky should be governed by nature, and those who govern by nature should also be the chickens and ducks.

Catching insects and feeding chickens and ducks is Heavenly Dao, and the people will follow it to catch insects to feed chickens and ducks.

In addition, the method of artificial incubation is obtained. Huaizhou is building a hatching kang, and there will be endless chickens and ducks in the near future.

This summer’s harvest may be insufficient. Of course, the autumn harvest can get the whole grain, and the people will get more eggs, chickens, ducks, and more pork. Huaizhou An. "

This time I finally finished talking, that is to say, the local people learned how to deal with it from Henan Province, and then followed suit, everything is fine.

Yao Chong put down Huaizhou's memorial and picked up Zhengzhou's.

Wow, wow, it’s another meal, meaning the same, Zhengzhou has also learned it, and it’s faster.

Huaizhou is close to Luoyang, but it needs to cross the Yellow River. Zhengzhou is also close to Luoyang without crossing the river, more than two hundred miles.

The officials who didn't know the situation were surprised when they heard that, the officials in these two places are amazing.

Sacrifices were being held elsewhere, and they asked the people to catch locusts and feed their chickens.

The reason given is also awesome. The locusts that descend from the sky should be ruled by the heavens. The rule of the heavens is to let the chickens, ducks and pigs eat. It is Heavenly Dao.

No need to sacrifice, just do it directly.

"Well, before April, it has been spread to the two states, let's talk about it from Henan Prefecture." Li Longji's mouth had a smile.

Yao Chong took a deep breath, Zhang said, Lu Huaishen, and Wei Zhigu sat up straight, just waiting for this, the key came.

Yao Chong solemnly opened the memorial book of Henan Mansion.

Just glanced at it, froze, and then read it.

"Chen Bigou, thank your Majesty for forbearing in his heart, and sent my Tang Zhineng, Taizhong Doctor Li Yi, to Henan Province to deal with the locust plague."

This is the beginning, there is no opening essay of one word.

If others don't understand, why don't you give up? They look at Li Longji.

Li Longji nodded when he heard it. That meant, yes, if it wasn't for a serious matter, I could let Li Yi go out?

Yao Chong sighed, Bi Go's evaluation was too high.

A ‘reluctant to give up’ and a ‘capable minister’ indicate that your majesty has thrown out the killer.

This kind of existence should stay in Chang'an if it is not a life or death.

He continued to read.

"There are a lot of locusts in Henan Province. Everyone catches them in exchange for eggs and duck eggs. In early March, they exchanged for a large number of chicken and duck fry.

Nowadays, under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture, there are also chickens and ducks in the village.

There is also a hatching method provided by your majesty called Li Yi. Those who have had chickens and ducks in the past are learning to hatch. By the end of this month, more chickens and ducks will emerge from their shells.

Children catch them during the day, adults burn fires at night to lure locusts, and a net can catch dozens of locusts.

They packed them in sacks and transported them to Luoyang. The official received the goods on behalf of Li Yi, and then transported other things from the hill rented by Li Yi to the people.

Now that the summer harvest is about to be harvested, the minister estimates that the wheat yield will be reduced by about half, but there will be more harvests.

Those who had no money to raise chickens and ducks, exchanged locusts for their babies, and then they have chickens and ducks, fed with water and chopped locusts.

After a few days, when the chickens and ducks grow up, the common people sell them, or use the method of making Songhua Eggs taught by Li Yi, which can make a lot of money.

On behalf of the people of Henan Prefecture, I would like to thank your Majesty once again for sending the Taizhong doctor Li Yi. The locust plagued Wu You in Henan Prefecture. Author, Yin Bigou, Henan. "

After Yao Chong finished speaking, he saluted Li Longji: "Your Majesty Chenhe."

After the salute, he sat back.

Others are dumbfounded, Henan Province is completely different from other places, even mader than Huaizhou and Zhengzhou.

The wheat is halved, and then the family raises chickens and ducks? Replaced half-grown wheat for so much meat and eggs?

In other places, the people suffered losses. It was Henan Province's turn. When the locust plague happened, not only did they not lose, but they made a profit.

Li Longji sat on it, his eyes squinted, his fingers on the case little by little, as if he was...humming.

Everyone quietly listen carefully.

"The sea laughed, the tides on both sides of the strait surging, the ups and downs follow the waves to record the present, the sky laughs, the tides are in the world..."

Hearing it, he was singing, and Cang Hai laughed, a very familiar song.

The three prime ministers and Wei Zhigu looked at each other, revealing a helpless look.

They know what it means to be in the mood to sing when your Majesty is in the locust plague.

Your Majesty regards Li Yi as his treasure. No matter how difficult the situation is, the moment Li Yi is dispatched is the time to resolve the matter.

What are you afraid of? A Henan prefecture, plus two states, withstood.

The next step is simple, let other states follow the work.

It takes more than 20 days for an egg to become a chicken, and less than a month for a duck.

When Li Longji finished humming the song "La la la la la la", Yao Chong stood up.

"Your Majesty, please vigorously implement this law to deal with the locust plague next year." Yao Chong said.

He knew that there was no time to clean up locust eggs in many places this year, so he first introduced the breeding method.

When the locusts emerge from the soil next year, they will catch and feed them again.

"Quasi!" Li Longji spit out a word, still in such a good mood.

Cui Riyong, the official secretary, heard something, and he stood up: "Your Majesty, Li Yi has gone out?"

Li Longji glanced at him and nodded lightly.

"When did he say he will be back?" Cui Riyong asked again.

"Is something wrong with Cui Qing?" Li Longji was upset, you care about when Li Yi will come back.

"The people who participated in the imperial examination in Zhuangzi didn't come to the staff. The minister wanted to ask how to arrange it later." Cui Riyong found that the situation was not right and said quickly.

"That's it." Li Longji waved his hand.

Cui Riyong sat down boringly. He actually wanted to ask Li Yi to ask the 42 people what kind of officer they would arrange.

After being admitted, there is at least a ninth-rank official, even if he doesn’t become an official, he will be paid.

By the way, you can pour toilet water and add alcohol to the lighter. They are sold out now, and the price is too expensive.

Others are thinking about Li Yi's situation. Li Yi and the others know that the bright side of heaven and earth is the boss.

But what I don't know is when Li Yi ran out and was also responsible for dealing with the locust plague.

I didn't get any news in advance of this important event.

"Since Zhu Qing knows that those who should write letters, those who should arrange the follow-up of the locust plague are busy."

Li Longji was about to adjourn the meeting and didn't want to stay anymore, so he was anxious to go back and share the joy with others.

It succeeded. Li Yi succeeded. Starting preparations last year, until this year, everything has been fulfilled.

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