Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 348 Three Weeks Waiting for Labor Officials to Release (Second)

The mung bean cake is made without adding broad beans and peas. After steaming, it is cut into pieces while the moisture is still running.

Gao Lishi rushed over early in the morning, took a bunch of them and left, still muttering something like ‘They didn’t believe it yesterday, they added another note’.

Less than two quarters of an hour after Gao Lishi left, Li Longji rushed over with Queen Wang.

Queen Wang looked inactive, with a big belly, but she didn't need others' support to walk.

Without a word, Li Yi took two people in to see the child. According to the child's appearance, he could come out now, in less than a month.

"It looks like it's more than five catties. My sister-in-law always has entertainment activities on weekdays, so production will be easier."

Li Yi introduced the situation and calculated according to his catty unit at that time. Six catties can't be too big.

"There are still three weeks, more than 20 days. Pay attention to this period." Li Yi exhorted again.

"Live here." Li Longji didn't want to return to the palace to pay attention. He also felt dangerous in the palace. He wanted to put the queen on Zhuangzi.

Then he was guarded by the wife of Zhuangzi and the eunuchs of the palace ladies in each class.

"Uncle, you said that it is not good to have a normal childbirth. I have to cut my belly?" The Queen was a little scared.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, cesarean section is actually safer than normal delivery."

Li Yi feels that he can do it by himself. He has watched many videos and used Da Ti teacher to explore it, which is the kind of Da Ti teacher without a fetus.

According to the truth, the current medical technology should have a dead body and two lives, but Wang Xing and the others never sent it.

"Does it hurt?" Queen Wang was still afraid.

"There is no pain during the operation, and the wound will heal for a period of time after the operation. It hurts." Li Yi told the truth.

The Queen bit her lip, her eyes firm: "For the sake of the child, I am not afraid."

Li Longji was a little nervous next to him, and Queen Wang's child involved his immediate decision.

As long as the boy is born, he can tell others that our throne is orthodox.

"Third brother and sister-in-law haven't eaten yet? Eat together." Li Yi changed the subject.

He feels that his sister-in-law always exercises, can jump and jump, maintain a good figure, have good physical flexibility, and have no problem in giving birth.

At that time, the hospital liked to cut people off. One was that the risk was relatively small, and the other was beneficial to the financial health of the hospital.

"What can I eat now? It's hot, I can't eat the meat, I don't want to eat it if the oil is too big, and I worry about the nutritional imbalance if I don't eat it.

I have been eating fish recently, but too much fish is just as greasy. The child in the belly is still holding on, and it is uncomfortable to eat too much. "

Queen Wang took Li Longji's hand and complained to Li Yi about eating problems with a reassuring expression.

"Go to the cafeteria and look for materials. I will make boiled meatballs for my sister-in-law, and add other vegetables to the soup." Li Yi thought of a dish with soup.

Queen Wang pondered for a moment and nodded: "What is the staple food?"

"Eat dry cakes, and see if there is something that hasn't been made in the kitchen. Brush a layer of oil in the pan and bake a pan of cakes.

After that, I stopped putting oil, and continued to use the pancakes. The baked pancakes did not have oil, and the taste was good. "

Li Yi thought of a staple food with boiled meatball soup, a cake without oil.

"Okay." Queen Wang was happy.

Li Longji followed with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm eating here and worry-free."

The food in heaven and earth is not good. There are recipes. The king and queen in the palace read the recipes and wondered what to eat. After each selection, they were quickly overthrown.

On Yidi’s side, Yidi’s recipes are not included, and they can be adjusted at any time.

In the cafeteria, there are neither of them, but the noodles are available.

Li Yi went to busy himself, and two quarters later, three bowls of boiled meatballs and a pot of pancakes were placed on the table.

The side dish is Shudi kimchi, which is delicious on this hot day.

The meat of the meatballs is the outer spine. The soup of the meatballs contains carrots, cucumbers, fungus, mushrooms, shrimps, spinach, and cabbage.

Queen Wang tasted the soup and had a ball: "I will eat this next meal, and I will change it when I'm tired."

Li Yi has nothing to do with it.

Li Longji took a sip of the soup and nodded: "Even if it's hot, you can swallow this."

Turning his head, he asked about the three things Li Chengqi brought back yesterday.

"That planter, seedling transplanter, fertilizer applicator, vegetable seeds don't seem to be used?" He found something good.

Especially for beans, insert the jukebox into the soil, dial it, and pull out two or three beans.

The depth of the pit is more uniform than normal, and there is no need to plan first, then put the seeds, and finally cover the soil.

The depth of the pit planing is shallow, and the time to emergence and the success rate are not the same.

Not to mention transplanting seedlings, without that tool, you have to dig with a small shovel or pick it by hand.

Topdressing one plant at a time, no more, no less.

This is a tool for improving the land, and I don’t know how many people benefit from it.

But there is a problem, other vegetable seeds are not good, vegetable seeds require intensive, this time, it is better to just sow the seeds in the ground.

"Brother, the tool for planting spinach and cabbage seeds is more troublesome than on-demand planting. It is pushing a roller.

There are a few boxes on it, as well as paddles, baffles, and springs that should be pulled back. I asked them to use the toughness of the bamboo to solve it from the other end.

When it is done, put the seeds in the box and push the cart to go, not only plant the seeds, but also cover the soil by the way. "

Li Yi briefly talked about the vegetable seed planter. Fortunately, it is good. The problem is that it is troublesome to make.

"Can ordinary people do it?" Li Longji considered popularity.

"Call Dage's Craftsmen Alliance to do it, and then sell it to the people, or rent it. The people do it by themselves, it takes time and effort, and the materials are hard to find."

Li Yi never thought about anyone who read the drawing and made one by himself. It is not a bench, and it can be used if it is done well.

"I heard that you have made moves in Lantian County. We will pass the matter of gold to your majesty. What should those people do in the end?" Li Longji still has questions.

"I am simple here. I get money from them, then put them there, and use their money to compensate the people. That place makes them feel tasteless and a pity to abandon it.

Looking at my mood later, when I feel better, I might use the land there to pit them again.

If you are in a bad mood, use that land to cheat them again. "

Li Yi only talked about own coping methods, and didn't mention the official. He is not the official book of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and has nothing to do with him.

Li Longji squinted his eyes and thought it was good.

As for how to operate, Yidi must have a full set of plans.

What I have to clean up here are the magistrate, lieutenants, lieutenants, and other people of Lantian County.

The people who were sent out followed other people to drink and look for women all day long. They didn't do business at all, and the people who were supervising them actually stumbled behind them.

You are all amazing, Lantian County is so close to Chang'an, under my nose, are you showing me? Let me know how good you are?

Li Longji became more and more angry, wondering whether or not to ransack his home, he could not be punished, he was a relative.

Li Yi ate a piece of cake, instead of the staple food, he only ate balls and soup.

When it was almost time to eat, he put down his chopsticks and said to Li Longji: "Brother, if possible, take the road and send forty-two students to each county.

Chang'an and Wannian do not need to send, and the other 20 counties have two people in one. I want to gather information. "

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