Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 373 Orderly Window Screening of the Alliance (Fourth)

Heaven and earth gather in the court hall, and the emperor does not complain. Never worry about things, no need to ask new screens.

This brother Feng and the people around him looked at each other, and they found the same situation.

"How is it so similar to the Craftsman Alliance?" the person next to him said.

"One-third of the world, stand on top of each other, steady!" Brother Feng seemed to understand something.

"Who to talk to?"

"Talk about it all."

The two people began to negotiate, including the price, to see if there was a price cooperation agreement between the three alliances.

There was a burst of laughter from the dock from time to time.

There was no other clothes in the pants that the porter was wearing. Now they are given new pants and they must be changed. So...

There was a passenger ship next to the shore, and many women looked at them, and then turned their heads with a puck, then looked again after a few breaths, and pucked again!

The person who put on the new trousers tried the suit, and felt full of power, and the little universe was about to explode.

The main reason is that the trousers are well-designed, and the trouser legs are short, so you are not afraid of scratching and bumping yourself.

I used to wear the pants with the legs up, and put them down when not working.

Can't cut the trouser legs, reluctant.

What’s the matter with short pants when you’re away from home?

The key is that the trousers are also specially designed for hanging pockets. After a trip, you can pick up the sticks according to the number of transports and tuck them in.

Previously, I used a cloth pocket, which was not close to the body.

The undergarment can be folded, it is thick, and the thing is not pressed against the shoulders.

Waiting to unfold, you can cover your face to be the sun when you have a short nap.

From clothes to trousers to undergarments, all the designs are so intimate.

The people from the Rongyi League who sent the coats measured their feet one by one without disgustingly dirty.

"It's too rushed to make shoes. After three or five days, everyone's new shoes will be available.

Because of the small advertising space displayed on the garments of the Rongyi League, after everyone puts on the new shoes, remember to say that they are comfortable when asked.

The slogan is, Rongyi Rongyi, the most emboldened. Don't forget, wait for the shoes to be broken, we will replenish them, and replace them with new ones. "

The person being measured nodded vigorously, not just shouting a slogan, saying that their shoes are good, no problem.

What's going on today? Lots of good people send clothes and complete sets.

When eating at night, heaven and earth.

The three prime ministers and Wei Zhigu, who was dragged by Zhang Yue, sat in a single room, looking at the scenery downstairs through the glass windows.

There are many people passing by with their newly bought clothes. This is not the case in the past.

"The ready-to-wear alliance, the Zhengyi alliance, the Rongyi alliance, Song Wang has shot again, just like the Craftsman Alliance, the three alliances compete with each other."

Zhang Shuo looked outside and said with a smile to the three of them.

"It's messed up, it's completely messed up. This alliance, that alliance, it's more and more difficult for the court to manage it. Once the power gets bigger, other people should learn from it, what should they do?"

Yao Chong criticized the alliance model from the perspective of the concentration and coalition of private capital.

Lu Huaishen glanced at Yao Chong: "Originally, there was a unity, but secretly, now that it's on the bright side, the old man feels that it is better to manage."

"Before, did the court admit it? Now it's admitted, and then some alliance will come out to teach people to believe in this, and then..."

Yao Chong also speaks from the aspects of religious belief and rebellion.

"Isn't the Gongmeng under the control of Zhigu? Tell me about Zhigu." Zhang said asking Wei Zhigu.

Wei Zhigu thought for a while: "It's okay, the three artisan alliances, with new technology, will be filed in the Ministry of Industry.

It means that if the Ministry of Engineering performs any project, see if it can be used. When calculating the cost, put the new technology into it.

In this way, Zuo Zang can save money, and the Ministry of Industry puts out a record and puts it in Jiang's prison and Shaofu.

The manufacture of weapons may also be able to use new methods. These are all things that are beneficial to the court. "

Wei Zhigu helped to speak, he did think so.

He believes that Yimeng will hand in new clothes styles in accordance with the methods of the Workers' Union in the future.

For example, what clothes are more comfortable for soldiers fighting in winter and how to keep them warm.

Yao Chong also said: "The two alliances under the supervision of Song Wang are like this. Who can guarantee that people elsewhere will follow suit?"

"Since Li Yi took out the alliance, he must have a countermeasure." Lu Huaishen said directly to Li Yi, he was relieved.

"The mosquitoes and flies in the summer house solve the problem, who will ask?" Yao Chong changed the matter and said.

Feeling the loss of power and grace, he was very anxious, and he was dignified, seeing a teenager tossing back and forth.

The Queen simply moved in and waited for the birth of a child. Your Majesty will go tonight and come back early in the morning.

It stands to reason that your Majesty should be tired if he runs on both sides.

When I waited to see his majesty every day, he found that his majesty was full of energy, and it was clear that he had a better rest in Zhuangzi.

I used to occasionally find myself a meal, a drink, and talk about things in the ‘garden’ at the back.

I haven't asked myself to go for many days. What's the point of being quite a slaughter?

Zhang said looking at Yao Chong's expression, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

He tried his best to prevent Yao Chong from becoming prime minister, but his majesty has decided and alienated himself.

Now it's your turn, Yao Chong, so you can also experience it.

When they were thinking about each other, Li Longji really went to Zhuangzi again.

As Yao Chong saw, Li Longji didn't sleep with the other concubines at night, so he was refreshed.

At the same time, the quality of sleep in Zhuangzi is high, peace of mind, without the coldness of the palace, Zhuangzi is a trustworthy person.

In particular, Li Longji always believed that Li Yi had special means of force, and all the places were rebelled, and he would besiege Zhuangzi together, and Yi brother could solve it.

The food that is eaten is no longer the food that others have tasted, let it cool, or it is hot after it has been let cool.

Sleeping soundly, eating soundly, happy mood, good health naturally, he does not need to walk to and from get off work every day.

Upon arriving in Zhuangzi, Li Longji saw someone using a flatbed cart to transport things away.

When I saw Li Yi, I asked, "I looked like a window when I just sent away?"

"The third brother washes his hands first and says while eating." Li Yi didn't answer immediately.

Li Longji quickly packed up and came over to eat together.

Tonight I ate a large plate of chicken, no potatoes, and replaced it with yam.

The chicken is big, and the sauce looks very appetizing on top.

The belt noodles are ready. As soon as Queen Wang says to eat the staple food, it is immediately boiled and put into the large plate of chicken to mix with the soup.

At the request of Queen Wang, she said that she wanted to eat wide noodles, but it was not the kind that was mixed with sauce and put in soup.

So Li Yi made a large plate of chicken and ate it with sauce.

Li Longji nodded to Li Yi after learning about the situation, admiring him.

My wife is thinking about eating new tricks all day long, so she can be tortured madly for another person, and Yi brother is tenacious and capable.

The three of them were still drinking, and Queen Wang alone added a vegetable stir-fried mushroom to supplement vitamins.

She can't just eat chicken and yam, she can just taste the two things.

Li Longji ate a piece of chicken first, then drank a cup of wine, and said to Li Yi: "Just now..."

"The third brother is asking about the window frame? It is used by people from outside. It is too hot and mosquitoes breed in places with plenty of water. They want to smash the wall to replace the window.

I thought that they couldn't bear to use tulle, and replaced it with a cheap and well-made window screen to keep mosquitoes and flies out, and they didn't have a lot of money.

The door is also okay, that is, a horizontal bar must be added in the middle, otherwise the new window screen will not be stretched. "

Li Yi introduced his newly figured out little things.

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