Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 379 Who will protect you at the moment of crisis (third more)


Sprites emerge from the misty night, and the gates of the capital city are open. The iron rope is like a net. Baby grabs, ghosts are everywhere.

Maternal love is deep and alone dared to break through, and the man's blood rose sharply. The flying fairy out of the sky has fallen prominently. Tong Wuchao, the world sings for righteousness.

As soon as the fog came out, the area covered by the lantern light suddenly became smaller.

Burned for a hundred days for a child who died of twins, buried in a corner of the ancestral grave, and at the same time the child was one year old.

It was okay just now, and suddenly it was foggy.

Everyone in the Xu family trembled in their hearts, and their sweat pores opened in fright.

"Ge, Shenxian Ge, this..." Mr. Xu's voice trembled, and the man who lifted the rod trembled.

Ge Jin felt numb in his hands and feet at the moment. He was involved in this matter. Some deceitful methods were used to deceive people, but it was impossible to say that he did not believe it at all.

He has read a lot of books and in many cases acted according to the rules, but he used some methods to make people believe more.

One hundred days, one year old, twins, cloudy, foggy.

He looked back, grabbed a lantern and walked back, and walked out for a distance without fog.

Turn back and go into the fog.

His heart sank. After taking this job today, will there be a tomorrow?

‘Boom’, a warlock in the team he led took an action under tension, a spell was thrown out, and a fire burst out in the air, and then it went out.

Everyone looked over and looked at the warlock again, and felt that their throats were dry.

"Nothing." Ge Jin gritted his teeth and said two words with no confidence.

Everyone feels a little relieved, yes, there are sorcerers here, not afraid.

The team continued to move forward. The child died and could not be buried directly according to the location. He had to be placed in a nearby corner.

Wait until this generation is dead, and then see whether to move the grave.

The road of a mile, has never found it to be so difficult, everyone try to move closer to the lantern.

Wang Xing and others arrived early and looked at the scene. He didn't see Li Yibianwu yesterday.

He turned to look for Li Yi, it was too dark to see.

Li Yi is now ready to play. He is more confident about it and will not go wrong. He has played many times before.

The people of Yulin Feiqi found a place on their own, and they didn't move. They wanted to report the situation.

Now they said they were not afraid of being fake, and they didn't know that Li Yi was going to perform magic tricks, only that Li Yi came out of Zhuangzi and brought a child.

Then they found out about the Xu family in Lantian County, and they sent the news back and forth, and finally they were ordered here.

The main task is to protect Li Yi, according to the traditional saying, they are yang vigorous.

Among them was Guo Ziyi, and Li Longji felt that he could be chosen as a "different class" in his martial arts examinations, and he was definitely extraordinary.

Guo Ziyi has never met Li Yi, but can hear Li Yi's name and things every day.

He had seen the three thousand people Li Yi trained, and he didn't care about the individual combat power of those people. Three or five people said they would clean up.

What he was surprised was the tenacity of the three thousand people. After crazy training, the other people lay down, and the three thousand people were still able to separate out and stand guard.

At the same time, other people will cooperate to find a suitable place to rest. After a while, some people will replace the guard.

Three thousand people can line up again in half an hour at most.

At this moment, he wanted to see what Li Yi was capable of, and he could also know in advance that he was taking the martial arts exam.

That being the case, can you find yourself?

Guo Ziyi felt that she was well concealed with the team.

He didn't see the surveillance head facing the tree. The farmer of the commander-in-chief on the other side was hiding in the shed with a monitor in front of him.

He can see all the surrounding conditions.

After the equipment is exchanged by Li Yi, it is ready to be used up and placed in the Zhuangzi.

When he saw that the Xu family was less than ten steps away from the place where the child was buried, he ordered: "Water spray, lights."

The people on the other side hurriedly operated, and several water curtains of ‘bang’ were pulled out from far or near.

Huh, just hit it, and a group of people immediately appeared on the water curtain.

The little devil with horns on his head, the white impermanence with a long red tongue, the black impermanence standing beside him in black.

There is also a bull head and horse face, the judge holding Judge’s Brush, and the King Yama with the book of life and death.

They made all kinds of creepy laughter, as if they were about to rush over to get people.

"Er, you are a mother." Someone was immediately frightened.

"Quickly, Ge Shenxian, make a move." Mr. Xu shouted.

Ge Jin grinned, there was no place on his body that was not shaking, and his teeth kept beating.

At this moment, the laughter of a child overwhelmed all the voices.

At the same time, a baby in beautiful clothes appeared in the picture, and he looked around curiously.

The baby looks very cute and likable, but the Xu family and Ge Jin and others feel even more gloomy.

Not only them, but Wang Xing, who knew it was acting, was about to cry too. It was terrifying.

As for the Yulin Feiqi, sweat is constantly breaking out.

Only the people from Lijiazhuangzi didn't care, they watched like a movie.

When everyone in the Xu family was afraid, one person wanted to move forward.

"Son, it's my son, I know it's you, don't be afraid of my son, my mother is here." The woman ran forward with a child in her arms.

Suddenly a person jumped out next to her and grabbed him: "I'm here, is the Xu family's nursing home dead? Take care of Xiaolang and the lady, and the others will follow me and take care of Dalang."

Xujia Nursing Home wanted to rush, but found that his legs and feet were not at his disposal.

The light and shadow over there changed, the child flew, and the other group of demon ghosts wanted to catch the child.

As soon as the chain was thrown out, it was very long and very long, and the slow motion was shown, and the child's body moved to avoid it.

With this kind of scene, Dajia understands it naturally.

The child dodges the chains, and the soul-attracting banners also come up, there are also shackles and soul-attracting lights...

Many things are besieging children.

The men and women on the ground wanted to help but couldn't catch up. The silhouettes of the children circulated among the light curtains.

Father Xu grabbed the front of Ge Jin's clothes: "Ge Shenxian, help, I will give you the money, I will give you as much money as you want, sell the land, sell the house, here."

A Yulin Feiqi in hiding stood up: "I'm on."

"I'm going on, too." The other one also stood up.

Many more just got up, and a voice appeared next to them: "Don't move, my proprietor is here, you come out to get in the way."

"Who?" Everyone was startled, and there was still someone lying in ambush next to him?

"Don't look for it, it's not with you, just get down, let you go out later, you go out again." The voice came out again.

"Get down." Guo Ziyi, who had already stood up with a horizontal knife, calmed down, gave an order, and went back down again.

On the light curtain, the baby was about to be caught, and a voice echoed in the forest.

"King Yama, the judge, the bull's head, the horse face, the black and white impermanence, this official spared you last time, saying that the life of a baby should not be extinct, and you have missed the book of life and death.

Today I came to return the child to the Xu family. Do you think that by mobilizing the power of the underworld, you can deal with the official?

If this is the case, this official will teach you again, the child will have a hundred days and an anniversary, and this matter is no longer in his mind. "

The sound is low and there is an echo effect.

The sound fell, and a few lights shone into the sky, accompanied by a buzzing sound, something flew over in the blink of an eye.

Before everyone could see clearly, the thing turned around on the surface of the light curtain.

The baby on the light curtain disappeared and appeared in his arms.

He held the baby in one hand and flew slowly at low altitude, while the other hand began to attack the light curtain.

Raising a flash of fire, the chasing chain hit the fire and instantly turned red and then dissipated.

Another thunder beam raised his hand, and the spirit-inspiring banner exploded very far away.

The background music played in concert: the sea laughed, the tides on both sides of the strait surging, the ups and downs follow the waves...

The figure flew in the sky toss and turns, and every time a shot was taken, a piece of little ghost was bound to be shattered.

Black and white impermanence rushed to the front and was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face.

The judge's pen was snatched, and there was a fire on his robe, where he rolled and put out the fire.

King Yama took the book of life and death and ran wildly, turning his head back and forth to type out a word from time to time.

Tap the figure holding the child with Judge’s Brush, and a word disappears.

The child giggled and giggled in his arms, looking very happy.

The Xu family on the ground was excited, staring wide-eyed, with expressions of joy, tension and excitement on their faces.

The woman held the child in one hand and held the man's hand vigorously in the other, tears kept dripping.

The man clenched with one hand and made a fist with the other.

The little guy in the woman’s arms glared with clear big eyes followed by a giggle, and raised a little finger over there and shouted: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

It was the first time that he had never spoken when he grew up. His family always told him that he has an older brother.

With a hint of desolate back music, Li Yi controlled the aircraft under his feet, trying to keep up with the rhythm.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you don't keep up, it's just that the spell is too powerful, and you fall without shooting. Doesn't it seem that the marksmanship is accurate.

There is a lot of water on his body now, and the little guy has been drenched, but he is still so happy, flying for fun.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'll wait until I know it's wrong, Shangxian spares my life, so I am going to change it, change my life and death record, it is a mistake in memory."

In the light curtain, King Yama was caught up with Judge’s Brush several times, and finally couldn't bear to beg for mercy.

"Then you wait and don't leave? Only this time, otherwise the official will risk the punishment of heaven and go to your underworld to find you and talk." Li Yi's voice echoed again.

"Shangxian, I'll find out later, thank you for going to the gods, retreat, retreat quickly." King Yama shouted gratefully, and the light and shadow changed.

Everything returned to darkness, and everything disappeared.

A voice reverberated: "Xu family don't move, the official will send you the children over."

Li Yi flew back with the child, quickly changed his clothes, blew and wiped his face.

The little baby was enjoying himself today. He opened his little hand and hugged Li Yi's face and kissed him several times.

The Xu family stood there a little dazed, and then cheered again.

Especially for women and men, they hold their children in the middle and hug each other.

In an anxious wait, about a quarter of an hour, a group of people came over with lanterns.

Walking in the front is Li Yi, holding the little guy in his arms.

When we got closer, other people were just about to come, and the woman and the man came first.

The two looked at the child in Li Yi's arms, as did the child in the woman's arms.

Li Yi's child looked at the man, the woman, and the child, and then the two children looked at each other.

"Hush." ​​The child in the woman's arms said.

"Little Brother." The child in Li Yi's arms followed.

Li Yi took a big step forward. The two babies stretched out a small hand at the same time, and when they met each other, their little fingers moved and their index fingers hooked together.

They looked at each other, then giggled tacitly.

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