Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 382 Generals are courageous and more strategic (sixth)

The sky was still so gloomy, and the sultry heat continued.

However, the people of the Xu family felt that they were breathing smoothly, and they did not feel tired when they walked.

Warlock Ge Jin and others got together and talked as they walked.

After saying a few words, they looked at Li Yi through the light of the lantern. As long as Li Yi looked over, they immediately turned their heads.

"Dongzhu Li, how did you fly?" The person who came next to him asked in a low voice.

"Are you?" Li Yi thought carefully. He had never seen this Yulin Feiqi.

"Some, Guo Ziyi." Guo Ziyi introduced herself.

"Brother Ziyi turned out to come here in person. I went to Zhuangzi once, and I asked your Majesty to bother." Li Yi was enthusiastic in an instant.

Guo Ziyi, he knew, and he even asked about it.

According to historical records, this kid had no confidence in hitting others in various competitions.

The highest in the exam is the first and second grade, and he is assigned a different grade, which means that he is not a human being.

Li Longji was so worried that something happened to him. As soon as he left Zhuangzi, as long as he didn't enter Chang'an City, Yulin Feiqi would follow him.

This time he entered the foothills of the Qinling Mountains and sent Guo Ziyi.

"There is only one thing, it can only be used by me, can you see it? There are props.

They told me that at a critical moment, Yulin Feiqi got up one after another, and you took the horizontal sword to lead the team to fight to protect the child.

In my opinion, protecting children is a soldier’s bounden duty, and there is nothing wrong with Chong, even if I am afraid.

However, you can rush in batches to see the other party’s deployment, and rush all together and be surrounded by others.

On the battlefield, the enemy provoked my Datang child with a spear and asked you to save it. Can't you save it?

You have to think about the opponent's strength, how it will be deployed, what on your side, and whether you can use it.

The blood can't be lost, but it must be calm. What is the purpose of the scout? "

Li Yi patiently told Guo Ziyi that Guo Ziyi had also lost the battle.

There are many reasons, the most important of which is the failure of soldiers.

The soldiers were in a mess, and a general suddenly landed in the air and fought immediately. Isn't the general dumbfounded?

If it is the three thousand feather forest flying knights trained by myself now.

Li Yi believed that Guo Ziyi led them to cannibalize the 30,000 enemy team.

Especially with fatigue confrontation tactics, both sides don't want to rest.

After grinding, the opponent was finally scrapped, and Yulin Feiqi could start a charge.

Guo Ziyi nodded from time to time as he listened, recalling his previous situation, really impulsive.

The army can't charge in one nest, it has to be divided into stocks, one group rushes over, enters a stalemate battle, and another group kills assault.

"Master Li, I heard that you have firearms, and you can ignite a lot of firearms that can fly out at once to explode a pit."

Summing up from myself, Guo Ziyi changed it to see if there was nothing that could fly.

"Yes, I can't train for you now, I haven't adjusted it well. You continue to take them to practice their physical strength and will, and promote your Majesty more."

Li Yi is not welcome, and directly speaks to Guo Ziyi, as if giving an order.

Guo Ziyi was not angry, and continued to ask, "Is there any kind with a smaller noise? I want to train."

"Take it from Zhuangzi tomorrow." Li Yi agreed.

He found that Guo Ziyi was indeed suitable for war, and his mind was lively.

For things that are loud and small, first train your own horse.

When I met the enemy's cavalry on the battlefield, the enemy's cavalry was in chaos.

The cavalry formation was chaotic, bumping back and forth, losing speed.

Are cavalry without mobility or cavalry?

The cavalry who stopped in place couldn't fight with the opponent's mobile cavalry with bows and arrows.

The cavalry has inertia in running, and the range of the arrow is farther than staying there.

Guo Ziyi was happy, and still had a question: "Master Li, how did your people find us?"

"Confidentiality!" Li Yi shook his head without saying.

Things are exchanged, but they are still being arranged in Zhuangzi, can you tell?

Guo Ziyi: "..."

He thought that Li Yi could speak very well, but he suddenly got stuck at the critical moment, just so direct and so straightforward.

Xujiazhuang didn't listen to what Li Yi said, they wished they could beat Luo on the drums.

The old woman had two little babies in her arms. She sat on the sliding rod and looked left and right. They couldn't see enough.

The person who lifted the rod didn't feel that the two more children would make the rod heavier, but it was about to float.

The child who died at the time is alive again, and the family will regain the joy of the past.

The last 100 days have been a torment for the people in Xujiazhuang.

He didn't dare to speak loudly, laughed, or laughed out, eating wild vegetables and pickles all day without seeing the slightest fishy.

It's alright now, the youngest Dalang is alive, my God, it's harder to believe than a dream.

At the time of death, that poor person couldn't cough and got fever, and then it didn't work.

Everything was as if it were yesterday. In the blink of an eye, I saw the cute and beautiful Da Lang playing with Little Brother.

The woman followed the sliding pole and wiped her tears, but there was a smile on her face.

"Xun'er, my mother dreamed that you were alive again and woke up happily. Only your Little Brother is there, and your Little Brother is crying too..."

The woman said her own thoughts to the elder son who stayed in the arms of the old woman and played and communicated with Little Brother.

As he said, he suddenly stirred up and looked around.

Seeing Li Yi and Yulin Feiqi, he believed again that his son was indeed alive, not a dream.

The importance of this moment of Yulin Feiqi is highlighted. They are responsible for protection around, and one by one, the sword is out of the sheath.

The reputation of Yulin Feiqi has been promoted, and Li Yi tried his best to assist him on the way back from Luoyang.

Help the people hunt animals and eat meat, take off their cloaks and cover them when they sleep, and also help to wipe the toilet water.

The people couldn't help carrying too many things, so the children were put on horsebacks.

Lantian County has long been heard, and Datang has a private army belonging to His Majesty. It has a strong fighting force and treats the people like its own relatives.

Right now, the people of the Xu family are enjoying it, and they are really close to the people. They are all strong, and the flesh on the back of their necks is bulging.

I heard from the dealers that they were going to charge to save the children just now, but Dongzhu Li arrived.

"It's for us to carry it. You are carrying it too slowly. The sky is overcast, and you see something. You have to go back earlier and take the medicine prescribed by the proprietor."

Yulin Feiqi took the two sliding poles, which seemed to have no weight on their shoulders.

The Yulin Feiqi who came with Guo Ziyi were all trained by Li Yi. The big thick wood they carried before was more than 3,000 catties.

Ten people carried them on their shoulders without any assistance.

The height is not the same, the taller should be slightly close to the body, and everyone works together.

According to the logging rules, ten people carry a piece of wood, and they can’t carry it.

If eight still can't carry it, six carry it.

Until finally tied the rope and dragged away.

Therefore, Li Yi did not think of training special forces from various countries at that time. China played it like this in ancient times.

If you don’t coordinate well on your own, then you will be tired together and don’t think about it.

Lumberjacks in ancient times were gangs, and they said they would go forward together in battle.

The weight of the sliding rod is not as heavy as the wood, and it is still on the shoulders.

Two Yulin Feiqi, who are about the same height, carry them as if they were playing.

The Big Brother and Little Brother in the arms of the old woman are not sleepy. The little brothers are holding hands together. You say, I say, it's so harmonious.

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