The delivery room is next to Li Yi Hospital, and the doors are connected.

Farmers also give birth to the delivery room, where there are auxiliary production tools.

There are shelves that can be grasped while standing, there are chairs that look like toilets when sitting there, and the chairs have places to grab hands and place to step on.

Which one to use depends on the situation of the pregnant woman, if it still does not work, Li Yi Shang.

But so far, none of the pregnant women on Zhuangzi have used Li Yi.

According to Li Yi's idea, one reason is that it is well controlled, the child is not raised so much, and the body is checked regularly.

In addition, these women work hard and tired, and they have strong bodies.

Li Yi also asked them to press their legs when they were okay, split their legs or something.

Everything is to prepare for the birth of a child, and many of the women of the farmer have given birth to children.

The blood of the farmers was drawn out, and one person drew two hundred milliliters, just that one bag.

Li Yi sent the blood to the equipment for processing, and only when there was no other way, would the blood be transfused directly from person to person.

There are some problems in the blood, and the risk of direct blood transfusion is high. Even if the blood type is the same, there is a certain probability that it will not match.

The delivery room has everything in it, so there is no need to run out to boil hot water.

Twelve experienced stable women have delivered more births to Zhuangzi, and they cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding.

At this moment, I was waiting, waiting for the next movement from the Queen's side.

This time may not be long, maybe the next second, maybe the next day.

A fast horse rushed into the city, and the people on the horse shouted: "Urgent report, get out, urgent report..."

The road in the middle is a special road that can be crossed horizontally. Under normal circumstances, vehicles and people are not allowed to walk.

The horse ran right in the middle and arrived at the imperial city very quickly, immediately continued to shout, rushed directly in, and then to the imperial palace, then turned over and got off the horse and ran.

In the Xingqing Hall, Li Longji was talking to three prime ministers. The sergeant rushed to the door and shouted: "Your Majesty, Queen, the Queen is about to give birth."

"Change clothes for me." Li Longji didn't care about the three prime ministers at all.

Gao Lishi next to him took out his clothes from behind him and ran over to quickly put on Li Longji.

Li Longji took a big step and walked out. When he reached the door, he remembered something. He turned his head and said to the three people: "You guys, go back first."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the queen and the child will be fine." Zhang said and followed.

Yao Chong and Lu Huaishen also said nice things.

When Li Longji disappeared, the three of them walked slowly towards the political affairs hall.

"I hope there is no problem with the queen and the children. The Tang Dynasty is extremely chaotic." Yao Chong's face was stern.

"Yes, with a child, if something goes wrong, your majesty will kill a lot of people." Zhang said with a sigh.

"Li Yi is here." Lu Huaishen said three words, he was confident in Li Yi.

"Drive, drive!" Li Longji rode on a horse, accelerated vigorously, leaned forward, the reins were not tightly grasped, and his body undulated as the horse ran.

He rushed out on a horse alone, and the people behind had just got on the horse.

Li Longji's sweat came out and he was nervous, and this child had taken on too much sustenance.

Li Longji urged the horse to think about things, the scenes at the beginning, and the queen married.

Then he fought desperately for the right, and the queen was behind her back. When she sat in that position, she immediately sealed the queen as the queen.

But the queen has no children. Many people say that the position of own is incorrect, which is why this is the case.

Now I finally know that the position of the shit is not correct, it is a disease, how can a child be born after taking the medicine given by brother Yi?

Now this child must not have a problem, otherwise those people will jump out and say this and that.

No, if the child has an accident, kill them all, and then give birth to one with the queen.

Li Longji made a decision and felt at ease.

At this time, the Qianniu guards guarding around Zhuangzi have entered the first-level combat readiness state.

They know how urgent the situation is, but they can't make mistakes in themselves.

The Queen’s voice came from the delivery room: “Don’t be afraid, everyone, I’m fine. Uncle said that my usual exercises make it easier to have children.”

She actually had a leisurely heart to comfort other people, with a slight softness in her voice.

The maids were so nervous that they were about to cry, and the eunuchs were pale.

Li Yi stayed peacefully in the operating room. He was doing psychological construction.

Try to think of the Queen as not so close to yourself, just an ordinary pregnant woman.

If surgery is really needed, put away all emotions when you do it.

A little bit of time passed, and there was not much movement inside.

"Drive, drive." The sound of horseshoes and people's shouts came, and Li Longji stared his horse and rode out of the yard.

He turned over and got off his horse, and then he heard the inside shouting: "Come out, come out, it's too powerful, come out all at once, hurry up, go upside down and take a pat."

"Wow~~Wow~~~" the child's cry came out.

Li Long Base Station was stunned at the gate of the yard, and Li Yi in the operating room was also a little confused.

It was too fast, there were not so many cries, and no one was cheering on.

Nothing happened just now, saying that it was born all at once? Sister-in-law's physique is so good?

"Clean it up, wipe it clean, and pack it up." There was Wen Po's voice inside.

Li Yi heard that there were not many movements, indicating that his sister-in-law's delivery was not accompanied by bowel movements.

In this way, even the worried infection will not appear.

As long as you recover for a few days, you can walk around normally. What kind of confinement is there? Confinement is to restore the bones.

It seems that everything is going well now, there is no problem.

"Brother Yi, how is it?" Li Longji entered the operating room and listened to the movement there.

"I'm fine, Saburo." Li Yi didn't need to answer, there was a voice inside.

"The child is not bad, but he didn't open his eyes." Queen Wang shouted again, her breath was not messed up at all.

"Okay, it's good for adults and children to be safe." Li Longji collapsed, and he raised his hand to wipe his sweat, wanting to cry.

It's not easy, how long I have been with you people, and I will wait a few days to let you see how good I am and the queen's son.

"First wipe your body, this time you will need to wipe at least three days before you can scrub again. Whether you can take a bath or not depends on your recovery.

Confinement in Zhuangzi does not require bathing and motionlessness for the whole month. Unlike outside, women have a smell on their bodies. "

The stable woman inside was talking.

"I know, I have asked a few people who have given birth to their children, and I have also visited them. First, I will take the children out for Saburo to have a look."

The Queen did not appear to be weak, but unlike usual, there was a hint of joy in her voice.

The child tidied up and was taken out by a stable woman, showing a small face.

Li Longji looked down and smiled. The child is not good-looking now, his skin is wrinkled, but it will slowly grow apart after a few days.

"Congratulations to the third brother, and weigh it." Li Yi wants to weigh the child.

We weighed it, five catties and two taels, converted to Li Yi's six catties and seven twenty-seven.

Li Yi performed a simple examination on the child, and at the same time sent the cord blood out for testing.

When the result came out from his side, Queen Wang walked out by herself and took the child and laughed.

"I thought how difficult and easy it is to have a baby!" She said as if others were lying to her.

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