Soon people shouted for help from outside, and they would be back in a while.

The people outside laughed, thinking this thing was too funny, it was blown away by the wind, and it could fly back by itself.

The envoys of the Gentiles didn't think it was fun, and their hearts were completely cold.

The ball is not the end when the rope is broken, but the rope is tied and watched.

How far can this thing fly? Will you always fly to the imperial city of your own country?

Then threw the torch or something and flew back to Datang?

Datang has produced thousands of these balls, what about your country?

People with ten Turkic surnames and Zhu Xie Jinshan also stood outside looking at them. People with ten Turkic surnames figured out whether they could borrow them, and then fought back.

Zhu Xie Jinshan wondered if it could be used in the own family.

Let alone fighting, if you can fly from there to Datang, it's okay to pass news back and forth.

And the stronger the Datang, the better life in the own clan.

The people were cheering, and Yu Lin Fei rode under the big ball, it was fine, and he couldn't fall.

The height can be lowered, and it can fly up again, instead of pulling the rope down when it is flying high.

The ministers of the Hanyuan Hall are not in a hurry to work. Wait, wait and see if they can come back again.

It's just that it's too hot outside and there is no shade, so it's good for tea.

Yao Chong was excited. He didn't know that hot air balloons could fly around.

Without the rope, a large group of hot air balloons constantly adjust their direction and attack the enemy's formation, causing mess and casualties to the enemy.

"Your Majesty, a hot air balloon can fly within a rough range, and can participate in battles and deliver supplies on the battlefield.

The minister just watched it and he flew very fast at high altitude and was not restricted by the terrain.

We in Datang should manufacture in large quantities and send elite troops to operate it to boost people's morale and morale at the border. "

Yao Chong knew how powerful hot air balloons were.

At the same time, it is clear that hot air balloons cannot be in the hands of other armies, and can only be controlled by Habayashi Feiqi.

Li Longji is beautiful, hot air balloon manufacturing, he does not need to take money outside.

Li Yi still has 10% of the dividends between heaven and earth, just in time Li Yi wanted to find a way to use it.

Hot air balloons are indeed dangerous and cannot be placed in other troops.

Lu Huaishen was silent, and after he knew it was difficult to imitate, he was completely relieved.

Sitting there slowly drinking tea, waiting for the hot air balloon to return.

A flying object that can adjust its direction by itself is as scary as it is.

I believe that many clumsy Gentiles will know how to choose when they understand the situation.

Zhang said that he borrowed a telescope to scan the sky and wanted to see the hot air balloon.

Looking at it, he said, "How long can the lighter fuel in there be used? How much can I bring at one time?"

Li Longji was in a good mood and gave the answer: "It depends on how big the hot air balloon is, the light weight of the hanging basket, and more things can be carried."

"Couriers please choose short and thin people to operate and reduce weight." Zhang said again.

"Yeah!" Li Longji nodded.

There is a short-headed sergeant in Yulin Feiqi. His low height does not mean that he is weak.

Some short guys who are selected can draw strong bows and shoot accurately, otherwise they won't be selected.

This type of person is suitable for hot air balloons, with a precise bow and a light weight.

After the hot-air balloon tethered rope is fixed at a certain height and is relatively stable, the archer above has room to play.

Wait for the arrow to run out, then pull it down to replenish it.

The other courtiers were as happy as the common people, and they were not foreigners.

The hot air balloon flew over, flew away, whizzed up, and floated slowly down.

In addition to the disadvantage of slow descent, all others are advantages.

However, slowness also has the advantage of slowness. It can allow people above to make adjustments to the ground attack, as long as it rises quickly.

"Your Majesty, the minister thought of an idea of ​​using a hot air balloon to fight." The military minister stood up.

He said loudly: "The enemy troops are not all bowmen and crossbowmen, but also teams with spears, swords, shields, baggage, and siege equipment.

Hot air balloons can lower their altitude when they are above them, and shoot arrows from a distance of several feet.

When their crossbows react, they immediately rise up to avoid them, but be careful to lie in ambush after being familiar with them. "

"Good!" Li Longji praised, right, let's think together, how else can we have fun.

According to Yi Di, if you master the hot air balloon, you will have the right to dominate the air.

When an army with air supremacy faces enemy ground forces without air supremacy, it is crushed.

As long as the air force becomes large, there is no situation where ground forces cannot be contained.

What Li Longji said to others might be right for himself, but what Li Yi said was right.

Li Yi never talks nonsense about people's livelihood and the military, nor does he brag.

"Your Majesty, the minister also has ideas." Another attendant, from the Ministry of Engineering, stood up.

"The minister thinks the color of this hot air balloon is too conspicuous. For military use, it is best to paint it black, which is more concealed at night." He said from the color.

"Okay!" Li Longji nodded. He knew that the army had to change the color. The grassland was blue and white, like the sky.

Or the ones on the grassland are painted green, and they are not easy to be found when they come close to the ground.

The color at night is not pure black. There are torches and lanterns on the ground. The reflections are easy to be seen when facing pure black.

Li Yi said these things, and now the minister is trying hard to think about it, so he has to be encouraged.

So the ministers spoke enthusiastically, saying that they would bring powerful fireworks up and down.

When facing the enemy cavalry, the horse was shocked with a bang.

Some ministers also said that hot air balloons can be sent in advance to carry poisonous fodder when there is no contact war.

Taking advantage of the night to feed the enemy passing by in the air horse, even if the horse is not poisoned to death, the state is not good.

Others have suggested that it can be after the enemy's forward army has passed through a certain gorge.

In the evening, the hot air balloon carried soldiers to ambush on both sides of the valley, and carried them several times.

When the Chinese army behind thought that the forward had cleared the ambush and passed, suddenly attacked and caught the enemy's army by surprise.

After the hot air balloon came out, all sorts of conspiracies and tricks came to mind.

Li Longji asked people to write it down carefully, regardless of whether it was useful or not, it was also an idea.

When the time comes, give Yulin a flying ride and ask them to use it flexibly.

When everyone came up with ideas, Zhang said shouted: "I'm back, the hot air balloon is back."

"Quickly, send someone outside. If you run into the sky again, shouting for them to come down, we will answer." Li Longji ordered.

He was afraid that the route had not been adjusted properly, and the hot air balloon ran away again, and he left the sentence ‘we’ll be back soon’.

Everyone looked up. After a quarter of an hour, they were probably proficient. The hot air balloon adjusted its height along the wind from the side and flew over.

There was no sudden slanting wind this time, and it was not easy for the two of them to adjust their positions.

Seeing that when it was about to reach the Hanyuan Hall, the sixth man above shook his hand and threw a small part of the rope down, shouting, "Grab the rope, it's too cold in the sky, huh!"

Da Lu turned the fire down to a very low level, and did not dare to extinguish it, for fear that it would be too fast when it landed.

The Qianniu guards below rushed to a group and grabbed the rope like a tug-of-war.

The flame of the alcohol blowtorch on the hot air balloon went up and down. After being stabilized by the rope, it was held up.

Then the person pulled it down, and the balloon was still full.

With a bang, the hot air balloon landed smoothly.

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