Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 402 The Mine-seeking Family Is Not Short of Money (Second)

"Lord Li." A young man greeted Li Yi when he went into the cafeteria to go to the private room.

"Is the body recovered?" Li Yi also laughed.

"Okay, okay, when I woke up, I thought I was in the underworld. I only learned later that it was Li Dong who was in charge of superb medical skills and was able to treat terminal illnesses."

It was Big Brother who taught Li Yi to be a general teacher, and then Xu Xiaoer, who had carbuncle.

He and his family are temporarily living in Zhuangzi, restoring their bodies together.

Li Yixinshan not only keeps him delicious and delicious, but also arranges work.

Because Xu Xiaoer's family lives by prospecting, they can always find good mines, such as copper, iron, and gold.

How to find his family will not tell, keep it secret.

In addition to Li Yi's knowledge of maps and theoretical mining, the actual operation is zero.

Therefore, he intends to arrange the family to the gold mine locations that Li Longji cooperates with, so that the family can finally determine where to dig.

If the family does not have this ability, and the treatment is completed, they will be asked to leave Zhuangzi, Li Yixinshan, for fear of delaying the family to earn a living.

Staying is a kind of heart, and leaving is also a kind of heart.

The Xu family always helps people look for mines, and they have seen many scenes, including threats, tempts, and emotional discussions...

Know your own value and know what the other party means.

Song De only mentioned one sentence, and the Xu family happily agreed, waiting for Xu Xiaoer to get better and work for Lijiazhuangzi.

When his family was wealthy, he suffered a great loss.

Understand how important it is to find a good owner. If you find a gold mine, iron mine, or copper mine, you should report it to the court.

There are people looking for his family, but none of them are related to the Yamen, how dangerous it is.

After observation, they found that Lijiazhuangzi was not a proprietor with official status.

The guards in Zhuangzi are usually equipped with crossbows, and your Majesty's Yu Lin Fei rides over.

Qianniuwei was in a circle outside, the prime minister's house had never received this treatment, right?

Zhuangzi has a big business, how can he bully his own family.

In this way, the two sides are getting acquainted and communicating with each other, waiting for the moment when they are arranged for prospecting.

The whole family was happy except for Xu Xiaoer, only Xu Xiaoer remembered the beauty that King Yama arranged for him.

He has been studying literacy hard recently, and he has discovered that the distance between him and the beautiful woman is widened by Cai Hecai.

The beauties of other people have very high incomes, and at the same time they can write well.

He came over this morning with a pinch of time, and wanted to have a chance encounter with a beautiful woman.

When talking to Li Yi, he looked around, looking for someone.

Li Yi didn't know there were other things. He found that Xu Xiaoer looked at him, thinking that the other party was hungry, and said a few more words before entering the single room.

Xu Xiaoer filled the food and strolled around. The cafeteria is a room connected to a room. Where are the beauties?

"Uncle, when you sell the Fanbang newspaper, there should always be a stop. Seeing Zhuangzi get money in, I feel distressed."

Queen Wang wants to know the last resort, and now ask about it.

"The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is very lively. I don't know if there is a dragon boat race, but it happens that mugwort for medical use needs to be picked.

From now on, I will let Song De arrange it. The original tea pickers in Jingzhao Mansion will help pick the wormwood seeds.

After I took it, I made moxa sticks and gave them moxibustion. This thing was rubbed into a rope and it was easy to use when lit at night to smoke and smoke mosquitoes.

As for the newspaper, it is not anxious, and it can be sustained. Newspapers printed on one side can be used for writing on the back.

I will think of ways to improve the printing process and see if the back can be printed, which saves materials. "

Today, on the first day of May, Li Yi is talking about holidays.

"There is a dragon boat, but I can't see it anymore. I have to take care of the baby." Queen Wang said that it was regrettable.

Sure enough, after eating, Li Yi asked someone to send a message to the people picking tea, asking for Haozi.

It doesn't have to be mugwort, other artemisia seeds also have the effect of repelling insects.

As long as it is wormwood, just pick it up, take it and collect it.

"Fanglao Qijia's lady, I’m telling you a good news. Our villager has started to harvest wormwood seeds, which are used to make incense and moxa seeds.

I need all kinds of wormwood, the proprietor said, it can be processed again to turn it into incense, which is more economical and convenient than rubbing rope.

The price is high, and it is much more profitable than you are collecting tea now. Go back and tell other people that you will pick it and send it together. "

The tea collector said to a woman whose man in the family broke his leg while working in the mine and recovered from his injuries after picking it up.

When harvesting tea, try to set it as high as possible, so that women can get more money.

"I have harvested wormwood? I want everything? Okay, thank you. I must tell others that I will take it and sell it at that time."

The woman showed gratitude and thanked her again and again.

The other people who hired a car with him echoed, and the tea was almost gone.

They are all large leaves, which are easier to pick. Many tea trees are bald.

Large leaves are cheap, especially leaves bitten by insects, which give less money.

But it's easy to pick up, the portion is large, and the income is still considerable.

They are worried that when they hear a lot of wormwood harvest, what kind of tea should they pick and cut wormwood.

Not to mention the mountains, there are many on the roadside.

"Li Dongzhu benevolence and righteousness has found us a job to make money again. From last year to the present, the extra money earned at home has caught up with the two years of income."

"Quickly, go back and tell everyone to cut the wormwood together. The Lord Li took it and used it on our people."

"Yes, don't keep it secret, there will be better work in the future, and others will tell us."

The tea sellers said one after another, and rushed back with the money when the tea was collected.

Someone saw wormwood seeds on the road and wanted to go down to pick them, but they were stopped by others.

There are many on the waterside and on the mountain. Anyway, Lijiazhuang needs all kinds of wormwood. Bring a sickle and rope to cut the back.

In front of the imperial city, the people of Fanbang bought 300,000 newspapers at a time and took out 900,000 dollars.

The price that Lijiazhuangzi paid for this is not one chapter and nine dollars. The price of buying paper is high, which is equivalent to the cost of seventeen wen.

Selling to Fanbang in one day, Lijiazhuangzi lost 4.2 million yuan.

Lijiazhuangzi is selling soaps and soaps in large quantities to raise funds, and can't wait for the last money to be sold.

No one has exchanged locusts for the chickens and ducklings in Henan Prefecture.

The common people found it not cost-effective, it is better to keep the locusts to feed the chickens and ducks.

They pay for chicken and duck fry.

The first batch of money sold is being shipped back to support Zhuangzi's newspaper war.

Because of the newspaper matter, the entire Chang'an City has become weird.

Even ordinary people understand that this is a war, a war between Lijiazhuangzi and Fanbang.

The people were anxious, seeing that Lijiazhuang was spending money like water, and wanted to help but didn't know how to help.

Is it necessary to give Lijiazhuangzi money? It might as well go to Honghe Temple and cut people off, or grab money from the Fanbang.

The businessmen wanted to raise money for Li Yi. They were not afraid of throwing the money over and then being thrown into the water. Li Yi has technology wow.

They were calculating. Before, Li Yi got 210,000 yuan in Lantian County.

Paying 4,200 yuan a day can last for more than 50 days.

It's too early, Lijiazhuangzi can continue, according to the things that Lijiazhuangzi sold before, it is estimated that it will last a year without any problem.

After doing so, they discovered that Li's Zhuangzi was too rich.

So far, the toilet water has not been sold out in large quantities, which shows that Lijiazhuang is not in a hurry.

Fanbang people are anxious, what does Li Yi want to do? Suffering is still on the top.

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