Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 407 The Theft Is Successful and Happy (seventh)

After a slight noise, a flame burst out, an alcohol lighter.

The six people looked at each other with ridicule in their eyes, as if they were saying that the good tools we used were sold by you, Li Yi.

Turning their heads, they looked at the situation in the reference room. There was an open space in the middle, and there was nothing near the windows, doors and one wall.

On the other side, there is a large cabinet on the wall. The cabinet has many drawers, like drawers in a medicine store.

Six people were separated, two guarded the windows, two guarded the door, and two went to the cabinet.

There are words written on the drawer: improved hanging basket, improved rope, improved hot air balloon surface coating...

This is not something that two people need, until they see a drawer that says: hot air balloon manufacturing diagram

One person uses his body to block the light from dispersing elsewhere, and the other carefully opens the drawer.

There is a book in the drawer. Take it out and look through it a few times. It really has a picture and an explanation.

The picture is still disassembled, and it will look like an assembled one at the end.

The two nodded at each other, and the one who took out the thing looked at it by the light, and there was dust on it.

He put the drawer on top and pushed it in, and then the lighter's fire went out.

The six people fumbled to the window and stood there listening.

After dozens of breaths, the window was opened, and six people turned out in succession.

At this time, you can't go out to explore the way first. Once you are found, you can only rush, and hide in the house is useless.

The next step is to follow the path when they came, and go around again, avoiding a patrol team that makes them disturbing.

Arrived by the river, took off his clothes, wrapped up the drawings, and went into the water again with the hollow stalk of the reed in his mouth.

They didn't swim back, they went against the current, they continued down.

Every once in a while, they poked their heads out and looked at it. It was about three quarters of an hour before they landed ashore somewhere downstream.

Put on the clothes again and ran to the opposite side of the road. After the two broke off, the three moved forward quickly.

The one in the middle is carrying drawings, and he is not too tired, always walking forward with his waist.

"It's done. Let's pit them once, not once. They can pit them for a long time, and they can't make them in Chang'an."

Li Yi smiled delightedly when he heard the news from the people following him.

Those people thought they could run away, but they didn't know. Someone behind them was tracking with an infrared telescope.

It's dark now, and they can't enter the city, indicating that there is a stronghold outside.

Keep up, as to whether to destroy that stronghold, it depends on the needs.

A place that is already known is better than the other party sending someone to build a new one after it is destroyed.

"Let's drink the bar and celebrate." Li Chengqi didn't want to sleep, feeling so excited just now.

Finally, I successfully sent a set of drawings to the Tubo people, and the Tubo people should be very happy.

Li Longji thought for a while, and there seemed to be nothing important tomorrow, and then said: "Yes, brother Yi, let's drink."

"Drink!" Li Yi was also nervous, and needed to relax with a drink.

His follow-up plan hasn't come out yet, now he can cheat those Fanbang people, happy.

The three rushed to the cafeteria, looking for a few cold dishes to accompany the wine, only to boil half a catty of wine.

Li Chengqi picked up a broad bean and threw it in his mouth, chewing it.

He swallowed and said, "When they found something in it that they wanted but very little, they didn't know what it was like."

"That's why I can sell it to them and sell it with another thing."

Li Yi took a sip of wine, he snorted out of alcohol, and felt comfortable all over.

"Otherwise, how would you respond to Brother Yi?" Li Longji asked.

"Confidentiality, I want to study it again, this thing comes out, not only for them, but also for the people of Datang."

Li Yi didn't say, he waited until the final success was confirmed, otherwise he would say nothing of happiness.

However, he has a lot of confidence in this, and there are records in the information.

The three of them were eating and drinking. One of the people from Tubo ran to the place where the water was launched first, greeted them, and the group followed.

They didn't ride a horse, and the sound of their horses' hoofs was too obvious. Now they are like frightened birds, and they feel like they are coming to catch them when they see everything.

Using two legs, they walked from the east to the west of Chang'an City, and then scattered along the road, all the way to the ruined temple.

Four or five miles away from them, a large group of people followed.

They didn't ride a horse either, but they had a carriage, as if they were on the road, the bell on the horse's neck was taken off.

At such a distance, people the day before yesterday couldn't hear the sound of horseshoes.

The carriage is equipped with weapons, so as not to lose out when the opponent finds out and fights.

Along the way, the person in front abducted and rushed to Xianyang.

"Where is their stronghold in Xianyang?" Guo Ziyi asked.

Fan Fan shook his head, indicating that he was not clear.

"I know that there is a ruined temple in the county seat. It is said that many people have died. If you want to come, that is their stronghold."

A warrior of Yulin Feiqi told the situation.

Guo Ziyi nodded: "It seems that all counties in Jingzhao Mansion have to inquire about where there is something mysterious."

"If you walk like this, you can't walk until dawn for dozens of miles?" Fan Fan estimated the distance and was depressed.

"There is a horse. I saw the horse. They are getting on the horse." The person standing in the cart looking through the binoculars suddenly said.

"Untie the horse pulling the cart, you wait and I will go." Guo Ziyi reached out for a telescope.

With a bow on his back, he took two pots of arrows and a horizontal knife, turned on his horse, and rode one horse and one horse.

He didn't take the crossbow at all. The crossbow was too small for him, so he could shoot arrows.

Others are also assured that as long as the horse is okay, the boss will not be in danger.

After an hour and a half passed, the horseshoe came up, Guo Ziyi came back on horseback, nodded: "It's the ruined temple, we go up, there are people in the woods half way."

Then he touched the binoculars: "Good thing, I can see the enemy this night, but the enemy can't see us, it's a pity!"

"The proprietor has already produced a lot of things, there is that hot air balloon, do you care if you find it?" Fan Fan was thinking about it.

"Go back, and send people to dress up in other industries to figure out their situation."

Guo Ziyi gave an order and the team returned to the city. They went to the Forbidden Garden to the north of Chang'an City.

Then take the horse and return to Zhuangzi, which can save some time.

They were relaxed. A large group of people in Honghe Temple were drinking at the moment, and the vegetables did not move at all.

Everyone just drank a sip of wine from time to time, sat and looked at each other, didn't want to talk, and didn't want to go to sleep.

The people of Tubo are anxious and have expectations, but people of other tribes worry that they will be caught, and then they can't stand the torture and give them out.

Of course, they also suspect that even if it succeeds, the Tubo people will say it failed.

The Tubo people will create many hot air balloons on their own and turn their heads to threaten them.

"Don't worry, everyone. Even if it fails, our people should be able to come back. They are very cautious and give up if they can't do anything."

The people of Tubo guessed the other people's thoughts, so he said the words first and couldn't do anything about it. Naturally, there was no blueprint when he gave up.

"I can't get it anymore, and then he said no. I'm making up to beat our own people." A Turkic person said.

"No, it's all right, everyone listens. If that's the case, I will be the first to object." The Tubo assured.

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