Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 510 Fifty One Must Be Raised (Fifth)

The one hundred and ten southwesters stood there obediently, not daring to raise their heads.

They were scared, and for the first time they saw someone crueler than themselves in the jungle.

In the past, when fighting against Datang's army, Datang's army swept over, attacked by himself, and ran away if he couldn't fight.

How did you encounter an enemy better than hiding yourself this time? Blow arrows at each other, but they can't blow each other.

The opponent's blow arrow flies farther than the own arrow, and the opponent also has a crossbow.

That crossbow was too accurate, dozens of steps away, many brothers were shot directly.

There is also the color of the other party's clothes and face, in the woods, you can't see clearly, and you can't make a sound of killing.

Are you fighting with Datang soldiers? Are you fighting with someone?

No matter what Yulin Feiqi's people think of the captured Southwestern Man, they will go over to see the situation.

Treat the injured. Don’t die. Our arrows are not poisonous. They are all money. We will sell them to the proprietor.

Treat the injuries to the Southwestern barbarian, using soapy water and alcohol.

The person being treated still yelled at first, it hurts. When the knife rests on the neck, it doesn't seem to hurt anymore.

"Come on, you guys come and try too. Remember to wash your hands with soap first. Your nails are so long. If you lean back, cut your nails first."

The people of Yulin Feiqi sew a slit, and saw the soldiers from the surrounding Zhechong Mansion come around to look curiously, and began to teach them hand in hand.

They all practiced this on live pigs, and now there are living people.

So the prisoner bit the stick in his mouth and found it was very useful. It really was better to bite than before.

Onlookers Li Xuandao could actually sew people's wounds, and after sewing, the bleeding would not be so much.

"Is this the alcohol on that hot air balloon?" Li Xuandao didn't understand, pulling Fan Fan to ask.

"Nothing on the hot air balloon, the proprietor said, it's too powerful, as soon as it hits the wound, before killing the bacteria inside, the outside is dead, and then I can't get inside."

Fan Fan shook his head and said no, it's different, don't use it.

"Then what's the matter with this?" Li Xuandao knew that washing with alcohol and soapy water should be able to prevent swelling afterwards without asking.

"Can't say, you want, go back to your Majesty." Fan Fan refused to say the alcohol ratio.

He doesn't care about Li Xuan Dao, in fact, he doesn't care about anyone except His Majesty, he is just afraid of Li Yi.

Yu Lin Feiqi is a pure private army, only listening to one person's orders.

But knowing the relationship between Li Yi and His Majesty, so Li Yi can command.

Of course, if one day, the two sides are hostile, they will be sad, uncomfortable, and afraid at the same time.

Li Xuandao was rejected, not angry.

He thought about other things: "Commander Fan, Li Yi would like to buy one person at fifty?"

"You are a prisoner, not a good citizen. You send the local people into slaves. Once Dongzhu Li knows, he will tell you what cruelty is."

Fan Fan warned that if there are good killers and exploits, there will also be those who pit the people into slaves.

When the time comes, the proprietor's person asks how and how to make the effort, but the proprietor's start is very dark.

"Brothers, do you hear? One fifty, don't vent your anger, catch the alive, heal it, sell it to Dongzhu Li, and then send it to the dead brothers' house."

Li Xuandao had no other thoughts at all, he shouted at the soldiers around him.

"I heard it." The soldiers understood.

The captives cannot be killed, nor can they be disabled. They are taken back alive, exchanged for money, and then sent to the home of the dead brother.

"It's shipped out, it's shipped out, the dead Southwest is shipped out."

Yulin Feiqi, who was carrying the corpses there, came out with the first batch of corpses.

"Quickly, while it's still hot, hurry up and practice stitching the incision."

Fan Fan was happy, greeted him, and brought the body over.

The people of Yulin Feiqi took out a knife to cut there, and then sew, practice hands, how can there be people who sew pigs directly?

The soldiers and prisoners of Zhechong Mansion who helped transport the corpses were really scared at this time.

What do these people do? Don't let it go if you die?

"Oh~~" someone who had just been cut open suddenly cried out.

"Live, live, I'll be saved, and I am also a genius doctor." A Yulin Feiqi shouted excitedly.

The southwestern man who just pretended to be dead: "..."

Didn’t you say it was done, thrown into the water to wash away, or thrown into a pit to fill a layer of soil?

Why are you taking them when you die? It hurts so much, it's really dead if you don't say anything.

"Oh~" another person yelled out. It was originally a shock with blood loss and pain to a certain degree, but now the wound was stitched and the pain woke up.

"Quickly, fill it with sugar water, this one can live, the one that is sewn, use alcohol, don't sew it directly."

Fan Fan and Li Yi learned a lot, knowing the situation, hemorrhagic shock.

Now that he is awake, he may still live by sewing up the wound and filling with sugar water.

Seeing more than 30 dead people come back to life, Li Xuandao wiped his sweat, so cruel.

The other onlookers in Zhechong Mansion looked at Yulin Feiqi with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Your majesty's private army can't be touched. It has strong combat effectiveness and good equipment. I have nothing to say.

But how can they cut and sew against the human body? He looked so serious, without the slightest anger.

That is to say, Yu Lin Feiqi is not venting to abuse the corpse, but cutting and sewing there very persistently, in order to practice his hands.

This is the most terrifying thing. There is no emotion, no yelling when fighting, so silent.

It has been said before that your majesty's private army Yu Lin Feiqi is strong, and he still refuses to accept it.

I understand today, this group of people are not people at all.

Seeing that the prisoner was injured, the wound was cleaned up by an incision, and then stitched up, painful sweat came out.

The nine people who were replaced by Yulin Feiqi, biting the root of the wood, and letting their comrades sew them, could still smile in their eyes.

Are you iron men? What have you experienced?

"Okay, there are twenty-two more, one is fifty, and the total is one thousand and one hundred. Once raised, they are more valuable than cows."

A Yulin Fei riding on the prisoner who had come back to life again, smiled happily.

He had a tooth that was knocked out in the fight, a smile, a mouth of blood.

At this time, Lijiazhuangzi, the sky was dark.

Song De returned with two hundred people, without ropes, two hundred people were very obedient, one hundred men and one hundred women.

"The proprietor, according to your instructions, the new slaves I bought are 100 men and women each. Take a look." Song De shouted outside the courtyard.

The guard on Zhuangzi and Yu Lin Feiqi were staring beside them.

After a while, Li Yicai, who was practicing with Turkic corpses, came out, and Tao Hong followed him to help with the clothes.

"I can do it myself, but I was exhausted just now."

Li Yi wore a belt himself, and just moved the corpses. Those corpses often exercised, they have many muscles, and they are dense and heavy.

"It's okay, the proprietor, you really have strength." Tao Hong also helped just now, a little panting at this time.

The dealer and Yulin Feiqi outside were expressionless, but the two hundred newly bought slaves were thoughtful.

Some of the hundred women had more expectations in their eyes, and some bowed their heads shyly.

Seeing the expressions of the slaves, Li Yi seemed to understand something. He sighed: "Just now, I was actually... nothing to do with you. I don't need to explain to you. Go and take a bath first."

The women became even more shy when they heard the shower, and the men looked frightened.

Li Yi: "..."

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