Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 517 general exercise push technology (first)

The sixteenth moon was still very round, and it was still ascending slowly before midnight.

The night shift dealers had an extra layer of clothing on them, and the weather got colder.

The cucumbers and eggplants in the vegetable field will be harvested in a few days.

Many cucumbers and eggplants are still small, and farmers are waiting for the frost.

After a frost, the most obvious change is the eggplant, which will become very sweet.

The one-inch-long small eggplants are picked off and rubbed with your hands, put in your mouth and eaten raw, just like fruit.

All the migrant workers entered the new building with paper pasted on the windows.

Standing on the platform by the river, many people can be seen lighting candles.

Occasionally, some people's candles are placed in the wrong position, and people can still be seen through the windows.

Some children write, some women wear sweaters, some... whose home is that? What are men and women waiting for? That chat?

"The building next to it is used for free accommodation for the students, and the Zhuangzi no longer provides food, pen, ink and paper."

Li Chengqi pointed to the buildings next to the migrant workers and said that the treatment of the students was poor.

"There is still a meal of porridge in the morning. At least I won't be starved to death. The new land bought by Zhuangzi is not less than a greenhouse. As long as you are willing to do things, you will be able to survive."

Li Longji couldn't sleep at all, and his heart was full of what he heard while eating.

It's not that I have encountered a problem, and I am anxious to find a solution.

It is to know what will go wrong before it happens, and know how to deal with it.

The interrelationships of various industries and various practitioners are simple and clear.

Listed one by one, it is countless times stronger than the previous zero fragments.

As he thought about it, Li Longji's brows stretched out: "With Brother Yi, I feel safe in my heart."

"I'm not in a hurry anymore. I was always afraid that if we didn't do a good job, Datang would be unstable. Now the fund can continue to operate."

Li Chengqi has a life goal, and he is not afraid of being suspected by his third brother.

Compared to Li Yi's set of things, what I did was just a bit of it.

Counting on using money from football, labor union, clothing league, and seaside trade to rebel, unless there is an army outside that can beat the feathers.

No, not only Yulin Feiqi, but also Yi brother, Yi brother will not watch the rebellion turmoil, Yi brother wants to be stable.

"I don't know what happened to the war in the Southwest." After Li Longji was not worried about the development of Datang, he thought of the Southwest Man's problem.

"Xu is not bad, the third brother is worried that Yulin Feiqi will be damaged too much?" Li Chengqi knew that Yulin Feiqi was a treasure.

"I'm just afraid that they will rush to kill indiscriminately, thinking that they have learned a lot, no matter how hard they are with the enemy."

Li Longji did not deny that he accepts that Yulin Feiqi fought the dead, but he does not accept that there are many dead.

Others will think that Yulin Feiqi is not good at fighting, and someone should be thinking about it again.

"They are so good, the people trained by Brother Yi have different ideas from others. Ha ha ha!" Li Chengqi was relieved.

Speaking of training, he couldn't help laughing.

Li Longji smiled, holding his binoculars and scanning towards the other end of Baqiao.

There were torches at the bridge. Some students just came to live in, and they didn't have the money to buy lamp oil and candles. They didn't want to sleep, so they ran to the bridge to read.

It's getting colder, and there is no problem with safety, and there are Qianniu guards who rotate in training at night.

There are also people who are preparing to set up a stall tomorrow, arriving before dark, sleeping next to a cart or a load.

If there are not many other people in the company, they are afraid to walk at night.

People from a little far away choose to come out during the day, go to Baqiao at night, and sleep for a while.

The things are sold out, buy what you need, and stay one night to go back.

Migrant workers and Zhangjia Village also have a market. People outside cannot cross the bridge and can only wait for them to go out.

What you need to communicate well with each other can be exchanged or exchange coupons can be used.

There are very few copper coins and silks in circulation in Chang'an.

Lijiazhuangzi successively released 300,000 yuan of exchange vouchers, and only those with too much copper and silk still used the original currency.

Especially silk and silk, everyone is reluctant to ask for it.

It is accidentally soiled, and others will not accept it when the currency is used.

Pieces of cloth are placed there, and sometimes I don’t know how much money it has.

Most of the copper coins and silk were transferred to merchants who sold things in Chang'an.

Some foreign merchants also exchanged some exchange coupons to hold them. They don't expect to go to other places to be useful, but they can be used as money when they come to Chang'an in the future.

"The third brother, come back, there will be a meeting tomorrow." Li Chengqi felt cold and persuaded Li Longji to rest.

"Let's go." Li Longji was not sleepy at all, he was energetic.

"It's water, it's water, put out the fire." A voice came from afar during the night.

Li Longji finally frowned, carefully distinguished the direction of the sound, and looked over it with a telescope, there was indeed a fire.

But not in Zhuangzi, but on the way to the pier?

How could it catch fire there? Who moved things to that place?

Immediately afterwards, he saw a group of Qian Niu guards rushing over and lighting torches.

Someone’s torch hasn’t been lit yet, so run and check with the other’s torch.

In the fire, the cart of the cart, the burden of the load.

"What's the matter?" Li Longji asked loudly.

Yulin Feiqi, who was hiding in the dark, jumped out: "Your Majesty, it's okay. It's probably an exercise. A few days ago, Dongzhu Li said that he should toss and toss."

Li Longji continued to look through the binoculars, and the fire started to light up. Is it a wooden house? I don't know what's in it, anyway, it's very hot.

Qianniuwei's people sprayed water against the flames there, and some of them should have stretched over with a long iron hook.

A wall of the wooden house collapsed, and the upper part crashed down. The fire became slightly smaller, and more people sprayed water forward.

After more than a moment, only smoke was left, and the fire was extinguished.

At this time someone came to report: "Your Majesty, there is a house built with broken wood by Dongzhu Li during the day, with hay in it."

Li Longji breathed a sigh of relief: "I can really toss, walk, and sleep."

Now he is sleepy.

The next morning, Li Yi got up early and went to the ward round to see the patient.

When Li Longji and the others were about to leave, Li Yi sent ten all-iron hand-cranked flour grinders.

"Dage, third brother, and sister-in-law, take these and take them back for use.

If you want to eat whiter noodles, you have to grind and remove the flour underneath.

The flour underneath is black, grind it for a while, and then remove it. The black and white of the flour depends on..."

Li Yi explained how to use the noodle mill, making flour while grinding.

According to the time, the color of the powder is also different.

"In two days, the porcelain in the middle will come out. If it is easy to use, prepare to rent it or sell it to others."

Li Yi talked about his arrangements.

The topic last night was the theory of the general direction. When implemented in practice, it was the advancement of various small technologies.

When many small technologies are transformed into productive forces, only quantitative changes can be made into qualitative changes.

"Now the rich are guaranteed to eat the whitest kind of flour, and the other flour is for ordinary people to eat."

Queen Wang looked at things and listened to Li Yi's words, she wanted to eat the last ones.

"It's not always good to eat. Different wheats have different tendons, so they can be mixed to make cakes and stuffing crusts."

Li Yi said something.

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