Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 541 How much money is in fiscal revenue (second more)

"The wax on the ash wood we use is artificially placed on the tree to raise the white wax insects. Ants can also raise them, they like to eat the wax of the white wax insects..."

Li Yi's voice floated in the hot spring.

The other three people were listening carefully. They heard that ants were so interesting for the first time.

So small things can still be farmed?

"Report, Dongzhu Li, they're back, they're back, Yu Huaide's caravan, smuggling, no, it's the trade caravan's return."

There is a sound from far away to the hot spring, through the sound you can hear how excited the person reporting the letter is.

"Lao Zhang, don't play anymore. To the end of this round, you win, you guys soak first, I'm going to see if there are any casualties, and I have made a fortune."

Li Yi grabbed a handful of Go pieces and put them on the board, throwing the pieces to admit defeat.

Before the three of them heard the story about ants, Li Yi ran away.

"Who is Yu Huaide?" Concubine Doulu felt familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"I once offended Li Yi, and later cooperated with Li Yi and went to Tubo to exchange things privately.

After Saburo found out, he sent Yulin Feiqi out to protect along the way, and collected half of the money as protection fees. "

Li Dan understood the situation, and Li Yi brought out a lot of'valuable' things.

"I can't run things out there, the ants haven't finished talking." Doulu Guifei was thinking about interesting things about the ants.

Li Yizao trampled the ant to death. What he worries most is the casualties of Yulin Feiqi.

Put on some clothes and go outside, and when I see Yulin Feiqi, I ask first: "What's the situation with brothers?"

"One didn't die, and none was seriously injured. They said that they had encountered several groups of people, and the opponent was simply out of scale, and the combat effectiveness was too poor."

The informant grinned, his comrades were alive, and he was happy.

Li Yi thought about it and shook his head: "Yulin flies so many people and horses, the caravan is huge, and there are caravan guards, how can there be risk for people?"

"There will always be people who think they can do it by themselves. In case the caravan is good, they can continue to scare and dig out a little bit."

This flying rider gave a process that he thought was almost the same.

The process is like this, and the result is different from what the other party thought.

"When I change my clothes, the hot springs won't be soaked." Li Yi turned around to look for clothes.

Not long after, a group of cavalry guarded him and ran towards Zhuangzi, but Yu Huaide and the others could not enter the city.

Only Lijiazhuangzi is suitable for placement outside.

There are hot meals, a house to live in, and other people can be arranged to Zhangjia Village, which is a tourist attraction.

In the palace, Li Longji, who approved the memorial, got the news in advance and knew the approximate amount of money.

Gold, Tibetan jewellery, horses, cattle, pulu, wool felt, and leather, add up to about 1.5 million yuan.

The informant said, the merchants thanked your majesty for sending Yulin Feiqi to protect them, and they were willing to divide 800,000 yuan into your majesty.

"800,000 yuan, before the end of this year, the accounts of goods shipped to Chang'an from various places have been released, 9.2 million yuan, 1.4 million yuan more than last year."

Li Longji calculated the money of the imperial court this year, and compared it again, 800,000 yuan. How many prefectures are rented together?

"Lish, do you think Tubo is very rich?"

Li Longji thought that he could trade so much, wouldn't Tubo be similar to Datang?

"Your Majesty, the account cannot be calculated like this. Datang collects rent and the merchant's tax is still confiscated."

Gao Lishi looks at it from another angle.

"Yes, Yu Huaide and the others went to exchange things for rich people in Tubo. If everyone pays taxes in the Tang Dynasty, 30 million yuan a year is fine."

Thinking about money, Li Longji became more and more determined to collect business taxes.

"Is there someone from Yi brother to tell?" Li Longji immediately thought of the good news to share.

"Go, Dongzhu Li should be accompanied by the Emperor and the others in the hot springs." Gao Lishi replied.

"Brother Yi really struggled to get married, alas!" Li Longji had a headache thinking about this.

An ordinary woman married to Li Yi can't help much, and Li Yi still has to take care of her.

Unless everyone in the other party's family is dead, and a woman's family is dead, and she is not dead, does she kill her family?

"Your Majesty, Li Dongzhu is not in a hurry to get married. Many people never married at his age." Gao Lishi persuaded.

"That's because I can't marry, it's not that I don't want to marry. Yi brother hasn't got a word yet, that's all, maybe he intends to win."

After Li Longji finished speaking, he was quiet and continued to criticize the memorial.

When Li Yi returned to Zhuangzi, Yu Huaide didn't see any of them.

"What about people?" Li Yi asked the dealer.

"In addition, Yu Lin Feiqi took a bath in various baths, and the food was delivered. It is estimated that after taking a shower and eating, he will fall asleep."

The dealer pointed in several directions.

Zhuangzi’s baths were occupied, as were the baths in Zhangjia Village and migrant labor areas.

Li Yi suddenly said: "Yes, I will go to bed too. They probably have worked hard for the last part of the journey, and they want to go home early."

As he said, many people fell asleep in the bath, were carried out and placed, and did not eat at all.

If it weren't for the cattle and horses to need to rest and eat, it is estimated that these people would not sleep in the last two days.

Li Yi went to the yard to rest. The farmers lit kerosene lamps and lanterns to brighten up the large area of ​​the village and the migrant workers.

The cows and horses are hungry and thin. They are easy to handle when they are in Shu. The weather in Shu is warm and there are green grasses in winter.

Leaving Shudi to the east, there is less and less grass, so I can only eat hay and some millet.

Now they are back, they are labor, not food, and the farmers are taking good care of them.

The alfalfa planted in the greenhouse is mixed with the fried soy flour and green storage, and placed in the trough.

Goose eggs and duck eggs were beaten in the horse trough.

The cows and horses are almost crazy, eating and watching the people who feed them, as if to remember what each other looks like.

The people who will meet the horses are divided into groups and look at the horses with a flashlight.

This group of horses is uneven in length, some can be used as military horses, and some can only do hard work.

Ma himself can't say which one he can do, and he needs someone to find him.

In order not to make mistakes, Soma’s people were divided into groups, one group watched a batch of horses, and the other group watched again.

Good horses are selected, and they can often eat fresh eggs, pepper and sugar as snacks.

Horses that have not been selected can only continue to eat ordinary feed.

Some of the migrant workers were called out to make bullpens and stables.

Farmers know that the proprietor does not like jewelry, so they will inevitably settle the livestock to the farm.

From now on, these cows and horses belong to Zhuangzi. First, build the house where they live, and wait until dawn to bathe them.

Cows and horses that eat good food are very docile. As for whether they are still docile when riding, that is another matter.

It was dawn. When Li Yi got up for breakfast, he saw many familiar faces.

"Have you enough sleep? After eating, sleep for a while." It was Yulin Feiqi who went to the cafeteria to eat.

Those Yu Huaide, including the guards they hired, were still asleep and did not recover at all.

By noon, Yu Huaide and his party got up one after another and went to the toilet first.

Then my head was a little stunned, probably because I slept too much.

Li Yi invited them to eat stir-fried dishes instead of hot pot. There are many green vegetables in greenhouses and well-made drunken crabs.

"Dongzhu Li, we will go next year, and we'll talk over there. If you have any good things, we will continue to sell them."

Yu Huaide ate a bite of garlic cucumber and his tears were about to come down, and his business life was bitter.

"Yes, there are better things, they will like it, and they must buy it." Li Yi nodded with a smile.

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