Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 547: Presenting Treasures and Claiming to Be Shu People (Second)

After eating, Li Yi did not go to see the person who gave the treasure.

He ordered someone to take the other person to take a bath and protect him by the way.

"Proprietor, he carries a box with him, it looks very heavy, don't let others touch it, and take it in for a bath." Song Delai reported.

"Ask him if he has any requirements?" Li Yi put down the drawing pen.

"I asked, he said he just wanted to offer something. Seeing his appearance, he doesn't seem to be in a hurry." Song De replied.

"It shows that he is good at nurturing qigong, and see him tomorrow. It's dark and just finished eating. It's not easy to deal with things."

Li Yi continued to draw pictures, he was going to use another set of things to make money.

To make money from rich people and the middle class, by the way, draw a design drawing of an expensive thing.

Song De left and sent someone to watch.

Lantian County, the courtyard where Chang Sun Xin is located.

"It has been made, I have made it. It took five months. I have succeeded. Your Majesty, I will dedicate it to you. Let me leave. I want to go back."

A small painted house in the yard was carefully placed, and sixteen craftsmen stood nearby, full of sense of accomplishment.

They revised the drawing, did not want that spring system, re-planned, and finally made a house-like bed.

Add lacquer, polishing, and accessories for five months.

Chang Sun Xin paid 1,200 yuan for them, but if Chang Sun Xin had hired his staff, he would have cut off the confession early.

The eyes of the sixteen people were delighted, and they would.

Waiting for someone to need it, if they make it again, it won't take five months.

They can go to other people's homes to inquire, and if they agree, they will collect the money.

You don’t need to do other tasks, and you can make a fortune by making four thousand-skilled beds a year.

After working for three to five years, everyone can buy a house in Chang'an.

Chang Sun Xin no longer cares about the craftsman, he walks around the bed, and he wants to go in but dare not try.

His wife has a look of yearning in her eyes, wanting to have such a bed.

Said it is a bed, it is actually a three-in house.

"Xin Lang, let's make money, and then we will make our own Qiangong Batong bed."

Long Sun Xin's wife's eyes are so bright in the light.

The concubine stood behind and could only look enviously.

He knew that Chang Sun Xin couldn't spend more than a thousand to make a bed for her, and she didn't have the ability to make money to make it herself.

Neither she nor his wife knew that this Qiangong Babu bed appeared as a dowry, but they still liked it.

"Okay, make money, get promoted, make a bed, make, for your majesty, for your majesty, your majesty is happy, give me..."

Long Sun Xin murmured, seeing things in a daze.

He wants to leave and leave Lantian County. In Lantian County, he can only find people to work and make money by himself, not greedy.

Several mines started to pay taxes, and the accounts were so well done that there was nowhere to start.

The money was again given to the Yamen in Lantian County, and the Yamen made up for the deficit, and there was actually a surplus.

It is said that there are always people in the court impeaching themselves and competing with the people for profit.

Pooh! Why don't you impeach Li Yi?

Wait for me, those people at Yushitai, see what I gave to your majesty the big bed, how to clean up you.

"Turn on the stove, I want to guard the bed, but no accident." Chang Sun Xin ordered that he didn't plan to go to bed anymore.

On November 2nd, when the sky was overwhelmingly bright, Chang Sun Xin ate two steamed buns, drank a bowl of soup, and organized manpower to pack the bed.

He hired a cart again, put a lot of cushions on it, and lifted the bed to go to Chang'an.

Li Yi of Lijiazhuangzi started his class in the morning, and when the two medical classes were over, he remembered that someone wanted to offer treasures.

Like the last time I hosted the Tubo envoy, Bozhen, the table was long, surrounded by Yulin Feiqi.

There were also two Yulin Feiqi holding large shields in front of Li Yi, and the person presenting the treasure arrived with a box on his back.

"Open the box, check." Li Yi said.

"I want to be Li Dongzhu open." Xianbao asked.

"Dreaming? You don't know that I am timid? What if you play with me, or if there are crossbow arrows in it, I won't die?"

Li Yi refused to agree and took out the things happily.

This person sneered: "I didn't expect that Dongzhu Li, who was so courageous and knowledgeable, would be so afraid of things."

"Can you fight or not? Let's go if you don't fight. When I ask you to take a bath and eat." Li Yi didn't mean nonsense.

"In that case, XX left." The person turned around.

"When he crosses the Baqiao and shoots him, it is said that he stole something from Zhuangzi." Li Yi shouted to Yulin Feiqi.

"Yes!" Several Yulin Feiqi raised their crossbows.

"Hey, kidding, Li Dongzhu is not angry." The man turned around again, with a smile on his face.

He opened the box and took out a ‘big rock’ from it?

"Lord Li, please take a look." The man put the big rock on the table and took a step back.

Li Yi stood up, walked around, and smiled at first sight: "Okay, this amber inlaid in coal is good, I don't know where it came from?"

"On the southwest side, my name is Yu Jiang. I was originally from Shu area. After the disaster happened in my family, I was the only one left. I followed the others to find good wood in the southwest.

The miasma there was too heavy, the people in the team died one by one, and I also fell ill.

As a result, I found this thing. I wanted to sell it at a good price in Chang'an.

I heard that Li Dongzhu is kind and generous, and the baby should be dedicated to Li Dongzhu. "

The visitor called himself Yu Jiang, talked about his life experience and explained the origin of Amber.

"Well, the southwest is good. There are flying insects in this amber. Since Brother Yu gave me such a good thing, I can't ask for it for nothing, and take a thousand yuan."

Li Yi smiled more brilliantly and asked people to take money.

"Why is Dongzhu Li? Isn't it possible that Yu can't sell it himself?" Yu Jiang's expression changed.

"You can't let Brother Yu live without money." Li Yi's eyes were sincere.

"If Li proprietor agrees, Yu is willing to choose one of those houses by the river, and Yu can work by himself.

In fact, Yu has a small selfish mind. He has heard that Dongzhu Li is knowledgeable and talented. If he can follow along, he will be considered a long-term experience. Hey-hey! "

Yu Jiang said with an embarrassed smile, as if he was asking for something.

"I'm just a little miserable and not good at it. If Brother Yu wants to communicate, he will be delighted." Li Yi agreed.

"Quickly, arrange a big house for Brother Yu, and choose the bedding." Li Yi turned his head and ordered.

Song De stepped forward and invited Yu Jiang to look at the house.

After Yu Jiang and several farmers left, Li Yi continued to look at the amber.

Guo Ziyi leaned forward to look: "The amber in the southwestern land is really beautiful, and the little bugs inside are dancing."

Li Yi shook his head: "This is not some amber from the Southwest. The amber is trapped in coal, not coal.

Coal-packed amber is something only found in coal mines in Fushun in the northern part of Hebei Province. "

Li Yi knows the fine coals. The coal mines in Fushun used to mine coals casually. The lump coal contained amber, large and small.

Children will pick out and play, and more will be burned.

Coal concentrate is burned as coal until one day you understand that both amber and coal concentrate are valuable, and it is not easy to find amber anymore.

When the coal is burned, the refined coal becomes a treasure, and it is all used for carving.

Guo Ziyi took a different look at Li Yi, Humber, and Li Dongzhu is also familiar? Tell me the place of origin?

"I'll get him up and torture him." Guo Ziyi turned around and took a step.

"No, no, no, no, no, I finally met one, I have to keep it. He wants to learn his skills, I will teach him." Li Yi stopped.

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