Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 550 Myopia can be used with a thermos (fifth)

When Li Yi lamented that the intelligence personnel were not professional enough, a group of Yu Huaide carried boxes and mysteriously entered a household.

All they can find are those with more wealth, at least both sides need to know each other.

When they entered a house, stayed for about a quarter of an hour, and when they came out, the other party had been delivered to the gate.

Looking at the expressions on both sides, they were very happy.

The person who is following can't figure out what's going on even if they want to break their heads.

Until a family gave it to him, he said: "That mirror is so easy to use, three days, right? I'll wait, not in a hurry, not in a hurry."

"Yes, three days, this morning, if others try again, they have to continue to the back row." This household Yu Huaide is responsible.

The person who followed got a word, mirror.

Selling mirrors? Need someone else's help to sell mirrors? Lijiazhuang knows that there is a mirror.

It's called a glass mirror, easy to wipe, and light.

Yu Huaide and the others are indeed selling mirrors, glasses, myopia and dazzling glasses.

Under normal circumstances, those who have myopia are scholars, rich people have more nearsightedness, and they can afford to light oil lamps and candles.

Being in that kind of light for a long time and not being able to adapt, I will not be nearsighted.

Dazzling eyes are only easy to get with the increase of age.

Yu Huaide and the others first sold them to wealthy people. The boxes contained lenses of various powers. They tried them one by one, and the left and right eyes might not be the same.

After trying it out, write it down, and when the glasses are made and delivered to the door, they will give you the money.

One lens is ten pieces, and the frame is free.

If you sell one, Yu Huaide will get a commission.

Those who don't have money don't care about it, otherwise it's cheaper, how to make money from rich people.

"Brother Yi, are you going to let go of the glass for sale?" Li Chengqi came over at noon. After he knew the situation, he wanted to ask.

"Students are short-sighted, and they are struggling to be an official, which also affects Life. Now that it can be produced, it will be used by them.

After some time, I will think about how to work hard on the frames, and sell more beautiful frames at higher prices.

Ordinary ones can be cheap, and people with myopia and dazzled eyes can wear them at a small fee. "

This was when Li Yi discovered that 220 students were in class. Some students just couldn't see the writing on the blackboard. They were all placed in the first row, but they still could not.

Only then did I think about the worries of other scholars. The elderly were so dazzled that they were almost blind.

"Doesn't two lenses form a telescope?" Li Chengqi has tried it and can zoom in.

"That's upside-down, and what can you see with that kind of telescope? The lens is thin. You removed the telescope, right?"

Li Yi felt that he wanted to use fancy glasses to assemble the telescope, but the effect was too bad.

"You are always willing to give money to the people cheaply." Li Chengqi said with emotion.

"In a few days, I will burn the tea set specially, a set, which is similar to the one for you, the third brother and the others, and will be promoted in the newspaper."

Li Yi made a gesture of making Kung Fu tea.

He wants to sell a batch of tea sets first, and then popularize Kung Fu tea, so that the tea sales will be ascending.

Of course, Kung Fu tea can not only drink green tea, but also black tea.

As Li Yi said, he took a teapot and two tea bowls, opened the tea pot, grabbed some tea leaves and put them in the teapot.

Then pick up a bamboo woven object from the side, open the stopper, and pour hot water into the teapot from inside.

"Brother Yi, what is this?" Li Chengqi saw that the water was still steaming, his eyes were on Li Yi's things.

"Blow the thermos with glass and put it in the mold. When there is air in the middle, blow the inside, and the outside will expand.

Leave a mouth behind, and then paint the silver inside like a mirror.

Again, like making a light bulb, vacuum and heat the remaining opening.

The pot gallbladder made in this way can keep warm, add a stopper, and leave a pot of boiling water for a few hours, and it will still be hot. "

Li Yi said how to make the pot, using the craftsmanship of glass blowing, mirror making, and light bulb making.

"This thing is going to be sold?" Li Chengqi actually understood, the process is simple, in fact he can't make it.

"Sell it, sell it as a baby. Two hundred one, free replacement and maintenance, that is..." Li Yi said that he would like a high-priced service.

If it broke, put the pieces together and take them to Zhuangzi, who will give you a new one.

There is limescale in it, take it to Zhuangzi, and Zhuangzi will clean it off.

The thermos cork is not easy to use, so you can ask for it directly at Zhuangzi instead of the original one.

For 200,000 yuan, this service is what I enjoy. If I am upset, I will change it for you.

"You should do the same if you don't have a light. It's a hundred." Li Chengqi thought of another thing.

"Yes, it's said in the newspaper tomorrow, it's so expensive, what should I do if the glass is broken? Change it." Li Yi Congshan was good at it.

"How many thermos do you have now? I will take it away and send it to your majesty. I will also have it in my home to help you promote it."

Li Chengqi is not at all polite. He knows that the cost is very low, and he doesn't resell it.

"Just two days after doing it, everyone is still familiar with it. There are only one hundred and sixty qualified products, and there are more than two thousand waste products."

Li Yi shrugged when talking about the difficulty of production.

In the mold, the inner bladder blows against the outer bladder, and the one that is not well controlled is pasted together.

When the vacuum is applied, the heat seal is easy to be scalded by the side, and it bursts with a bang.

"Okay, I hold all one hundred and sixty, and I need to handle them gently." Li Chengqi didn't care how many damaged.

Craftsmen can gradually become proficient, and it happens to be convenient to use in winter, otherwise someone will have to look at the fire and be responsible for the hot water.

In the afternoon, he sent someone over to carry it together. It was matted with straw so that it could not be touched, especially at the mouth of the pot.

A thousand of the plugs were taken away, and I have to try this plug with water.

Carrying a thermos bottle of hot soup in his hand, he entered the palace and went straight to the Baifu Hall.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Queen Wang arrived with her baby in her arms. After a while, Li Longji arrived.

Li Longji got news that Song Wang should have come from Lijiazhuangzi and brought a lot of things.

When he arrived, the maid was carefully pouring boiling water into several thermos bottles.

Soak the stopper in water. After pouring the boiling water, put the stopper on.

"The third brother is here, let me show you this. It's been a half hour since I poured the hot soup in Zhuangzi at noon."

Li Chengqi asked people to fetch five bowls. He pulled out the stoppers and poured soup from the inside out.

The steam evaporates when the soup is poured out.

"It's mushroom soup with fungus and egg, as well as lean meat and carrots."

The focus of Empress Wang's attention is so different.

Li Longji reached out to touch the bowl, and breathed in the soup again, the heat rushed into his face.

"Hot, pretend to be so hot for an hour and a half."

Li Longji started to breathe as he spoke, put his mouth on the edge of the bowl and sucked, turned his head and spit on the floor, hot.

The palace lady hurried over to wipe with a rag, and the clever eunuch ran to fetch the spoon.

The spoon was fetched and blanched with hot water. Everyone ladled and drank the soup one by one.

"The soup at Uncle is better than the one in the palace. If I want to drink soup in the future, I will get it from Lijiazhuang."

Queen Wang discovered the correct use of the thermos and filled soup.

"The eunuchs in the palace don't need to be tired watching the hot water." Concubine Doulu thought of the workers.

"Yes, I need to prepare a few more in my palace, but the fire still depends on the fire. They also heat things to eat and keep warm. Right?"

Queen Wang turned to ask her son.


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