Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 560 Medicine is easy to use Artemisia annua (fourth)

"Easy to use?" Li Yi already knew the answer, and he sent it back when the frontline sent the report.

He also thought about hearing related things from Shen Yong's mouth.

"We are not local soldiers in the Southwest. We have never been to the Southwest when Zhechong Mansion was relocated. When we got there, we would get malaria if we were bitten by mosquitoes."

Shen Yong smiled bitterly when he said this, obviously his Yulin Feiqi's physical quality was still acceptable.

"That means you didn't wipe the toilet water. What did you use the toilet water for?" Li Yi directly found out the problem in Shen Yong's words.

"I...I can't bear to see that the locals are easy to be bitten, so... I gave it to a woman, how?"

Shen Yong was explaining that he found that Li Yi had a special smile, so he simply admitted.

"Then you wasted the big honey pill that I finally made. Did you know that the big honey pill requires the medicine to be heated first? And... well, it's a waste of honey."

Li Yi almost came up with the key to making Artemisia annua big honey pill.

To extract useful substances from Artemisia annua, Li Yi could not use ether to extract them.

What he uses is to wash the Artemisia annua, then chop it into small pieces, and soak it in cooled distilled water.

Stir, there is not much water, soak most of the useful things in the wormwood in the water, and then use water and other boiled wormwood powder.

On the other side, boil honey, boil it well, and make a big honey pill together with Haozi.

The main thing is the water of Artemisia annua, it cannot be heated.

The other wormwood powders have no therapeutic effect, and the purpose is to make people unable to distinguish the ingredients of the big honey pills that cure malaria.

As the raw material Artemisia annua has not been sterilized at high temperature, even if it is washed clean, the moisture contained in Artemisia annua is easy to deteriorate.

Use a lot of honey for sterilization, and the soaked water is distilled water.

The shelf life can be longer, it can be kept for about a year.

Otherwise, in a place with high humidity and hot weather, it will not be stored for a month.

There is a layer of steamed wax paper wrapped on the outside of the big honey pill, and it is wax-sealed.

Artemisia annua is not expensive, but honey, processing and packaging are not cheap.

When Yulin Feiqi went there, he brought a bunch of them to other soldiers and soldiers.

The toilet water was given by itself, and some people were useless, and they got malaria.

The toilet water you bring to them contains wormwood ingredients, which are pyrethroids, which can target mosquitoes.

What Li Yi gave was double insurance, and in the end he ate a lot of big honey pills.

Shen Yong chuckled to Li Yi: "Lord Li, the big honey pill works, it's pimple, diarrhea, fever, eat that."

"Really?" Li Yi glared at Shen Yong.

Shen Yong shrank his neck, looking for a plate to serve food and wine.

Even if he drank the mutton soup and ate a pancake with fruit, it was not enough.

He eats five pancakes that are so big, which is six points full.

When I was in Zhuangzi, there was a lot of meat. Fortunately, I was exhausted all the way back, and I couldn't eat well. I always ran around.

Zhou Gang was watching, he found that Yu Lin Feiqi was afraid of Li Yi.

It's not the fear of life and death, it's love, and a little bit of fear at the same time.

Can't figure it out, Li Yi looks like a literati, what can he have to make Yu Lin Feiqi afraid?

The wounded Yulin Feiqi on the battlefield bit a wooden stick, washed the wound with soapy water and alcohol, and then stitched together, without showing such an expression.

Shen Yong returned soon, and the grids on the dinner plate were full of braised pork.

"Captain Shen, I think you seem to be a little...retreating to Dongzhu Li?"

Zhou Gang asked as he thought about it, but was euphemistic when he said it.

"You only need to be afraid. If you give in or be afraid, you are not ashamed. You will know if you have experienced it."

Shen Yong said grinningly, not caring what others think.

Zhou Gang smiled and said, "Alright, Li Dongzhu also said that he might go to our place in the next year. I said to take him to play. He said that anyone can play with him. I will learn more."

"The proprietor said he took you to play?" Shen Yong shivered suddenly, looked at Li Yi who was eating food with his head down, and stared at Zhou Gang again.

Zhou Gang sat upright and nodded cautiously when he felt something was wrong.

"Wow, let you have fun, drink, we are no longer in charge today, drink it, don't get drunk."

Shen Yong suddenly felt better, as you can tell from his expression.

Zhou Gang sensed that something was wrong: "Anything to say?"

"It's like this..."

"Uh-huh!" Li Yi coughed, probably because he didn't eat well.

"That's it, that is to say, the proprietor has money and can make fun things." Shen Yong quickly turned around.

Zhou Gang is more certain that there is a problem inside.

He thought of the medicine mentioned by Li Yi and Shen Yong just now, and turned to ask Li Yi: "Dongzhu Li, is that big honey pill sold?"

"Sell, wait for the Tubo and Turkic people to sell it in a few days. Why can't one be broken? I made this with mugwort."

Li Yi finally raised his head and emphasized Mugwort. Now many people think that Mugwort can cure all diseases.

In fact, I got malaria. I didn't use mugwort as a fart. The back of my elbow said that I was holding Artemisia annua, soak it with water, and drink it.

Artemisia annua is a collective term. The wormwood seeds I found happen to be Artemisia annua. Soak it in water and drink it, and it works. If you change to other wormwood seeds, drink it for nothing.

He collects wormwood in large quantities, the purpose is to make others unable to guess.

Even if it is made into a big honey pill, there are calculations hidden.

This is what he originally wanted to pit the Fanbang people who bought a large number of newspapers, and he asked if you would buy them when he took them out? You have a lot of malaria.

Who would have thought that Tubo would come to steal technology, save things, and pit it once.

"One pill, one can't afford it."

Zhou Gang thought of people in his own place. People usually go into the woods and smear grass juice with a strong flavor to expel mosquitoes.

"I don't want to take a pill every time. What is the value of the honey from the big honey pill? Add how much money and sell it.

But it is not allowed to smuggle to Tubo and Turks, I also hope to rely on this to make money to raise the army. "

Li Yi gave an internal price, plus a few dollars for the cost.

Artemisia seeds are cheap, and other artemisia seeds are also made into mosquito coils and sold.

"Master Li, can I bring back 20,000? If you get malaria, you can easily die." Zhou Gang was going to buy some.

"Twenty thousand for you." Li Yi was generous.

"Lord Li, you... why are you so good to us?" Zhou Gang was moved.

"Because you are at the border, and there is always war in the border, I enjoy Life in the rear. You can't eat enough, don't wear warm, or get sick and cannot be treated. I'm afraid the enemy will come in."

Li Yi still threw the truth out, the better the frontline, the more at ease behind him.

"Li Dongzhu, your medical skills are superb." Zhou Gang thought of a boastful angle.

Li Yisan smiled: "Me, that is to deal with."

He knows the role of the big mi pill, but he admires Ge Hong, the author of the elbow reserve emergency prescription.

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