Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 570 is not a hunter to solve puzzles (second more)

"It's not a hunter, I don't know any of them, and I look different from hunters."

Hu Feng also raised his binoculars, and he was familiar with hunters in Jingzhao Mansion and other nearby states.

Even if you look at the set, you can tell who it is from the technique.

He didn't know the person seen in the telescope, and the other party's behavior did not match the hunter's identity.

"One, two... you can see more than fifty people, no hunting dogs, bows and crossbows in their hands, and they don't wear the clothes of a Datang soldier, but they look like a soldier."

Hu Feng began to analyze, his expression serious.

"Master, do you want to go there?" an apprentice next to him asked softly.

"Go back personally, let's stare." Hu Feng shook his head, not wanting to make contact.

The twelve apprentices looked at each other, and the one with the worst ability nodded: "I will take Xiao Guang away."

After speaking, he took the little junior brother's binoculars and handed it to others, took the little junior brother and ran, but the dog stayed behind.


"Proprietor, Yu Jiang, who presented Amber, said he has doubts and wants to ask to see you." Er Guan Xunxin ran over to find Li Yi.

"It's okay if you have doubts. I like to solve puzzles the most. Arrange it and be in the house." Li Yi seemed to be in a good mood.

Yu Jiang hasn't come to look for it since he gave it away. He thought he was going to wait for the New Year.

Never thought, he finally couldn't help it.

Yu Jiang was first arranged to take a shower and change clothes, and he was taken to the living room after making sure that he had no weapons.

This time, there is no need for such a long table, and Yu Lin Feiqi stood by the two people to protect.

"Brother Yu is still used to living here?" Li Yi asked people to bring tea and snacks.

"A good place, Chang'an deserves to be a prosperous place, and Lijiazhuangzi is better than other places where Yu goes, and Yu has learned a lot along with it."

Yu Jiang spoke up first and praised Li Jiazhuang as a paradise.

"However, Yu has a lot of doubts in his heart. There are obviously many things in Yu's Shu area. Why can't the people compare with Chang'an?"

Yu Jiang's conversation turned around and said that the people in Shu are worse than the people in Chang'an.

"Traffic is not convenient enough. There is only one waterway on the Yangtze River. It can still be flowed downstream. Once the flow is upstream, it needs to be stretched by a tracker..."

Li Yi was very patient and talked to Yu Jiang about some problems in the land of Shu.

Mainly because there are many mountains, it is difficult to travel by land, and the water transportation is not convenient.

"In addition, in Xuanzhou of Datang, there are also many mountains. The local people's life is not as good as Chang'an, and it is worse than that in Shu.

The local paper is pretty good, the mountains are high and steep, and further up, Henan Road is very good, with plains, which is good for planting.

The same is true of Hebei Road. The northern part of Hebei Road is now occupied by the Khitan people. If it develops well, it will be no worse than Jiangnan.

In the northern part of Hebei Province, there are many mountains, but they are next to the sea and the mountains are rich in products.

In particular, tussah silkworm breeding is convenient. Compared with mulberry silkworms, tussah silkworms can not only spin silk, but the cocoon pupae are not so toxic..."

Li Yi wow wow wow, and while talking, he talked about the topic from Sichuan to Anhui.

The same goes for mountains, and then from Anhui to Henan, Henan to Hebei, and Hebei to Northeast.

There are also many mountains in the northeast, including Tangshan and Dalian.

The mountains in Dalian are not bad compared to Chongqing. Many buildings are built on the mountains and they follow the mountains all the way down.

Like Ganjingzi District, go up the mountain.

Yu Jiang was fascinated by Li Yi's words. It turns out that there are a lot of tussah silkworms in the northern part of Hebei Province?

It turns out that the cultivated land is good, and the rice grown is good? It can also grow wheat.

There is also a riverside location where you can grow soybeans, so you don’t have to worry about soybeans, and the land is fertile.

Continuing to the northeast, there are a lot of wild animals on the mountain, what is the black earth, and it has beaten roe deer and scooped fish.

And what is the cold water area in the northeast, the fish grows slowly, but they are delicious.

"The main problem in the northern part of our Datang Hebei Road is that the planning is not good. If I am a Khitanese... just now, I can plan for the Shu area.

The roads that are used today are all roads built in previous dynasties, such as Ziwu Road, Jinniu Road, Lianyun Road, Qishan Road, and Lychee Road.

Including the Mingxiu plank road, the Chencang road that crosses Chencang secretly, the plank road that is close to the cliff has many praise ramps.

You need to cross the Luoshui Road in the Luoshui, the Mi Cang Road in the Micang Mountain, and the Wuguan Road in the battle between Qin and Chu.

These Taoisms, if they are to be repaired carefully, and the money is advanced, then it will be much easier to travel from the Shu area to other places, especially the food should continue to be bought and sold through the Western Turks..."

As Li Yi spoke, he turned the topic back to Shu, and he said a series of road names.

Yu Jiang's mind is not on the ground at all, he has been considering the development of the Northeast in the northern part of Hebei Province.

Li Yi took a sip of tea: "As a native of Shu, Brother Yu must be very anxious, how can the road be repaired in Shu, right?"

"Ah? Ah, yes, how to grow soybeans and let the black soil provide enough food." Yu Jiangshun said.

After speaking, he realized that what Li Yi didn't talk about was the land of Shu.

He smiled embarrassedly: "Yu is distracted. He has never been to the northern part of Hebei Province and is curious about it. Li Dongzhu, you said Shu land."

"Road construction requires manpower and money, but ultimately it is a matter of money. There are so many roads, it is best to promote business.

Business started, and then taxes were collected. The imperial court collected taxes to build roads, and merchants walked to make money and pay taxes.

All counties in the Shu region can create an ecological environment with local characteristics of agricultural products and value-added handicrafts based on the local existing resources and the introduction of suitable resources.

Encourage local people to find a new way out, focusing on economic construction, and at the same time pay close attention to public security, ensure stability, and incorporate characteristic culture into commodities.

Use preferential policies to attract more businessmen to develop and invest, and make good business guarantee measures..."

Li Yi began to speak again, every sentence was very useful.

Yu Jiang: "..."

He found a serious problem and couldn't understand it. What is Li Yi talking about?

"In fact, it is easier to develop in the northern part of Hebei Province than in the Shu area.

It's just that the local Khitan people didn't put their minds on development, they always wanted to fight, and they were short-sighted.

If I'm there, I won't fight, my own foundation is unstable, and when I fight Datang, there are so many dead people, and I won't get anything.

Look, I'll get you a map..."

Li Yi left for a while, entered the study, and returned soon, with a large piece of paper in his hand, which was rolled up.

This is his drawing based on his comprehensive consideration of the map at that time and the Tang and Song dynasties.

It is Shandong, Tianjin, Hebei, Beijing, Liaoning, and there are no paintings in the northeast. It is too tired to be used temporarily.

After he saw Yu Jiang, he took the time to paint. The scale is not accurate, and some mountains and valleys are not reflected.

The map was placed on the table and slowly unfolded.

When Yu Jiang saw this map, he started to breathe shortly. All the place names were marked, and there were important rivers.

The current official road is also available, and the distance is also marked.

"What are these circles?" he asked the contours.

"It means altitude. Brother Yu, look at this circle, to another circle, 400 meters, which is more than one hundred and thirty meters, and the next circle, for comparison, this place is a river valley..."

Li Yi explained how to view the map.

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