Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 580 Special Treatment Can Ask Your Heart

"Boom, boom, boom" "I'm eating, come out and line up for dinner."

The Khitan captives went to the place and saw many snacks and people buying and selling things outside.

On the other side is a camp, they know what it is.

The person who passed the message and the order said that Southwest was quite a prisoner.

They were curious to see what the Southwestern captives were eating? I haven't said about this connector.

Today, more than 5,000 prisoners are left behind, and more than 5,000 go to the coal mine to dig for coal.

Lijiazhuangzi digs coal without paying for it. All he digs out is lump coal and does not go through the washing process.

The quality of coal is not very good, far worse than the Fushun West Open-pit Mine occupied by Qidan.

Li Yi couldn't help it, or how could he always think of the Northeast, iron mines and coal mines, just united.

Those five thousand people went to dig for coal, which was a good performance out of two more than five thousand people in the snow removal process.

More than 5,000 people stayed behind and the two snow removals were all low points.

They are very anxious. If there is always no work to do and they are not given a chance, won't the score be lower next time?

Hearing the order to eat, they rushed out at the fastest speed, formed a team, and ranked according to their points.

Wash your hands first, then form a line, holding half of your own bamboo tube, dinner plate and waiting for the meal.

Of course, the farther back the food is, the worse it will be, and the food will not be eaten much later.

No one was taking care of the Khitan prisoners, Bachar checked and watched as he walked out of the line and stood next to a beaver.

He lowered his head and looked at the boiled wheat rice with chaff in it, and then a bit of pickles.

He waved to his own, and the other 389 people leaned forward.

They know that in the Fushun residence of Datang, the people used to feed livestock and poultry.

The captives of the Southwestern Barbarians used a whole small bamboo tube to fill the boiled water, and the two halves of the bamboo tube to fill the rice, and took them aside to eat.

There were people with Qianniuwei guarding them with weapons, and Yulin Feiqi also came to help.

Very good, the captain has more dishes.

Bacharcha walked up to Li Yijin by himself: "Shall we eat that too?"

"Aren't you eating hand cakes? Hungry on the road? Where would you like to eat it? It's not too cold to eat here. There is a place for Qianniuwei to serve food. Go, get your own dinner plate."

Li Yi stared at him, what does it mean to eat this? How many good things are in the hand cake? I'll give you vegetables for the big winter.

"Brothers, wash your hands first. You have soap and hand towels. Don't use them." Bacharcha actually went to greet people.

Three hundred and ninety Khitan prisoners looked for a place to wash their hands, wiped them clean, and took the dishes carefully.

Qianniuwei's and Yulin Feiqi who escorted the Khitan captives exchanged ideas, holding weapons on alert, but did not stop them.

The Khitan captives learned from Qianniuwei, holding a plate, and using a spoon to choose the food they want to eat in the trough of the dining car.

"You are allowed to eat, no leftovers, eat as much as you want, and don't cheat Li's Zhuangzi." Qianniuwei's person warned.

"I know, I heard." Bacharcha responded with a smile.

The joint person over there who lowered his head to eat the noodles is at a loss, what's the situation?

Are you sure you were caught? Hand towels and soap can understand, and there are also other Southwestern captives.

What's the matter with eating? Sheng? You rush around, they don't care about you?

Driving so far with their feet, the Khitan captives ate a hand-held cake. They were hungry. They were soldiers and could eat well.

Now that I finished the meal, I looked around and found that there was a table with a stallholder. I went over and sat down.

Put the dinner plate there, look at the place where the free soup is, ran to serve a bowl, and came back to eat.

They are not sitting in the same stall, they are scattered.

Yu Lin Feiqi just watched, but Li Yi agreed.

Two Khitan captives also sat on the same table as the noodle eater, the aligner turned sideways slightly, and continued to bow his head.

"This dish is delicious, a bit sweet."

A Khitan captive ate the braised chicken nuggets. He didn't know what it was when he was serving it. Someone in Qianniuwei served it, and he followed it.

"I have leeks, why are they yellow? Fried with eggs, the rice is also fragrant."

Another captive took a bite and tasted it. He didn't know the leeks.

"Henarran, do you say where we live at night? Set up a new tent next to the Southwest Man?" the person who had the braised chicken nuggets asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't look like it will be. Li Dongzhu is kind to us, and it's quite different to the southwest." He was called Hernalin in response.

The person who eats the noodles: "..."

This is called "Lee Dongzhu"? You are the elite of our Khitan.

"Dongzhu Li is really telling the truth, otherwise how easy would he want to kill us? He, hey? It's okay, eat."

The person who ate the braised chicken nuggets suddenly recognized a side-faced jointer, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

Hernalan raised his eyes and sighed: "Kadamu, we can't help it, Li Dongzhu is too good to fly.

The tree more than six hundred steps away, his weapon called a gun, hit it with one shot.

Two hundred steps away, the pheasant's head was beaten. When he dealt with us, he used needles, and the needles were poisonous.

The stabbed person fell down after ten breaths, but fortunately he was detoxified.

There are also things that are thrown and smoked. If you are touched by smoke, let alone fighting, you can't stand up. "

"Yes, yes, he didn't kill him in the end, forcing us to surrender.

A thousand feather forests flew, blocking our people in the gorge, and letting smoke out. What can the people in the gorge do if they don’t surrender? "

Kadamu added, still not raising his head.

The connector heard clearly, it's not that our army didn't work hard, but the enemy army was too strong.

He quickly figured it out. There were a total of 390 brothers, and Datang dispatched a thousand Yulin Feiqi.

Hardly fighting also can't fight Yulin Feiqi, and the selection and training of Yulin Feiqi is different from other armies.

They are the private army raised by Emperor Li Longji of the Tang Dynasty. It is said that Li Yi brought an ambulance to train before.

He raised his head and glanced at the two people, nodded slightly, expressing understanding that it was right to surrender.

Bacharcha on the other side ran to Li Yi, and Li Yi moved him a folding table and chair from the car.

Bacharcha put down the dinner plate: "Don't you want to eat, Dongzhu Li?"

"It's cold outside. Waiting for you to eat, I will take you in to the place where I arranged to live. Then I go to the cafeteria to eat. The cafeteria eats more dishes than this."

Li Yi shook his head and gave the reason.

"Shall we live in?" Bacharcha was frightened.

"We all said that there shouldn't be a war between us. You will learn as soon as you come, and you will learn to go back and lead your people to live a good life.

The tents in the southwestern area were cold at night, and they were full of straw.

There is Huo Dao in Zhuangzi, and you live in Warm. I have arranged it for you.

Studying and helping us with work is just for teaching expenses, and apprentices learn from the master and also help the master with work.

How many people do you have in Khitan in such a big site as Datang?

Give it to you. After you finish it, how many Khitans will remain in a county? "

Li Yi said as if I was thinking of you, it sounds simple.

The apprentice should work for the master.

In the end, the big Tang is big and the Khitans are few, so it's no problem.

"Aren't you afraid of our sudden riots?" Bacharcha compares his heart to heart.

"What's the use of your riots? Even if you kill 10,000 Datang people, what then?

You are still there, Life is too cold in winter and there is nothing to eat.

Are you here just to kill people? Instead of finding a way to make your own life better? "

Li Yi continued to reason.

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