Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 587 Establishing Trust Crow's Mouth (first more)

There is a hole in the left hind leg of the giant panda. It was not bitten by a wild animal. From the mark, it was cut by a sharp stone.

There was pus and blood in the wound. Li Yi debrided and bandaged the wound while the panda was numb, but did not suture it because the amount of bleeding was low.

After that, the dressing needs to be changed continuously to allow the wound to heal on its own.

The giant panda was continuously anesthetized and appeared very irritable after regaining consciousness.

Give it to its child, and it will calm down.

He was eating cooked meat, and the little guy in his arms was drinking milk.

From time to time, it looked at people outside through the cage, and curiously looked at its bandaged legs.

Another small panda was excreted in the ambulance. It couldn't do it on its own and needed help from outside.

When there is a mother, the mother will lick it. Without a mother, someone will touch the area around the anus with a cotton swab and just brush it.

"The next trouble is to rotate, once a day, the wild panda, if you have the breath of its child, it will attack you."

Li Yi is worried, how can he discuss with the giant panda?

"Proprietor, it is better to prescribe the medicine while feeding the meat. I found that you can control when it wakes up." Guo Ziyi gave an idea.

He was more curious about Li Yi's ability to control the dosage, and he was a little bit close before.

Now it is said that there is basically no difference between dozens of breaths.

"Always use anesthesia, go back, I think about it, to establish friendship with the wild panda, so that it can trust you."

Li Yi said that it was easy, but it hurts when he thinks about it.

The team rested for two hours and rushed in the middle of the night.

"Master Zheng, this is Three Thousand Roots, look at the points."

On the return journey, Li Yi handed a stack of exchange coupons to Zheng Chuncheng in front of the other Orion.

"Dongzhu Li, isn't it a Thousand Roots?" Zheng Chuncheng rubbed his hands when he heard San Thousand Roots, looking embarrassed.

"There are exactly two small ones. When they are found, if it has no children, of course it is one thousand. It was born, three, three thousand."

Li Yi settled the accounts, and two pandas were born at once, and three pandas were counted according to the money of three pandas.

After talking, he stuffed the money and got in the car.

Sixteen Zheng Chuncheng sat in other carriages, unable to feel the cold of the night, and occasionally smirked twice.

According to their role in the team, the least can be divided into one hundred yuan, one hundred thousand dollars.

If you are lucky, you can earn five years by hunting, but if you are not lucky, you can earn ten years.

At noon on December 16, the giant panda was taken back to Zhuangzi after being in a coma twice.

Its child was replaced once, and it seemed to feel it, but didn't ‘say’ anything, anyway, it’s okay to have one.

"Quickly, make clothes and do them like giant pandas." When Li Yi went to Zhuangzi, he first called the workshop to make clothes.

He thought of how to deal with it, to get closer, starting with treating the wound.

The wound must be changed. It is not always necessary to change the wound after numbness. Just take this opportunity to build mutual trust.

In the evening, the clothes are made.

Li Yi asked Guo Ziyi and more than a dozen Yulin Feiqi to wear them with lights around.

Guo Ziyi was sitting next to the cage with his left hind leg, oh, with an injured left leg.

Li Yi averted his vision and let the panda see. He treated the wound and bandaged it.

After Guo Ziyi finished processing, another ‘Giant Panda’ came over, and Li Yi continued to follow the previous steps.

The third one came with a bandage. Li Yi first took it apart, debrided and bandaged.

A series of giant pandas came over. The giant pandas in the cage looked at the legs of other giant pandas, and then looked down at their bandaged legs. They seemed to understand something.

Then it was numb and turned over while eating, changed children, and changed medicines.

Early the next morning, bamboo shoots were put in.

The giant panda lay there, feeding and nibbling on bamboo shoots.

When it finishes feeding the baby, yesterday's "Giant Pandas" will come again.

Li Yi got on the lever, and the scissors were at the front end of the lever. He cut the bandage of the injured panda and operated it slowly.

One by one, when all the giant pandas were processed, Li Yi looked at the legs of the real giant panda in the cage.

The giant panda sits there and looks at its own leg, there is a bandage on it.

Li Yishen manipulated the lever to enter, and the giant panda watched, cut open the scissors, and took out the dirty dressing cloth.

The iodophor cotton ball stretched over and rubbed the wound little by little.

The giant panda knows and knows that he is injured.

After wiping, use the joystick to bandage, tie a beautiful knot, and it's done.

During the whole process, the giant panda also lifted its legs, otherwise it would be very difficult to wear gauze under the legs with its weight.

Li Yi took a big goose egg boiled in brine and put it in.

The giant panda quickly hugged it, licked it first, opened its mouth to bite, and licked the broken and small pieces into its mouth after biting it into pieces and eating the big pieces.

After the exchanges this morning, Li Yi went to arrange for the newly arrived 1,400 Southwestern barbarians.

The captives came here yesterday to take a shower, the clothes and life supplies they brought.

For the time being, there is no arrangement for things to be done, and it is divided into one thing after another, and there is no formation.

The other Southwestern captives were left without work, but they leaned forward to talk about the rules afterwards.

What do you usually eat, what rewards are there, how rare opportunities to work, how do you show your superiority when you are assigned to work.

The new prisoner was dumbfounded, especially when he looked at his former comrades-in-arms, he seemed to have no fighting spirit and wanted to work all day.

"Scattered up and assigned to other teams, one thousand and four hundred people, it's not a small number."

Li Yi didn't want to waste energy on the newcomers, and the previous ones would help to deal with it.

The thing he most wants to do well is to gain trust with the giant panda, otherwise the rotation of the two back and forth is too laborious.

"Proprietor, give them food for a few days, so that they will strengthen their bodies?" Song De wanted to treat them in the same way as the previous prisoners.

"No, I eat normally. Anyway, I don't have much work in winter. I don't have any other work except digging coal and waiting for the snow to clear the snow. I don't give them the work of ice-cutting."

Li Yi didn't want to give good food and drink. It was all money. He bought 1,400 people and spent 70,000 yuan.

Imperial City, Political Affairs Hall.

Bi Gou ran over again at noon to eat together.

"Li Yixin bought 1,400 people. In the future, slave sales will be taxed."

Bi Gou has a notebook with the date written on it.

Today is December 17, and there are 13 days left. When the New Year comes, the Ministry of Households can get the tax.

Yao Chong looked at the meal: "He found three new giant pandas. When will he go to see it? I haven't seen a cub of the giant panda."

He didn't care about the household department, he was in charge of the military department, and the military department had money. The sixteen guards hired by Li Yi gave him the money.

Therefore, he has a good impression of Li Yi, and he used to...before it was good.

"It's good to raise a panda." Lu Huaishen supported Li Yi to put his mind on the panda.

Zhang said in agreement: "Yes, raise pandas, stick to it, and have a stable year. There are more than ten days left. Don't do anything else."

Bi Go ate a meal and swallowed: "The Khitan incident is not over yet. The matter is too much involved. It is estimated that after a few months of the Chinese New Year, Li Yi will not be able to produce anything, he..."

"I can't say, I can't say, what I'm afraid of will come." Yao Chong, who also thought about a good year, hurriedly stopped.

Bi Gou smiled: "I'm just waiting for him to figure out a way to make big money, so I can collect taxes."

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