Three hundred and ninety people came back, each with a folding stool.

They line up, and when they sit down, their legs are close together, their chests are raised, and their hands are naturally placed on their legs.

The four Khitan envoys secretly gave a compliment, beautiful, this is my Khitan sergeant.

"Doctor Li." Boge's face among the envoys sank: "When did my Khitan sign the alliance letter with Datang?"

Li Yi picked up a bamboo shoot, turned his head and handed it to the giant panda: "Let's eat meat for you, your gastrointestinal tract is not good, you can eat bamboo shoots endlessly.

You have to learn from others, adjust yourself and see the situation clearly.

You still have children to raise, eat some other bamboo. You just can't communicate with us, just get used to you.

Otherwise, if you are an individual and can understand people's words, I won't feed you that way. Give you two, don't always shoot the cage. "

As Li Yi said, he passed a bamboo shoot.

The giant panda was really happy, put the newly obtained bamboo shoots on his lap, and continued to nibble.

Turning around, Li Yi looked at Bo Ge: "Can you sign the alliance certificate? You can't report this. You can send the Prime Minister's letter to contact him?"

Boge's momentum was overwhelmed by Li Yi's words about feeding the panda and pointing at the panda, and immediately disappeared.

"I, I mean, we haven't formed an alliance yet, what you said in the newspaper feels like an alliance." Boge was uncomfortable talking.

"Do you care about that thing? Tubo has formed an alliance with my Datang, didn't you just rebel? The friendship between the two countries lies in the friendship.

How to write and how to say is not important, the key is whether you are willing to develop together and exchange what you need with each other.

Your Khitan is willing to have friendly exchanges with Datang, which is an alliance. You have something else in your mind, that is the enemy.

Look at how I treat the captives of the Southwestern Barbarian, and then look at how I treat the three hundred and ninety brothers.

I believe you, only a few people around me? It's all you Khitan people, you can catch me with your order. "

Li Yi spread his hands and looked around.

Surrounded by eight court ladies and eunuchs, three people from Hongyu Temple, and one supervisor Song De.

The others were four Khitan envoys and 390 Khitan captives.

Li Yiyi reminded that the three people at Honghe Temple had serious panic expressions.

The eyes of the four envoys lit up, and they looked at Sergeant Own together.

Three hundred and ninety people were sitting there, looking straight, as if they hadn't heard.

"Li Yi, are you convicted?" Envoy Qi Gahan felt that the opportunity had come, and he shouted.

Li Yi looked at three hundred and ninety people: "Your envoys are too hot in the fire. You should eat a piece of watermelon and squeeze it down. If you want to eat it, there are six people. You count them and get the watermelon."

"Yes!" Bacharcha stood up, three hundred and ninety plus eight plus four plus three plus one plus one, which equals four hundred and seven.

"The proprietor, 407 people, 68 watermelons, one less person." Bacharcha reported.

"Take sixty-nine watermelons and give one to the panda." Li Yi nodded and ordered.

"Yes, come with me sixty-eight people, hold one by one person, but don't fall to the ground, watermelon in winter is precious."

Bacharcha yelled, and he stood up there, and he nodded with his finger.

Sixty-eight people were selected and went to the greenhouse to pick watermelons with him.

Li Yi smiled at Qi Jiahan: "The watermelon in winter is not very sweet due to the short sunshine time. It also needs to be artificially dipped in flowers, just eat fresh.

In fact, I still have watermelons soaked in salt water, and I am eating them well now, but you guys must want to eat freshly picked watermelons.

Wait a moment, they come back, let's try it, and also give this panda with the baby a few bites. "

Qi Gahan lowered his head and didn't want to say a word, what he felt at the moment was sadness flowing upstream.

He also wanted to threaten Li Yi, but Sergeant Own couldn't move him, so Li Yi said what he said.

The officials of the three Honghe Temple stared wide-eyed, with an incredible expression on their faces.

The Khitan prisoners have only been arrested for a few days, how come they became Li Yi's men?

The other Khitan envoys were also silent, mourning, nothing more than heartbreaking.

Song De didn't have any expressions, what he was just now, he is still what he is now.

The eunuch turned his head to look at the giant panda together. The ladies of the court had smiles and little stars in their eyes.

The watermelon was taken back, the variety was not as big as Li Yi's time, and Li Yi didn't change the swelling element to spray it.

It looks like a cantaloupe, and one of six people eats one, which is indeed one girl.

The watermelon knife was brought over, wiped clean, the Khitan captive cut the melon, the first piece was held by Bacharcha and sent to Li Yi.

"Brothers, don't be polite to me. Many greenhouses in many counties have grown cold melons, that is, watermelons. When I look back, everyone eats them open."

Li Yi received the hand and shouted loudly.

"Okay." "If you can eat watermelon in winter, Li Dongzhu has this ability." "It's right to learn from Li Dongzhu." "In the future, Khitan will also eat watermelon in winter."

The captives cheered. After seeing the greenhouse, they thought they learned how to grow in their own hometown.

As for the four envoys... just kidding, do you have a fart?

After sending the melons to Li Yi, to Song De and the eight court ladies and eunuchs.

The court lady eunuch thanked him, and Song De patted the person who sent the melon on the shoulder.

Then came the three officials of Honghe Temple, the captives themselves, and finally to the four envoys.

There should be no extra one. Li Yi's one is big, which is exactly two yuan.

Everyone has a small bite and tastes the watermelon in winter.

The four envoys had bitterness in their mouths, and finally gave them to themselves. What is status?

‘Boom bang! ’The giant panda pats the cage.

"Here." Li Yi passed a bamboo shoot.

The giant panda didn't answer it, and looked at the watermelon in his hand.

It smells, its nose is sensitive, watching others eat, and then sniffing, there are good things.

"Yes, do you want a knife?" Li Yi put down the watermelon in his hand.

Holding the extra watermelon with one hand, he reached in, and was ready to give it away at any time.

The giant panda didn't mean to attack him. Two paws hugged the watermelon and fell to the floor of the cage, causing the watermelon to split.

It patted it down with its palm, clicked, completely broken, and picked up a piece of it.

The watermelon juice dripped on its paws, and it licked.

"It's better that we sign an agreement first. If you talk about the Khitan and Datang Alliance, you have concerns.

You sign with me, Lijiazhuangzi, to sign a friendly trade agreement.

I will help you, and you will collect what I need from the Khitan, and it does not involve the two countries. "

Li Yi told the four envoys that he had begun to play political tricks.

The two countries hate each other, and both can have table tennis diplomacy. This can directly open trade.

Give the two regimes a face, where Lijiazhuangzi acts as a lubricant.

When interests are involved and they can balance each other, the alliance of hostile forces is broken.

Once a trade alliance is formed, relying on the Khitan's economic and financial knowledge, it can only be passively bullied.

"You don't need to give an answer now. Go back and weigh it. If you feel that you are at a disadvantage, you can still maintain the status quo and feel that you can benefit from each other. Let's bypass the problems of the two countries."

Li Yi's voice softened and made people feel comfortable.

It is indeed difficult for the four envoys to make a decision at a time, and they need more time to consider.

I have to analyze the problems of three hundred and ninety own sergeants. What's wrong? Why did the sergeant listen to Li Yi.

"Don't be in a hurry, eat here at noon, I have chili, you can try it." Li Yi continued.

Chili is not only popular in Shu, but it is cold in the northeast, including Chang'an.

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