"Did you see the little panda?" Li Longji nodded to Yao Chong, and the conversation turned suddenly.

"I see it, it looks like a mouse without skin." The recorder, Sun Wanyun, patronized with excitement, forgetting that it was time for dinner.

"Is Li Yi easy to talk?" Li Longji asked again.

"How should I put it, he, when he speaks, if you are tough, he will return you one round, and you are guaranteed to suffer a loss in this round.

But he is not too much, just click to stop, turn his head to discuss things with you.

It gives you the feeling that you are too much, and he has no choice but to strike back at you, but there will be no hatred. "

Cheng Liutong from Hongshe Temple followed and said that he thought Li Yi was such a person.

Contact Li Yi, if you are not too much, Li Yi will give you a Face, to what extent you attacked and how far he counterattacked.

"Fight without breaking?" Lu Huaishen said.

"Yes, right, right, Lu Xiang said exactly." Liu Tong felt that those four words were used well.

"Hey and I continue." Zhang said, giving an evaluation.

Yao Chong nodded: "Indeed. It's just that he always leads and doesn't speak, pretending to be mysterious, huh!"

He habitually looks for Li Yi's problems, if he doesn't look for Li Yi's problems, he might get sick.

He picked Li Yi from the political aspect, and Bi Gou picked it from the financial aspect.

Two people, a prime minister, and a household secretary, looked so entangled in where they sat.

Lu Huai cautiously can't manage big things, he has been dealing with small things all the time. He has a different perception of Li Yi.

"Yuanzhi, the money for hiring sixteen guards should be settled again at the beginning of January." He raised the money.

Yao Chong: "..."

He picked up the wine cup: "Your Majesty, Doctor Li benefits the people with the work of captives, and he captures the enemy's army personally, as a meritorious or military officer."

Yao Chong worried that Li Yi knew that he had a bad attitude just now, and looked back to find an excuse not to pay.

If he doesn't pay, can he catch him or kill him?

"For what official?" Li Longji held back a smile.

"Accompany Lieutenant Rong." Yao Chong said an official name, Wu San official.

Lu Huaishen gave him a look of contempt, and Lieutenant Rong was an official from the Ninth Rank.

From the second rank of the current Doctor Guanglu, there are thousands of miles away.

What's the use of this official? Can you get some salary? Enough for him to eat vegetables in the greenhouse?

"Yes." Li Longji smiled and nodded.

"Tomorrow's minister arranges." Yao Chong took the initiative to take the initiative, and he gave it casually if he didn't need to find someone else from the rank nine official.

Cheng Liutong from Hongshe Temple and Sun Wanyun, the chief recording officer, were dazzled. What did you just say?

I feel that there are many things in it, why can't I understand it?

From the ninth rank martial arts officer, need to find such a solemn discussion in the Xingqing Hall?

Anyway, the eldest Sun Wanyun didn't think he would be remembered by his majesty and the three prime ministers.

The two of them finished eating first, and sat there not daring to move. Fortunately, the maid brought tea, and they listened while drinking tea.

Li Longji and the others talked about the giant panda, not talking about the issue at the court.

Just because there are people who are not qualified to listen and cannot be driven away, all topics must be normal.

The prime minister and Li Longji are very familiar with this.

"Your Majesty, please place the Giant Panda Park in the west part of the city for people to watch. The giant panda looks simple and honest and has a cute demeanor."

Yao Chong proposed to open the garden, and he admitted that it is interesting to watch giant pandas.

Especially the giant panda, which has not fully grown up, is a few months old, like a big dog, but more interesting than a dog.

Sitting there sleeping, his head moved forward a little bit, but when his head touched the ground, he rolled his head and looked blank after waking up.

I couldn't describe the mood at that moment. I was laughing, I wish I could take one home and raise it.

The Panda Park is in a corner of Lijiazhuangzi, east of the city.

There is a distance from the west to the east of the city, and it is not easy for many people in the past.

Zhang said nodded, then frowned, "How do you calculate the cost? A giant panda park costs a lot."

"Ask Li Yi." Lu Huaishen thought it was a trivial matter. For Li Yi, it was just a little money.

But to see what Li Yi thinks, he is unwilling, who can force him to fail?

"Yeah!" Li Longji said, he didn't say whether it would work or not. He was going to take the queen and his son over to have a look at the night.

Involved in the temporary change of the policy against Khitan, you have to ask clearly.

Li Longji knew that Li Yi initially promised that there was no such idea of ​​bypassing the country and the country, but it came to mind temporarily.

It is estimated that the attitude of the four Khitan envoys made Li Yi realize that he could not push forward the plan hard.

And the biggest ability of his brother Yi is to change, he will change when you change, and he will follow you.

After everyone had eaten, Yao Chong went to arrange the military officers from the Ninth Rank. He personally arranged it and expressed his importance.

He really wanted to give Li Yi a ‘certificate’ in the past, but he couldn’t, it would be exposed.

Before dark in the evening, Li Longji's family of three arrived at Lijiazhuangzi.

"Quickly, push me over to the hut I made for Luo'er to play." Li Yi saw the little guy, put on a white coat, and opened his arms.

The little guy looked at him suspiciously, as if thinking of something, he opened his little arms to hug him.

Li Yi held the baby and greeted people to send a small house, which was a small bungalow with fine wool felt inside.

Now that the little guy can crawl, give him a specially prepared gift.

A round house with a height of one and a half meters and a diameter of three meters is too small for adults, but it is own territory for little ones.

Standing one meter high, adults can directly see the child inside.

The baby was really happy, crawling around after entering, there are six positions to stick his head out.

There is a person in each position guarding a mouth, don't let the child fall, put it back quickly when it falls, underneath is a net with a cushion.

The area is seven square meters. The child climbed up, looked around, and found someone, giggling, crawling back and hiding, looking out from another mouth.

It's boring to be an adult, but the little guy thinks he has discovered the most interesting game.

Li Longji took the hand of the queen and watched his son crawl around happily, not knowing what to say.

After a while, he sighed with emotion: "Brother Yi is only big, so he can find the world; Brother Yi is only young, just for the baby's laugh."

In the daytime, the Khitan envoys were pushed against the wall to give a plan for the country.

At night, you can actually accompany a baby to have fun.

This kind of contrast is too big, so big that it is unacceptable for ordinary people.

The little guy was tired from playing. He poked his head out and saw his mother with a smiling face. Queen Wang hugged him in his arms and soon the little guy went to sleep.

"Uncle, go to see the giant panda in a while." Queen Wang wiped his son's sweat and prepared to change clothes.

Two quarters later, the sky was getting darker.

Guo Ziyi put on a white coat and disposable gloves, and followed Li Yi to the giant panda's cage like a thief.

In addition, Yulin Feiqi was carrying the incubator, and he had to exchange it forcibly today.

No more anaesthesia, total anaesthesia, too much nerve damage to the giant panda.

Queen Wang pushed the baby stroller. The baby changed into a cotton dress and slept soundly in the car with a warm water bag to keep him warm.

Everyone is very nervous, this is an operation for one life.

Guo Ziyi is the main attacker, he must be fast, and martial arts different evaluations are now testing him.

"Light preparation, Ziyi, you only have less than ten breaths to complete all the operations, calm down. Give me honey snack, I will give it."

Li Yi ordered, reaching out, his hands also wearing disposable medical gloves.

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