Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 593 Another link in the letter of state affairs (second more)

"Selling newspapers and selling newspapers, Liulizhuang in the west of the city rented two giant pandas from Lijiazhuang in Bashui, and they will enter the park three days later."

"It sells newspapers. People living in the west of the city don't need to go to the east to see the giant pandas. Liulizhuang, the west of the city, introduces two giant pandas."

Newsboys ran in the streets and alleys in the morning, shouting non-stop.

Recently, giant pandas have become a mainstream topic in the city.

Anyone who has seen giant pandas will explain to others how fun they are.

Li Chengqi arranged for manpower to clean up the giant panda park. He did spend money. A giant panda is 1,000 yuan, only one year's rental fee.

He was recently learning from Zhangjia Village to open up vegetable sheds so that people could go in and pick them.

The effect is not very good. Everyone knows that Liulizhuang was closed before and there was no Lijiazhuang nearby.

Bring in two giant pandas, and others will come.

"I am both civil and military now." Li Yi threw another envelope on the table.

Earlier this morning, a small official of the seventh rank came and gave the book-making at the bridgehead of Baqiao, and left with a basket of vegetables by the way.

Accompanying Lieutenant Rong, a military officer from the rank nine, rewarded Li Yi for his love for Datang when he sent out to catch the Khitan captives himself.

For the small soldiers of Zhechong Mansion, it is a good treatment to get a deputy Rong Lieutenant to accompany him.

Under normal circumstances, catching two prisoners is almost the same. At the same time there are honors.

Putting it on Li Yi, he understood from the attitude of the person who sent the book to the maker, that no one cares.

"Proprietor, yesterday's Khitan envoy is here again."

Song De ran over and glanced at the book he had just sent on the table with a serious expression.

"Go to the reception room." Li Yi began to organize his clothes.

When he arrived in the reception room, the four Khitan people from yesterday, plus the three officials from Honghe Temple were all present.

The expressions of the three officials were normal, and the four Khitan envoys looked like giant pandas, with their eyes like dark circles.

There are still bloodshot eyes, apparently they didn't sleep last night.

"Everyone please." Li Yi took a seat, and the maid returned to tea.

Everyone didn't touch the tea bowl, the four people in Khitan looked at each other, Boge looked at Li Yi and talked.

"Dongzhu Li wants to establish a sale and purchase agreement with Khitan?" His name changed, not to mention the doctor.

"It is economic and cultural exchanges to further deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two parties, learn from each other's strengths, and promote the common development of both parties and consolidate their interests."

Li Yi gives another way of expression.

"It has nothing to do with the Tang court?" That Duo immediately asked.

"How can it be said that it has nothing to do, I am from Datang. Without official permission, I cannot contact people from other tribes who are in a non-peaceful state in private."

Li Yi waved his hand, not admitting that it was a private act without authorization from the Tang court.

The four of them picked up their tea bowls and drank water. They were tired, and Li Yi was awkward.

Putting down the tea bowl, the three of them at Hongfu Temple: "How can the Tang Dynasty allow it?"

"In the letter, your Khitan envoys have submitted a letter, requesting that Datang open up non-governmental economic and cultural exchanges and other related matters.

The two parties ensure the personal and property safety of the personnel of the non-governmental exchange team.

Promise not to arrest or try the other party’s personnel when the other party has not committed an illegal act.

Acknowledge the political rights of the opposing team's communication activities. "

Li Yi spoke out his request casually.

The four people continued to think about the meaning of Li Yi's words and analyzed whether there were any pitfalls.

Look at each other and find that there is no problem.

"What's next?" Qigahan thought it was okay, let's write a book.

"After finishing the book, we both agreed on the list of members of the communication team, and the communication personnel can be transferred back to their current sphere of influence at any time."

Li Yi also picked up the teacup, looked at the tea, but didn't drink it.

"Is it meant to be transferred back to their respective countries?" Boge thought of the lurking personnel, do you want to officialize them?

"It's the current controlling forces, not the country. You Khitan and Datang don't recognize it as a country."

Li Yi shook his head, he didn't talk about the country.

"In this way, we can't form an alliance with Datang." Sear was unhappy.

"You are not in alliance with Datang, you are doing business with me, you said before."

Li Yi turned the topic to the beginning.

four people:"……"

When we talk about trading, you have to talk about economic and cultural exchanges, and then you need to write a book.

Turning our heads, our height has improved. You said doing business?

"Your Khitan did not establish a country, and the various tribes contained each other. You yourself represent a group of tribes."

Li Yi mentioned the identities of the four people. Each of them represented several small tribes and joined together to serve as envoys in Datang.

"What's next?" Naduo didn't want to continue on this topic.

"I write a book first, and then I'll talk about it. I have to eat one bite at a time." Li Yi took the tea bowl...and put it down again.

"You guys go back to rest first, and then think about how to write a paper." He failed to serve the tea again.

The seven people left again, and the three officials from Honghe Temple each had a small basket of vegetables.

The four Khitan people murmured on the road, they always felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't figure out the problem.

It seems normal. Li Yi is rich. He is willing to buy things from his own Khitan and make money by himself.

Three hundred and ninety disobedient sergeants learned from Datang's abilities. It was really good. When they returned, they asked them to use what they learned.

Back at Hongshe Temple, the four of them hurriedly ate a few bites of food, lay down and fell asleep.

The three officials entered the palace as quickly as possible to find Yao Chong.

The three prime ministers of Yao Chong took them to see Li Longji.

"What do you think?" After Li Longji listened to the retelling of Shaoqing Tian Qingyuan from Hongyou Temple, he looked at the three Yao Chong.

Yao Chong's eyelids drooped slightly: "The minister thought that as long as the Khitan envoys sent a letter, it would be a matter of the state, and Dr. Li's move was for others to see."

Li Longji nodded, looked at Zhang and said.

"The minister thinks so too. The minister wants to know about Dr. Li's follow-up methods so that the court can cooperate." Zhang said hesitated and replied.

"I'll discuss this matter again." Li Longji was reluctant to ask Li Yi immediately, he looked at the last prime minister.

Lu Huaishen nodded, expressing that he understood that it was mine.

"Even if the Khitan envoy writes a letter, the Khitan side can overthrow it at any time. The envoy can be authorized. This move is used for propaganda, separating Turkic and Khitan relations."

Lu Huaishen thought that the four Khitans, the Khitan on the other side did not let them say what they said.

It is a unilateral act of the Tang Dynasty, unless after the letter is submitted, the Khitan sends someone back and the other side agrees, it is a normal prime minister's letter.

The Prime Minister's letter is equally useless. Tubo even wrote a letter to form an alliance, but turned around and fought. The letter of the alliance was not useful.

"Giant pandas are farmed privately, and there are many difficulties. You should find a way to write a document. You can't farm, kill, or capture them privately. You can't issue an order on this matter."

Li Longji didn't ask questions about national policy anymore, speaking of national treasures.

For the time being, giant pandas are not a national treasure of Datang, and Datang has no restrictions or requirements on hunting animals.

Wherever there are big tigers, the county has to organize manpower to kill them.

Li Longji handed over to the three prime ministers to see how they deal with the additional imperial restrictions.

On the other side of Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi waited for a series of operations after the Khitan people wrote the letter.

Song De once again ran over with Orion: "Proprietor, I found the giant panda's traces, one big and three young ones, they are all different from the footprints, they are looking for the giant panda..."

"The New Year is almost coming." Li Yi said as he went to change his clothes, ready to set off.

Yulin Feiqi and the Khitan prisoners assembled again, and Li Yi found Guo Ziyi and talked in the car.

"These three rely on you and leave medicine for you." Li Yi ordered.

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