Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 595 Designing a small storm (fourth)

"It's a good way, it's amazing, it's worthy of being an elite who can follow the people who are in the competition to Datang."

After learning about the other party's plan from the captives, Li Yi expressed his sincere admiration.

The other party saw that the companion with the arrow in his chest could still be treated, and it was likely that he was afraid after he had survived, so he explained the situation.

They are afraid of being tortured, and they will be rescued when the torture is about to die. If they are saved, they will continue to be tortured.

Under normal circumstances, being tortured and endured, to a certain extent, oneself will die.

It's like using a whip or a soldering iron. If you get injured, you will get sick and then die.

Just grind your teeth until you get confused.

Suddenly, a genius doctor with an arrow in his chest said he was going to be treated. How long would it take to die?

Let's just say it, anyway, there is no evidence to affect the envoys of Tubo.

What Li Yi admired them was that they found giant pandas, copied the footprints of various giant pandas, and made them into wood.

In order to be more attractive, they copied the footprints of three small giant pandas and one giant panda.

The wooden molds of these footprints are worn on the feet like shoes.

It looks messy like wearing high heels, and Orion is anxious to make money.

The mind is focused on quantity and route, and it is impossible to study whether it is fake or not.

Imitations and psychology are all used.

The key is to find opportunities accurately, and it is also great to find giant pandas.

"Fifty of them didn't participate, and they planned to stay in ambush at the exit position all the time. They had to walk three days away from the trap position they arranged at normal speed.

There, there is a high stone mountain, they will ambush us, mainly to kill you.

If it fails, for your safety, we will retreat quickly.

Waiting to run to the entrance of Ziwu Pass is the most relaxing time for people. "

Guo Ziyi stated the enemy's follow-up plan. The fifty Tubo people did not attack when Li Yi's team entered.

"It's cold, bury the corpse in a pit, and bring it with you when you come back. It's your credit."

Li Yi had no superfluous thoughts about being calculated, and he was not afraid.

Looking down from the mountain, and up and down the mountain, Yulin Feiqi has specially trained to find hidden enemies.

The team advances into the Ziwu Pass and walks on the Ziwu Road.

When you reach a certain level, you are ready to take the small road and the mountains. This canyon road can't reach the end, it is six hundred and sixty miles at the end.

If an army is going to pass by here, it is known to the enemy in advance, and it will die.

Guo Ziyi sent his subordinates to chase the hunter team with light clothing, and after catching up with the hunter team, he brought the hunter back.

In addition to the troops that brought the hunters back, there were also teams of thirty people who went to catch them.

"Dongzhu Li, since it's an ambush, there is no giant panda, so I want to go?"

Bacharcha was more worried about Li Yi's danger, and he wanted to learn from Li Yi.

"There are giant pandas, grab those thirty people and ask them, they know where the giant pandas are.

Be fast, or the New Year will be over when you go back. The dealer is still waiting for me to set off the fireworks, as well as the fireworks of the imperial city. "

Li Yi has just experienced an ambush and a big rescue, and his mentality is still so good.

"I think of it, there are still people who care about me, Lao Bi. After saying yes, I will start to charge kerosene lamps and thermos tax after the new year."

Li Yi thought of Bi Gou in the Department of Household Affairs, and he knew that Bi Gou was waiting.

Whenever a responsible official sits in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, he will be anxious and will not rush to explain his incompetence.

The team was sent out, and the others waited.

Li Yi took care of the patient, and the patient regained consciousness with self-consciousness.

Under the guard of Yu Lin Feiqi, the three captured prisoners went in to talk to their comrades.

It mainly said that he had said everything, and how severe the injuries were suffered by his comrades who were lying there unable to speak.

"So to tell you, in the whole world, no one except me can snatch you back from the ghost gate.

The lungs were pierced, accompanied by lacerations. Just the blood you shed, a full 7,000 milliliters, was made up by Yulin Feiqi.

If you want to die, you will move vigorously, I promise not to stop you, not that mind.

Antibiotics work well. You currently have no signs of infection, your lungs have not fully recovered, and you have a drainage tube.

It's very uncomfortable, you can't speak, you can't eat, you're on the ventilator all the time. "

Li Yi sat next to the patient and chatted with him. This was his first major live surgery after he arrived in Datang.

The patient blinked without struggling, as if he wanted to live.

The intelligence has been told by his comrades, and he was saved. Obviously, he would not be killed again to save him.

Guo Ziyi sat not far from Li Yi, carefully observing the captives: "Dongzhu Li, if Datang has a thousand genius doctors like you, how many fewer soldiers will die."

He knows that if the same injury is transferred to anyone, he can only wait to die, the arrow is drawn, and the person is finished.

He didn't pull the arrow, he vomited blood one after another, he couldn't breathe, and he was still dead.

Li Yi just tried it, and he was saved. Seeing that the other party couldn't speak up, he knew how serious it was.

"My level is far worse. When there are so many doctors who can treat this injury, the weapons are different, and I still die."

Li Yi thought of guns. The arrows can be drawn out and shot. Let's look at the bullets.

Replace it with the sniper bullet he used, a shot in the chest, and a big hole in the back, what can I do to save it?

‘Boom, boom,’ the captive patted his side with his hand, his expression was painful.

"Want to pee? If yes, blink your eyes vigorously." Li Yi asked.

His patient blinked vigorously and blushed at the same time.

"General anesthesia is so long, you are almost there, I will clean it up for you, now it is liquid injection, take a tube for you to connect."

Li Yi got up to operate, the patient himself was not wearing clothes, just covered with a piece of cloth.

"Hurry up, the big man still can't come out?" Li Yi looked down on him.

Then it was resolved, he dealt with it, and came back after washing his hands.

Guo Ziyi kept watching and asked, "How does Dongzhu Li know that he is not in pain?"

"He has been in pain, and there is no anesthetic, but there is an analgesic that is injected intravenously along with antibiotics so that he will not respond to the pain, right?"

Li Yi asked the patient with a smile.

The patient blinked vigorously, meaning he was strong.

He does hurt. The analgesics are only part of the relief, and the chest is opened. Can it hurt?

"Dongzhu Li, when will he get better?" Guo Ziyi felt that he was lying there and suffered.

"Does it mean that I can eat by myself, or is it fully recovered? Complete recovery, three months.

Can eat for half a month to a month, depending on the recovery. At that time he can get up, but it hurts.

At two months, normal light activities can be done, but no physical work can be done. "

When Li Yi said, he was not sure. Some people recovered quickly, while others were just not good.

Turning his head, he said to the patient: "Be strong. If you want to recover quickly, you have to be optimistic.

You have died once, and this life is mine. There are relatives in Tubo, it doesn't matter, we will trade in the future.

Your family needs something, you help me do things, I will find someone to send it to you. "

The patient blinked his eyes vigorously, meaning that he did not want to die, especially after suffering such a serious sin, and wanted to survive.

When he vomited blood one after another, he already thought he was dead.

Then I heard that Li Yi said he was happy, he confessed his fate, and then heard that he would save him, but he is alive now.

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